Tesi etd-10052023-123403 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Poli, Alessandro
correlatore Dott.ssa Parisi, Francesca
correlatore Dott.ssa Parisi, Francesca
Parole chiave
- animal sentinels
- animal tumor registry
- animali sentinella
- comparative oncology
- histological type
- oncologia comparata
- registro tumori animali
- sede topografica
- tipo istologico
- topography
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
I tumori del cane e del gatto rappresentano un importante bacino di informazioni. L’utilizzo di un Registro Tumori Animali fornisce un metodo efficace per poter raccogliere numerosi casi di tumore ed effettuare in seguito studi mirati attraverso un’analisi metodologica e oggettiva. Data la somiglianza di alcuni tipi neoplastici con quelli umani e la condivisione degli stessi fattori di rischio, i piccoli animali possono, inoltre, svolgere un ruolo fondamentale per studi di oncologia comparata e come sentinelle di contaminazioni ambientali. Lo scopo della presente tesi è stato quello di descrivere la distribuzione dei tumori nella specie canina e felina partendo dai casi oncologici diagnosticati e raccolti da Gennaio 2019 a Dicembre 2022 e in particolare analizzare l’influenza dei fattori di rischio intrinseci (razza, età, sesso, stato intero/castrato) nell’insorgenza neoplastica. Pe quanto riguarda l’analisi statistica è stato utilizzato il Chi quadro o il test di Fischer per le variabili qualitative mentre per quelle quantitative è stato usato il Kolmogorov-Smirnov test per valutare la normalità e, successivamente, lo U Mann Withney test (MWW/MWU) e il Wilcoxon per rank test. Nei 4 anni oggetto di studio sono stati raccolti 2612 casi relativi alla specie canina e 530 a carico di quella felina. Nel cane la cute e gli annessi rappresentano la sede topografica più coinvolta dalle neoformazioni seguiti dal tessuto mammario e dal sottocute. Nel gatto la cute risulta la sede principale seguita dai tumori del sottocute, dal tessuto mammario e dai tumori del labbro e della cavità orale. I tipi istologici maggiormente osservati sono state le neoplasie epiteliali seguite da quelle mesenchimali e dalle forme mastocitarie nel cane; i tumori epiteliali, quelli mesenchimali e le neoplasie del sistema emolinfatico nel gatto. Nei cani di sesso maschile è stata osservata statisticamente una maggior frequenza di tumori delle ghiandole epatoidi, di mastocitomi, di melanomi, di emangiosarcomi (in particolare nei maschi castrati), di istiocitomi e di alcune forme benigne del follicolo pilifero; nelle femmine intere è stata descritta una maggior proporzione di tumori mammari mentre quelle castrate mostrano una maggiore suscettibilità agli emangiosarcomi, ai mastocitomi e ai fibromi odontogeni periferici. Nella specie felina è stata osservata una maggior frequenza di fibrosarcomi nei maschi mentre per le femmine, e in particolare in quelle intere, si rileva una maggior suscettibilità ai tumori mammari.
Canine and feline tumors represent an important pool of information. The use of an Animal Tumor Registry provides an effective method for collecting numerous tumor cases and subsequently carrying out targeted studies through a methodological and objective analysis. Given the similarity of some neoplastic types with human ones and the sharing of the same risk factors, small animals can also play a fundamental role for comparative oncology studies and as sentinels of environmental contamination. The aim of this thesis was to describe the distribution of tumors in the canine and feline species starting from the oncological cases diagnosed and collected from January 2019 to December 2022 and in particular to analyze the influence of intrinsic risk factors (breed, age, sex, entire/neutered state) in neoplastic onset. As regards the statistical analysis, the Chi square or the Fischer test was used for the qualitative variables, while for the quantitative ones the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality and, subsequently, the U Mann Whitney test (MWW/MWU) and the Wilcoxon rank test. In the 4 years under study, 2612 cases relating to the canine species and 530 to the feline species were collected. In dogs, the skin and annexes represent the topographic site most affected by the neoformations followed by the mammary tissue and the subcutis. In cats, the skin is the main site followed by tumors of the subcutaneous tissue, mammary tissue and tumors of the lip and oral cavity. The histological types most observed were epithelial neoplasms followed by mesenchymal tumors and mast cell forms in dogs and epithelial tumors, mesenchymal tumors and neoplasms of the haemolymphatic system in cats. In male dogs, a statistically greater frequency of tumors of the hepatoid glands, mastocytomas, melanomas, hemangiosarcomas (particularly in neutered males), histiocytomas and some benign forms of the hair follicle has been observed; A higher proportion of mammary tumors has been described in intact females, while neutered females show greater susceptibility to hemangiosarcomas, mastocytomas and peripheral odontogenic fibromas. In the feline species, a greater frequency of fibrosarcomas has been observed in males, while for females, and in particular intact females, there is a greater susceptibility to mammary tumors.
Canine and feline tumors represent an important pool of information. The use of an Animal Tumor Registry provides an effective method for collecting numerous tumor cases and subsequently carrying out targeted studies through a methodological and objective analysis. Given the similarity of some neoplastic types with human ones and the sharing of the same risk factors, small animals can also play a fundamental role for comparative oncology studies and as sentinels of environmental contamination. The aim of this thesis was to describe the distribution of tumors in the canine and feline species starting from the oncological cases diagnosed and collected from January 2019 to December 2022 and in particular to analyze the influence of intrinsic risk factors (breed, age, sex, entire/neutered state) in neoplastic onset. As regards the statistical analysis, the Chi square or the Fischer test was used for the qualitative variables, while for the quantitative ones the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality and, subsequently, the U Mann Whitney test (MWW/MWU) and the Wilcoxon rank test. In the 4 years under study, 2612 cases relating to the canine species and 530 to the feline species were collected. In dogs, the skin and annexes represent the topographic site most affected by the neoformations followed by the mammary tissue and the subcutis. In cats, the skin is the main site followed by tumors of the subcutaneous tissue, mammary tissue and tumors of the lip and oral cavity. The histological types most observed were epithelial neoplasms followed by mesenchymal tumors and mast cell forms in dogs and epithelial tumors, mesenchymal tumors and neoplasms of the haemolymphatic system in cats. In male dogs, a statistically greater frequency of tumors of the hepatoid glands, mastocytomas, melanomas, hemangiosarcomas (particularly in neutered males), histiocytomas and some benign forms of the hair follicle has been observed; A higher proportion of mammary tumors has been described in intact females, while neutered females show greater susceptibility to hemangiosarcomas, mastocytomas and peripheral odontogenic fibromas. In the feline species, a greater frequency of fibrosarcomas has been observed in males, while for females, and in particular intact females, there is a greater susceptibility to mammary tumors.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |