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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-10032021-085322

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Black Hole Information Paradox and Asymptotic Symmetries
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Bolognesi, Stefano
Parole chiave
  • asymptotic symmetry
  • black hole
  • BMS
  • Bousso
  • HPS
  • information paradox
  • Porrati
  • soft hair
  • Strominger
  • wig
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
The first purpose of this thesis is to clearly state the famous black hole information paradox.
We will begin by reviewing the classical results: black hole thermodynamics, the discovery of black hole entropy and temperature. We will state Hawking's paradox and derive the Page curve.
We will focus on ideas related to asymptotic symmetries put forward in 2016 by three eminent physicists: S.Hawking, M.Perry and A.Strominger (HPS).
We study asymptotic symmetries, which we present in a very constructive way. Some minor contributions here are original work.
The main consequence of asymptotic symmetries is the existence of an infinity of conserved quantities beyond energy and momentum. Since energy and momentum conservation constrain the dynamics, the hope was that the existence of an infinity of conservation laws would be enough to preserve information on the initial state.
After giving substance to these hopes, however, we will describe an argument by R.Bousso and M.Porrati (BP) that would kill the proposal by HPS: the new conserved charges do not constrain the dynamics. The relation of asymptotic symmetries with the information paradox is still debated in the literature.
The central point of this thesis is to argue that Bousso and Porrati are correct. We do so by presenting novel computations that precisely explain why the charges do not constrain the dynamics, what physically motivates some steps in BP's argument, and clarify some points left unclear in the literature.
We indicate possible checks we could perform in future work to further strengthen our position.
We conclude by pointing out that the discoveries in asymptotic symmetries are relevant nevertheless. We give three examples, detailing one only: entropy counting in black holes from symmetry. We give some original contributions in the special case of the Schwarzschild black hole and indicate some problems left for future research for the case of charged black holes.