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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-10032022-223550

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Search for the lepton-flavour violating decay tau into mu phi at the LHCb experiment
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Punzi, Giovanni
relatore Dott. Rama, Matteo
Parole chiave
  • Lepton Flavour Violation
  • Tau Lepton Physics
Data inizio appello
The subject of the thesis is the search for the lepton-flavour violating decay τ → μφ at the LHCb experiment. In the Standard Model (SM), the charged leptons (e−, μ−, τ −) and their associated neutrinos (νe, νμ, ντ) carry the three lepton flavours (electron, muon, tau) that are strictly conserved in all reactions. If the SM is modified to include the mixing between the neutrino flavour eigenstates, charged lepton flavour violating (LFV) processes are permitted at higher order, but they are extremely suppressed because of the small neutrino masses. Therefore, the observation of LFV processes such as τ − → μ−φ would be a clear sign of New Physics.
Many Beyond Standard Model theories allow charged lepton flavour violation. Among these, a specific theoretical framework formulated by Isidori and collaborators predicts for the τ → μφ decay branching fraction values up to 10−8 through the exchange of a vector leptoquark. The predicted branching fraction values are close to the present experimental limit set by the Belle collaboration, B(τ → μφ) < 8.4 × 10−8 @ 90% CL. The LHCb collaboration has not measured this decay yet, and this work represents a first attempt to search for the τ → μφ decay at a hadron collider.
The search for LFV in τ decays at LHCb can benefit from a larger τ production cross section than at e+e− B-factories. In the detector acceptance, τ leptons are copiously produced, almost exclusively from the decays of Ds, D mesons and b-hadrons. The signal candidates are reconstructed by selecting the φ decay in the K+K− final state. Therefore, a pair of oppositely charged tracks, identified as kaons and with invariant mass consistent with the φ mass, are combined with a track identified as muon. Several selection requirements are applied on trigger, kinematic and geometrical quantities.
The signal search strategy developed in this work differs substantially from the one adopted by the Belle experiment because of the entirely different nature of backgrounds in the two environments. In particular, at LHCb, the background is dominated by the decay Ds → φμνμ, which has the same final state as the signal (the neutrino is not reconstructed) except for the mass, and it is very abundant. The discrimination between this background and the signal is optimised using a multivariate classifier that exploits the residual differences in their kinematic and geometric properties. In particular, KNN and BDT algorithms are trained and tested on signal and background MC simulations.
Finally, the optimal cut on the output of the chosen BDT classifier is set with an approach which allows to optimise the chance of discovery and the tightness of the resulting limits at the same time, here applied for the first time to a non-counting measurement. As typical at hadronic colliders, the branching fraction is measured relative to the known branching fraction of a normalisation channel, and the Ds → φμνμ background itself has been considered for the current result.
The study is performed on the Run 2 dataset, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of about 6 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV. The analysis is conducted without looking at the candidates in the signal τ mass region (blind analysis in a ±20 MeV/c2 mass window around the τ PDG mass, approximately four times the expected mass resolution). A toy dataset, which simulates the data in the blinded region, is generated in order to study the single event sensitivity. As a result of the present work the analysis process has been defined and optimized, allowing to evaluate an expected upper limit from the Run 2 dataset B(τ → μφ) < 1.1 × 10−6 @ 90% CL. Although this is less stringent than the current existing limit, it shows that this measurement, while challenging, is not too far out of reach at hadron colliders, and it may become
interesting with future larger LHCb datasets and improved trigger selections.