Tesi etd-09282023-173310 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Il controllo di gestione e la misurazione della performance nelle piccole imprese e nelle start-up a confronto
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Presti, Claudia
Parole chiave
- controllo di gestione (management control)
- misurazione performance (performance measurement)
- performance
- performance measurement systems
- piccole imprese (small companies)
- start-up
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il seguente elaborato presenta uno studio comparativo tra due particolari categorie di imprese, quelle di piccole dimensioni e le start-up, mettendo in evidenza i punti che le accomunano e le loro difformità. Le piccole imprese si presentano al mercato con strutture poco raffinate, flessibili, adattabili alle mutevoli esigenze in atto e con un elevato potenziale di innovazione; mentre il primo obiettivo delle start-up è l’ideazione di un prodotto o servizio a contenuto tecnologico e innovativo. Queste ultime in particolare sono sempre più centrali e attuali e stanno registrando ritmi di crescita esponenziali. Sono state introdotte all’interno dell’ordinamento italiano per dare nuova linfa vitale al sistema imprenditoriale ed economico. Ambedue le realtà non possono essere trascurate di fronte a contesti dove l’innovazione, la concorrenza e l’imprenditorialità sono considerati fenomeni cruciali per la crescita economica dei paesi. Gli ambienti sono sempre più attraversati da eventi turbolenti e dinamici che li hanno condotti a mutamenti profondi nel corso del tempo. In corrispondenza di ciò, anche le imprese sono state chiamate ad apportare delle modifiche per adeguarsi a tale situazione, non solo dal punto di vista strategico, ma anche in termini operativi, relativamente agli strumenti principalmente adoperati. Infatti, uno dei punti chiave di questo lavoro è quello di spiegare, da un lato le ragioni per cui gli strumenti di controllo di gestione e di misurazione della performance, a cui tipicamente si faceva riferimento, appaiono inadatti in questi nuovi scenari; dall’altro i motivi per cui non possono essere sfruttati da aziende come le piccole imprese e le start-up, rispondendo a interrogativi come: “Le strutture organizzative delle piccole imprese e delle start-up devono necessariamente seguire quelle delle aziende di grandi dimensioni?”; “In che modo misurano la performance realtà come le start-up, di recente creazione e delle quali non si hanno a disposizione dati storici per condurre le analisi?”. A titolo esemplificativo, le misure tradizionali sono inefficaci a monitorare l’andamento delle start-up durante i loro primi momenti di vita, in quanto si tratta di particolari forme di impresa che inizialmente producono risultati negativi. Le limitazioni vengono puntualizzate e richiamate non per sminuire le potenzialità di questi strumenti, ma con l’intento di proporre soluzioni migliorative e risolutive. Infatti, dalle complessità e dalle criticità dei contesti derivano nuove opportunità per applicare processi differenti. Le tematiche del controllo di gestione e della misurazione della performance rappresentano il cuore della trattazione. Vengono approfondite dal primo capitolo, nel quale vengono sottolineate le difficoltà di riuscire a darne una definizione puntuale, alimentate anche dai continui cambiamenti che caratterizzano il contesto di riferimento, che si ripercuotono anche su di esse. Infatti, viene approfondita l’evoluzione del concetto di controllo di gestione, che ha visto più volte nel tempo modificare il proprio significato, del quale viene presentato un modello di riferimento da seguire. In chiusura di questa parte dedicata al controllo di gestione, viene svolta una considerazione di dettaglio del budget per sottolineare il passaggio dal controllo di gestione a misure più evolute della misurazione della performance, sulla quale aumenta sempre di più l’attenzione di fronte ai limiti riscontrati nei parametri tradizionali. A questo punto, vengono descritte le proposte dottrinali più significative, delle quali viene messa in risalto la Balanced Scorecard di Kaplan e Norton (1992). Il secondo capitolo verte su un’ampia descrizione delle caratteristiche peculiari delle piccole imprese e delle start-up, a cui si aggiungono le ripercussioni dell’applicazione del controllo di gestione e della misurazione della performance. Tradizionalmente, la letteratura relativa a tali temi era basata su modelli concettuali e strutturati implementati dalle grandi aziende consolidate. L’obiettivo di questo scritto è proprio quello di dimostrare la loro rilevanza anche nelle piccole imprese e nelle start-up, fornendo delle risposte alle loro possibili implicazioni in questi fenomeni dai tratti particolari e specifici. È stato sottolineato più volte che, in questi casi, la loro efficacia viene valutata in correlazione alle loro capacità di adattarsi alle peculiarità dei casi di riferimento. Tuttavia, sono aspetti di trattazione recente, dei quali la letteratura non è riuscita a delineare un quadro di riferimento chiaro e completo, che appare quindi incerto.
The following paper presents a comparative study of two particular categories of enterprises, the small ones and start-ups, highlighting the common points and their differences. Small companies are presented to the market with unsophisticated structures, flexible, adaptable to changing needs and with a high potential for innovation; while the first objective of start-ups is the ideation of a product or service with technological and innovative content. These last in particular are increasingly central and current and are experiencing exponential growth rates. They have been introduced within the Italian legal system to give new lifeblood to the business and economic system. Both realities cannot be overlooked in contexts where innovation, competition and entrepreneurship are seen as crucial phenomena for economic growth in countries. Environments are increasingly crossed by turbulent and dynamic events that have led them to profound changes over time. In relation to this, companies have also been asked to make changes to adapt to this situation, not only from a strategic point of view, but also in operational terms, with regard to the instruments mainly used. In fact, one of the key points of this work is to explain, on the one hand, the reasons why the management control and performance measurement tools, typically referred to, appear unsuitable in these new scenarios; on the other hand the reasons why they cannot be exploited by companies like small businesses and start-ups, answering questions such as: "Should the organisational structures of small businesses and start-ups necessarily follow those of large companies?"; What is the methodology for measuring the performance of realities such as start-ups that have recently been created and have no historical data available for analysis? For example, traditional measures are ineffective in monitoring the performance of start-ups during their first moments of life, as these are particular forms of enterprise that initially produce negative results. The limitations are pointed out and recalled not to diminish the potentiality of these tools, but with the intention of proposing improvement and resolution solutions. In fact, the complexity and criticality of contexts create new opportunities to apply different processes. Management control and performance measurement are the core topics of the discussion. They are deepened by the first chapter, in which the difficulties of being able to give a precise definition are underlined, fed also by the continuous changes that characterize the reference context, which also affect them. In fact, the evolution of the management control is deepened, which has seen several times over time change its meaning, of which a reference model is presented to follow. To conclude this part dedicated to management control, a detailed consideration of the budget is carried out to emphasize the transition from management control to more advanced measures of performance measurement, on which the attention increases even more in front of the limits found in the traditional parameters. At this point, the most significant doctrinal proposals are described, of which the Balanced Scorecard of Kaplan and Norton is highlighted. The second chapter focuses on a broad description of the characteristics peculiar to small companies and start-ups, to which are added the repercussions of the application of management control and performance measurement. Traditionally, literature on these issues was based on conceptual and structured models implemented by large consolidated companies. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate their relevance in small businesses and start-ups, providing answers to their possible implications in these phenomena with particular and specific features. It has been pointed out several times that, in these cases, their effectiveness is evalueted in relation to their ability to adapt to the peculiarities of the reference cases. However, these are aspects of recent discussion, of which the literature has failed to outline a clear and complete reference framework, which therefore appears uncertain.
The following paper presents a comparative study of two particular categories of enterprises, the small ones and start-ups, highlighting the common points and their differences. Small companies are presented to the market with unsophisticated structures, flexible, adaptable to changing needs and with a high potential for innovation; while the first objective of start-ups is the ideation of a product or service with technological and innovative content. These last in particular are increasingly central and current and are experiencing exponential growth rates. They have been introduced within the Italian legal system to give new lifeblood to the business and economic system. Both realities cannot be overlooked in contexts where innovation, competition and entrepreneurship are seen as crucial phenomena for economic growth in countries. Environments are increasingly crossed by turbulent and dynamic events that have led them to profound changes over time. In relation to this, companies have also been asked to make changes to adapt to this situation, not only from a strategic point of view, but also in operational terms, with regard to the instruments mainly used. In fact, one of the key points of this work is to explain, on the one hand, the reasons why the management control and performance measurement tools, typically referred to, appear unsuitable in these new scenarios; on the other hand the reasons why they cannot be exploited by companies like small businesses and start-ups, answering questions such as: "Should the organisational structures of small businesses and start-ups necessarily follow those of large companies?"; What is the methodology for measuring the performance of realities such as start-ups that have recently been created and have no historical data available for analysis? For example, traditional measures are ineffective in monitoring the performance of start-ups during their first moments of life, as these are particular forms of enterprise that initially produce negative results. The limitations are pointed out and recalled not to diminish the potentiality of these tools, but with the intention of proposing improvement and resolution solutions. In fact, the complexity and criticality of contexts create new opportunities to apply different processes. Management control and performance measurement are the core topics of the discussion. They are deepened by the first chapter, in which the difficulties of being able to give a precise definition are underlined, fed also by the continuous changes that characterize the reference context, which also affect them. In fact, the evolution of the management control is deepened, which has seen several times over time change its meaning, of which a reference model is presented to follow. To conclude this part dedicated to management control, a detailed consideration of the budget is carried out to emphasize the transition from management control to more advanced measures of performance measurement, on which the attention increases even more in front of the limits found in the traditional parameters. At this point, the most significant doctrinal proposals are described, of which the Balanced Scorecard of Kaplan and Norton is highlighted. The second chapter focuses on a broad description of the characteristics peculiar to small companies and start-ups, to which are added the repercussions of the application of management control and performance measurement. Traditionally, literature on these issues was based on conceptual and structured models implemented by large consolidated companies. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate their relevance in small businesses and start-ups, providing answers to their possible implications in these phenomena with particular and specific features. It has been pointed out several times that, in these cases, their effectiveness is evalueted in relation to their ability to adapt to the peculiarities of the reference cases. However, these are aspects of recent discussion, of which the literature has failed to outline a clear and complete reference framework, which therefore appears uncertain.
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Tesi non consultabile. |