Thesis etd-10112019-094801 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di specializzazione (4 anni)
Thesis title
Potenziali applicazioni della valutazione combinata del complesso unghia-entesi mediante ecotomografia e videocapillaroscopia nei pazienti affetti da malattia psoriasica
Course of study
relatore Prof. Gerli, Roberto
- artrite psoriasica
- artrite reumatoide
- capillaroscopia
- ecografia
- entesi
- entesite
- enthesis
- enthesitis
- malattia psoriasica
- nail
- psoriasi
- psoriasis
- psoriatic arthritis
- psoriatic disease
- rheumatoid arthritis
- ultrasound
- unghia
- videocapillaroscopy
Graduation session start date
Uno degli aspetti peculiari dell’interessamento muscolo-scheletrico nella malattia psoriasica è rappresentato dall’entesite. È stato ipotizzato che tale fenomeno possa rappresentare un importante anello di congiunzione tra gli stimoli ambientali (soprattutto il microtraumatismo cronico sulle entesi) e l’innesco del processo infiammatorio caratteristico della malattia. Nel contesto della flogosi della cute e della sinovia in corso di malattia psoriasica è stato dimostrato un significativo incremento dei processi neoangiogenetici, anche rispetto ad altre malattie infiammatorie articolari, quali l’artrite reumatoide. Una sede ideale per lo studio di questi fenomeni è rappresentata dall’unghia, ove è stata evidenziata una contiguità anatomica tra l’entesi del tendine estensore profondo delle dita, l’articolazione interfalangea distale e la matrice ungueale. È quindi possibile caratterizzare le alterazioni morfologiche e vascolari del complesso unghia-entesi-interfalangea distale mediante una valutazione ecografica in scala di grigi e in color-Doppler e in videocapillaroscopia. Dal nostro studio emerge che i pazienti con malattia psoriasica presentano significative differenze in termini di alterazioni ecostrutturali dell’entesi, del complesso ungueale e dei vasi peri-ungueali rispetto ai soggetti sani e ai pazienti con artrite reumatoide. In futuro tale strumento potrebbe quindi acquisire un ruolo nella valutazione clinica dei pazienti affetti da malattie infiammatorie articolari.
One of the most peculiar aspects of musculoskeletal involvement in psoriatic disease is enthesitis. It has been hypothesised that this phenomenon may represent a link between environmental stimulus (mainly chronic entheseal microtraumatism) and the triggering of inflammation in psoriatic disease. It has been demonstrated that the skin and the inflamed synovium of patients with psoriatic disease show a marked increase in neoangiogenesis compared to other inflammatory joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. An ideal structure to study these phenomena in vivo is the nail, where an anatomical contiguity among the enthesis of the extensor digitorum profundus tendon, the distal interphalangeal joint and the nail matrix has been demonstrated. Thus, it is possible to characterise morphological and vascular changes of the nail-enthesis-interphalangeal joint complex by gray-scale and power-Doppler ultrasound, along with nailfold videocapillaroscopy. In this study we have shown that patients with psoriatic disease display significant differences in the structure and aspect of the enthesis, the nail complex and nailfold capillaries, compared to healthy individuals and patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In the future, this tool may prove useful in the clinical evaluation of patients with inflammatory articular diseases.
One of the most peculiar aspects of musculoskeletal involvement in psoriatic disease is enthesitis. It has been hypothesised that this phenomenon may represent a link between environmental stimulus (mainly chronic entheseal microtraumatism) and the triggering of inflammation in psoriatic disease. It has been demonstrated that the skin and the inflamed synovium of patients with psoriatic disease show a marked increase in neoangiogenesis compared to other inflammatory joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. An ideal structure to study these phenomena in vivo is the nail, where an anatomical contiguity among the enthesis of the extensor digitorum profundus tendon, the distal interphalangeal joint and the nail matrix has been demonstrated. Thus, it is possible to characterise morphological and vascular changes of the nail-enthesis-interphalangeal joint complex by gray-scale and power-Doppler ultrasound, along with nailfold videocapillaroscopy. In this study we have shown that patients with psoriatic disease display significant differences in the structure and aspect of the enthesis, the nail complex and nailfold capillaries, compared to healthy individuals and patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In the future, this tool may prove useful in the clinical evaluation of patients with inflammatory articular diseases.
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