Tesi etd-10022021-144228 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Development of a new method for the determination and quantification of residual specific glycol ethers in leather.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Taliani, Sabrina
relatore Dott. Spinosi, Reno
relatore Dott. Spinosi, Reno
Parole chiave
- Glycol ethers
- Leather
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
I glicol eteri (GE) sono una famiglia di solventi, largamente usati nei rivestimenti di superficie, nelle vernici, negli inchiostri, nei liquidi per freni, nei pesticidi, nei detergenti domestici e industriali e negli additivi antighiaccio per i jet fuel. Sono divisi in due gruppi principali: Serie E, ottenuti a partire dall'etilene, e serie P, prodotta dal propilene. I GE sono studiati principalmente per la loro tossicità e i rischi derivanti dal loro uso e sono strettamente regolati e controllati. Otto composti sono limitati dal programma ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals), a causa dei loro effetti tossici sull'uomo. I livelli di questi composti sono particolarmente controllati nel processo di produzione della pelle, in quanto i GE sono utilizzati come agenti impregnanti, stabilizzatori, solventi e veicoli per i coloranti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di sviluppare un nuovo metodo per la determinazione e la quantificazione di residui di glicol eteri specifici nella pelle mediante analisi GC-MS. DEGDME, EGEE, EGEEA, EGDME, EGME, EGMEA, 1PG2MEA e TEGDME sono gli 8 analiti studiati perché non dovrebbero essere presenti nei prodotti in pelle. Sono state studiate le condizioni di estrazione, valutando i diversi recuperi in seguito al cambiamento della temperatura, i solventi e il tipo di estrazione. L'acetone mostra il maggior recupero rispetto ad altri solventi come l'acetato di etile, il metanolo e l'esano, mentre il bagno ad ultrasuoni (59Hz) a 50°C per un'ora è stato più efficace dell'estrazione a temperatura ambiente nelle stesse condizioni. La quantificazione e gli studi dei recuperi degli analiti ricercati sono stati eseguiti mediante analisi GC-MS utilizzando una colonna capillare polare in modalità SIM. In conclusione, il metodo sviluppato ha dimostrato di essere rapido, selettivo, economico e può quindi essere utilizzato per ulteriori analisi e studi di altri glicoli/glicol eteri.
Glycol ethers (GE) are a family of solvents, largely used in surface coatings, paint, inks, brake fluids, pesticides, domestic and industrial cleaners, and jet fuel anti-icing additives. They are divided into two main groups: E-series, formed from ethylene, and P-series, formed from propylene. GE are mainly studied for their toxicity and the risks from their uses and are strictly regulated and controlled. Eight compounds are restricted by the ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) program, due to their toxic effects on humans. Levels of these compounds are particularly controlled in leather making process, as GE are used during its manufacturing process as impregnating agents, stabilizers, solvents, and vehicles for colorants. The purpose of this study is to develop a new method for the determination and quantification of residual specific glycol ethers in leather by GC-MS analysis. DEGDME, EGEE, EGEEA, EGDME, EGME, EGMEA, 1PG2MEA, and TEGDME are the 8 analytes investigate because they should not be present in leather products. Different extraction conditions were studied, evaluating the different recoveries when changing temperature, solvents, and type of extraction. Acetone shows the greatest recovery than other solvents like ethyl acetate, methanol, and hexane, while ultrasonic bath (59Hz) at 50°C for one hour has been more effective than extraction at room temperature in the same condition. The quantification and the studies of the recoveries of the searched analytes have been performed by GC-MS analysis using a polar capillary column in SIM mode. In conclusion, the developed method has proved to be rapid, selective, economic, and can therefore be used for further analysis and studies of other glycols/glycol ethers.
Glycol ethers (GE) are a family of solvents, largely used in surface coatings, paint, inks, brake fluids, pesticides, domestic and industrial cleaners, and jet fuel anti-icing additives. They are divided into two main groups: E-series, formed from ethylene, and P-series, formed from propylene. GE are mainly studied for their toxicity and the risks from their uses and are strictly regulated and controlled. Eight compounds are restricted by the ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) program, due to their toxic effects on humans. Levels of these compounds are particularly controlled in leather making process, as GE are used during its manufacturing process as impregnating agents, stabilizers, solvents, and vehicles for colorants. The purpose of this study is to develop a new method for the determination and quantification of residual specific glycol ethers in leather by GC-MS analysis. DEGDME, EGEE, EGEEA, EGDME, EGME, EGMEA, 1PG2MEA, and TEGDME are the 8 analytes investigate because they should not be present in leather products. Different extraction conditions were studied, evaluating the different recoveries when changing temperature, solvents, and type of extraction. Acetone shows the greatest recovery than other solvents like ethyl acetate, methanol, and hexane, while ultrasonic bath (59Hz) at 50°C for one hour has been more effective than extraction at room temperature in the same condition. The quantification and the studies of the recoveries of the searched analytes have been performed by GC-MS analysis using a polar capillary column in SIM mode. In conclusion, the developed method has proved to be rapid, selective, economic, and can therefore be used for further analysis and studies of other glycols/glycol ethers.
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