Tesi etd-10042021-154418 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale
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f.mele5@studenti.unipi.it, mele97@live.it
Entanglement Assisted Capacity of General Attenuators and their Environment Assistance Implementations
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Giovannetti, Vittorio
correlatore Dott. Lami, Ludovico
correlatore Dott. Lami, Ludovico
Parole chiave
- beam splitter
- bosonic quantum communication
- classical capacity
- continuous-variable quantum information
- entanglement-assisted capacity
- environment-assisted capacity
- general attenuator
- infinite-dimensional quantum channel
- memory effects
- optical fiber
- quantum capacity
- quantum channel
- quantum communication
- quantum communication via optical fibers
- quantum information
- quantum memory channel
Data inizio appello
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Data di rilascio
In the context of Quantum Communication, a general attenuator is a noisy transmission line (e.g. optical fiber) that affects the input photonic signals through dissipative mechanisms. Mathematically, a general attenuator acts by combining the input state with an environment initialized in a given state through a beam splitter of fixed transmissivity.
The classical capacity of a transmission line is the maximum rate at which bits can be reliably transmitted from a sender to a receiver by using the line many times. In addition, if the sender and the receiver can exploit pre-shared entangled states in the design of their protocols, one defines the so-called entanglement-assisted capacities.
The first part of the Thesis focuses on the entanglement-assisted classical capacity of general attenuators. Most notably, we find that the entanglement resource and the appropriate control of the environment state make it possible to communicate with even better performance than the ideal case of absence of noise, even if the transmissivity is arbitrarily low.
In the second part of the Thesis, we introduce a protocol that give technological interest to the results of the first part. The protocol takes advantage of memory effects (which arise when the sender feeds signals into the line at a sufficiently high frequency) to boost the performance of the communication line. The idea is as follows: one sends trigger signals in order to transform the environment into a state that facilitates communication and subsequently sends the information-carrying signals. We show that by sending some trigger signals in a suitable entangled state, then the environment transforms into a state that activates the special performances discussed in the first part of the Thesis.
The classical capacity of a transmission line is the maximum rate at which bits can be reliably transmitted from a sender to a receiver by using the line many times. In addition, if the sender and the receiver can exploit pre-shared entangled states in the design of their protocols, one defines the so-called entanglement-assisted capacities.
The first part of the Thesis focuses on the entanglement-assisted classical capacity of general attenuators. Most notably, we find that the entanglement resource and the appropriate control of the environment state make it possible to communicate with even better performance than the ideal case of absence of noise, even if the transmissivity is arbitrarily low.
In the second part of the Thesis, we introduce a protocol that give technological interest to the results of the first part. The protocol takes advantage of memory effects (which arise when the sender feeds signals into the line at a sufficiently high frequency) to boost the performance of the communication line. The idea is as follows: one sends trigger signals in order to transform the environment into a state that facilitates communication and subsequently sends the information-carrying signals. We show that by sending some trigger signals in a suitable entangled state, then the environment transforms into a state that activates the special performances discussed in the first part of the Thesis.
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Tesi non consultabile. |