Tesi etd-09282023-171020 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Caratterizzazione molecolare e fenotipica di un modello di zebrafish (Danio rerio) di
ceroido lipofuscinosi neuronale.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Ori, Michela
relatore Dott.ssa Marchese, Maria
relatore Dott.ssa Marchese, Maria
Parole chiave
- autofagia
- autophagy
- ceroido lipofuscinosi neuronale
- CLN8
- NCL8
- neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses
- zebrafish
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Le ceroidolipofuscinosi neuronali (CLN) sono un gruppo di malattie neurodegenerative rare ed ereditarie con insorgenza infantile, caratterizzate da declino cognitivo, disfunzioni motorie e cecità. Sono stati identificati diversi sottotipi di CLN, ciascuno collegato a una mutazione in un distinto gene (CLN). Queste mutazioni provocano un accumulo di materiale autofluorescente, simile alla lipofuscina che si accumula durante il normale processo di invecchiamento, comportando anche un malfunzionamento dei lisosomi a livello del sistema nervoso centrale che raggiunge livelli tossici per le cellule. Tutto questo causa un deterioramento neurologico precoce, che risulta essere un segno distintivo delle CLN. La mancanza di una terapia per la maggior parte delle ceroidolipofuscinosi neuronali (CLN) richiede l'identificazione di nuove molecole terapeutiche. L’obiettivo del progetto di tesi è stato quello di effettuare una caratterizzazione molecolare e fenotipica di un nuovo modello di zebrafish (Danio rerio) di ceroidolipofuscinosi neuronale di tipo 8 (cln8). Dal punto di vista molecolare ho effettuato l’analisi del processo autofagico, allo scopo di identificare eventuali alterazioni dell’autofagia nelle larve di zebrafish cln8-/-. È stato ipotizzato che mutazioni del gene CLN8 possano alterare il flusso autofagico, suggerendo che quest’ultimo processo svolga un ruolo essenziale nello sviluppo e nella progressione di diverse forme di CLN.
Nel nostro Laboratorio è stato generato precedentemente un nuovo modello knock-out (KO) in zebrafish, utilizzando la tecnologia CRISPR/cas9. I mutanti cln8-/- hanno mostrato un’alterata eccitabilità neuronale e difetti locomotori in diversi stadi di sviluppo neurologico (sia embrionale che larvale). Successivamente le uova cln8-/- sono state trattate farmacologicamente con Trealosio e SG2, due farmaci promotori dell’autofagia, che hanno indotto un recupero del fenotipo locomotorio dei mutanti cln8-/-. In seguito, ho effettuato l’analisi dell’espressione di geni e proteine, coinvolti nella via autofagica, mediante Real Time-PCR (RT-qPCR) e Western-Blot. Dopo il trattamento farmacologico ho osservato un recupero dell’alterata autofagia nei mutanti cln8-/- affiancato ad un parziale recupero fenotipico, sia in embrione che in larve trattate con i farmaci Trealosio ed SG-2. Nel complesso, i dati ottenuti offrono nuove informazioni in merito al ruolo della proteina CLN8 nel processo autofagico, ed anche un nuovo strumento per preparare futuri studi farmacologici che potranno essere utili nella battaglia contro malattie rare come le CLN.
Neuronal ceroidolipofuscinoses (NCL) is a group of rare and inherited neurodegenerative
diseases with childhood onset, characterized by cognitive decline, motor dysfunction, and
blindness. Several subtypes of NCLhave been identified, each linked to a mutation in a distinct gene (CLN). These mutations cause an accumulation of autofluorescent material, like lipofuscin that accumulates during the normal aging process, also resulting in a malfunction of the lysosomes in the central nervous system that reaches toxic levels into the cells. This causes early neurological deterioration, which is a hallmark of NCL. The lack of therapy for most forms of neuronal
ceroidoidolipofuscinoses (NCL) requires the identification of new therapeutic approaches. The
aim of this PhD project is to perform a molecular characterization of a new zebrafish model
(Danio rerio) of neuronal ceroidolipofuscinosis type 8 (CLN8). It has been hypothesized that
mutations in the CLN8 gene may alter the autophagic flux, suggesting that this process might
play an essential role in the development and progression of the disease.
Therefore, it would be interesting to carry out an analysis of the autophagic process, in order to
test also novel molecules that pinpoint the autophagy pathway.
The main objective of this project is to analyse the effect of the lack of the CLN8 gene in a
zebrafish model, to understand the role of this protein in the various phases of autophagy, and
if the treatment with autophagy-promoting drugs can induce phenotype improvement in
affected fish.
One of the reasons for the study of CLN8 is that the molecular characteristics, consequences,
and phenotypic aspects of this form of neuronal ceroidlipofuscinosis are still little known, also a
specific therapy is not yet available.
To achieve the aim, previously it was genrate a novel knock-out model (KO) of zebrafish for the CLN8 gene, and subsequently I analysed the autophagic flux in zebrafish cln8-/- mutants through analysis of
gene and protein expression of factors involved in autophagy. Furthermore, considering that
zebrafish is a good candidate for drug testing, cln8-/- embryos treated pharmacologically
with autophagy-promoting drugs, already approved by the EMA and FDA, and newly synthetized
molecules, with the attempt to assess whether promoting the autophagic process may rescue
the possible phenotype of the cln8-/-larvae. What I observed at the end of this study it is an altered autophagic flux and an impairment of the locomotor behaviour in mutant larvae compared to wild-type controls. Moreover, I observd a partial phenotypic recovery and a recovery of protein expression, of those proteins involved in the autophagic process, in pharmacologically treated samples
compared to untreated samples.
Nel nostro Laboratorio è stato generato precedentemente un nuovo modello knock-out (KO) in zebrafish, utilizzando la tecnologia CRISPR/cas9. I mutanti cln8-/- hanno mostrato un’alterata eccitabilità neuronale e difetti locomotori in diversi stadi di sviluppo neurologico (sia embrionale che larvale). Successivamente le uova cln8-/- sono state trattate farmacologicamente con Trealosio e SG2, due farmaci promotori dell’autofagia, che hanno indotto un recupero del fenotipo locomotorio dei mutanti cln8-/-. In seguito, ho effettuato l’analisi dell’espressione di geni e proteine, coinvolti nella via autofagica, mediante Real Time-PCR (RT-qPCR) e Western-Blot. Dopo il trattamento farmacologico ho osservato un recupero dell’alterata autofagia nei mutanti cln8-/- affiancato ad un parziale recupero fenotipico, sia in embrione che in larve trattate con i farmaci Trealosio ed SG-2. Nel complesso, i dati ottenuti offrono nuove informazioni in merito al ruolo della proteina CLN8 nel processo autofagico, ed anche un nuovo strumento per preparare futuri studi farmacologici che potranno essere utili nella battaglia contro malattie rare come le CLN.
Neuronal ceroidolipofuscinoses (NCL) is a group of rare and inherited neurodegenerative
diseases with childhood onset, characterized by cognitive decline, motor dysfunction, and
blindness. Several subtypes of NCLhave been identified, each linked to a mutation in a distinct gene (CLN). These mutations cause an accumulation of autofluorescent material, like lipofuscin that accumulates during the normal aging process, also resulting in a malfunction of the lysosomes in the central nervous system that reaches toxic levels into the cells. This causes early neurological deterioration, which is a hallmark of NCL. The lack of therapy for most forms of neuronal
ceroidoidolipofuscinoses (NCL) requires the identification of new therapeutic approaches. The
aim of this PhD project is to perform a molecular characterization of a new zebrafish model
(Danio rerio) of neuronal ceroidolipofuscinosis type 8 (CLN8). It has been hypothesized that
mutations in the CLN8 gene may alter the autophagic flux, suggesting that this process might
play an essential role in the development and progression of the disease.
Therefore, it would be interesting to carry out an analysis of the autophagic process, in order to
test also novel molecules that pinpoint the autophagy pathway.
The main objective of this project is to analyse the effect of the lack of the CLN8 gene in a
zebrafish model, to understand the role of this protein in the various phases of autophagy, and
if the treatment with autophagy-promoting drugs can induce phenotype improvement in
affected fish.
One of the reasons for the study of CLN8 is that the molecular characteristics, consequences,
and phenotypic aspects of this form of neuronal ceroidlipofuscinosis are still little known, also a
specific therapy is not yet available.
To achieve the aim, previously it was genrate a novel knock-out model (KO) of zebrafish for the CLN8 gene, and subsequently I analysed the autophagic flux in zebrafish cln8-/- mutants through analysis of
gene and protein expression of factors involved in autophagy. Furthermore, considering that
zebrafish is a good candidate for drug testing, cln8-/- embryos treated pharmacologically
with autophagy-promoting drugs, already approved by the EMA and FDA, and newly synthetized
molecules, with the attempt to assess whether promoting the autophagic process may rescue
the possible phenotype of the cln8-/-larvae. What I observed at the end of this study it is an altered autophagic flux and an impairment of the locomotor behaviour in mutant larvae compared to wild-type controls. Moreover, I observd a partial phenotypic recovery and a recovery of protein expression, of those proteins involved in the autophagic process, in pharmacologically treated samples
compared to untreated samples.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |