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Tesi etd-09292006-114554

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Bressi, Erminia
Indirizzo email
Lattice design for ILC Compton Ring
Corso di studi
Relatore Guiducci, Susanna
Relatore Prof. Cervelli, Franco
Parole chiave
  • Compton Ring
  • ILC
Data inizio appello
The scientific community is going to face a new challenge that will engage Asia, Europe and USA:
the International Linear Accelerator (ILC).
ILC will explore the TeV energy scale by means of electron-positron collisions.
The clean signatures
and the precise measurements, available at a high-luminosity linear collider with
known and tunable beam energy, could bring revolutionary new insights into
the fundamental interaction physics.
Several studies have shown the physical importance of the beam polarization at ILC.
A polarized electron beam
would provide a valuable tool for accurate tests of the Standard Model and for
diagnosing new physics.
This explains why polarization of the electron beam is already foreseen for the ILC baseline design.
However, recently, it has been shown that only if the positron beam is also polarized
it will be possible to
exploit the full potential of the Linear Collider.
In this thesis a design is proposed for a polarized positron source
at the ILC.
In the first chapter an overview of
the physical importance to have both the beams polarized at the interaction point
is presented.
In the second chapter the two present ideas to obtain polarized positrons
are discussed:
the undulator-based positron source and the Compton (laser-based) source.
In both schemes circularly polarized photons are produced and then converted
into polarized positrons in a relatively thin target.
In this thesis the Compton scheme proposal has been considered in detail. The main element
of the Compton scheme is the so called Compton Ring, that is an electron storage ring
where the Compton interaction between the electron beam and a laser produces circularly polarized photons.
The original contribution of this thesis is a proposal of a specific Compton Ring lattice,
that I have designed using the MAD simulation program.
Such design is presented in the third and fourth chapters.
In the last chapter one describes a
simulation program that devoted to
study the longitudinal single bunch dynamics when perturbed
by a laser beam. This program has been used to test
the lattice models presented in the previous chapters, so allowing
to understand the main characteristics of the beam dynamics in a Compton Ring.
