Tesi etd-09272016-132622 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Le lys dans la vallée: una lettura al femminile
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Sommovigo, Barbara
correlatore Prof.ssa De Jacquelot Du Boisrouvray, Hélène Marie
correlatore Prof.ssa De Jacquelot Du Boisrouvray, Hélène Marie
Parole chiave
- Balzac
- donna
- emancipazione
- letteratura al femminile
- Ottocento
Data inizio appello
In questa tesi ho deciso di analizzare i vari pregiudizi e stereotipi che generarono le cosiddette dicotomie. Per molti secoli la donna venne giudicata in modo negativo e coloro che tentavano di uscire dallo stato di inferiorità venivano attaccate pesantemente ed etichettate, portando alla credenza di una duplice natura della donna. Così come nella vita reale, anche nell’arte e nella letteratura la donna era soggetta all’assegnazione di stereotipi negativi. In particolare, mi soffermerò nella lettura del romanzo Le lys dans la vallée di Honoré de Balzac. L’autore espresse esplicitamente la sua volontà di dipingere una donna virtuosa, una donna angelicata, nella quale egli trasferì tutti gli stereotipi del tempo e alla quale oppose una donna fatale. Il narratore Felix de Vandenesse si ritroverà tra queste due donne, madame de Mortsauf e lady Dudley e il suo intento sarà quello di raggiungere l’amore perfetto riunendo insieme l’angelo e il demone; tuttavia la lezione del romanzo è che questo tipo di amore non appartiene alla realtà, bensì al sogno.
In these dissertation I analyze the different prejudices and stereotypes that generated the so-called dichotomies. For many centuries the woman was judged in a negative way and those who tried to escape from their state of inferiority were attacked heavily, leading to the belief of a woman's dual nature. Just as in real life, even in art and literature the woman was subjected to negative stereotypes. In particular, I will focus in the reading of the novel Le Lys dans la vallée of Honoré de Balzac. The author explicitly expressed his desire to paint a virtuous woman, an angelic woman in which he moved all the stereotypes of the time and which he countered with a femme fatale. The narrator Felix de Vandenesse will find itself between these two women, Madame de Mortsauf and Lady Dudley and his intention is to reach the perfect love bringing together the angel and the demon, but the lesson of the novel is that this kind of love does not belong to reality, but to dream.
In these dissertation I analyze the different prejudices and stereotypes that generated the so-called dichotomies. For many centuries the woman was judged in a negative way and those who tried to escape from their state of inferiority were attacked heavily, leading to the belief of a woman's dual nature. Just as in real life, even in art and literature the woman was subjected to negative stereotypes. In particular, I will focus in the reading of the novel Le Lys dans la vallée of Honoré de Balzac. The author explicitly expressed his desire to paint a virtuous woman, an angelic woman in which he moved all the stereotypes of the time and which he countered with a femme fatale. The narrator Felix de Vandenesse will find itself between these two women, Madame de Mortsauf and Lady Dudley and his intention is to reach the perfect love bringing together the angel and the demon, but the lesson of the novel is that this kind of love does not belong to reality, but to dream.
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