Thesis etd-09252020-180744 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di specializzazione (4 anni)
Thesis title
Il Progetto Riabilitativo Individuale nel paziente affetto da Sindrome Dolorosa Regionale Complessa di tipo 1: attualità terapeutiche e nostra esperienza clinica.
Course of study
relatore Prof. Pasquetti, Pietro
- algodistrofia
- algodystrophy
- complex regional pain syndrome
- medicina riabilitativa
- physical therapy.
- rehabilitation medicine
- sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa
- terapia fisica
Graduation session start date
Release date
Il nucleo centrale di questa tesi inerente la Riabilitazione in pazienti affetti da Sindrome Dolorosa Regionale Complessa di tipo 1 è costituito da uno studio clinico controllato randomizzato (RCT) in aperto condotto tra il Settembre 2018 e il Febbraio 2020 presso la SODc Riabilitazione del CTO di Firenze (Direttore Prof. Pietro Pasquetti) su 24 pazienti affetti da Sindrome Dolorosa Regionale Complessa di tipo 1 (diagnosi mediante i Criteri di Budapest) in fase acuta-subacuta (cioè entro 3 mesi dall’insorgenza dei sintomi) con sintomatologia dolorosa severa/disabilitante (ovvero intensità del dolore spontaneo nell’arto affetto ≥ 50 mm nella scala visuo-analogica [VAS] e punteggio ≥ 5 al CRPS Severity Score [versione in italiano modificato da Zyluk, J Hand Surg Br 2003]). Lo studio è stato condotto su due gruppi - bracci di studio paralleli: il gruppo di studio, composto da 12 pazienti, è stato trattato mediante terapia Farmacologica con Neridronato ev. secondo lo schema terapeutico di Varenna et al. in associazione ad un Progetto Riabilitativo Individuale secondo uno specifico programma riabilitativo da noi proposto, basato sia sulle evidenze in materia attualmente disponibili in letteratura scientifica, sia sui risultati clinici preliminari ottenuti nella nostra esperienza e pratica clinica. Il gruppo di controllo invece, costituito anch’esso da 12 pazienti, è stato trattato mediante la medesima terapia farmacologica in assenza di trattamento Riabilitativo, viceversa con la sola prescrizione aggiuntiva rispetto alla terapia farmacologica di riposo funzionale dell’arto affetto. Sulla base dei risultati del nostro studio possiamo affermare che la Terapia Fisica e Riabilitativa svolge un ruolo cardine nel trattamento dei pazienti affetti da Sindrome Dolorosa Regionale Complessa di tipo 1 e che il Progetto Riabilitativo Individuale basato sul Programma Riabilitativo da noi elaborato risulta efficace e sicuro per questi pazienti, configurandosi quale componente di primaria importanza nella gestione terapeutica della persona colpita dalla patologia.
The core of this thesis concerning Rehabilitation in patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 consists of an open-label randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) conducted between September 2018 and February 2020 at the SODc Rehabilitation of the CTO of Florence. (Director Prof. Pietro Pasquetti) on 24 patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 (diagnosis by the Budapest Criteria) in the acute-subacute phase (ie within 3 months from the onset of symptoms) with severe / disabling pain symptoms ( or intensity of spontaneous pain in the affected limb ≥ 50 mm on the visual analogue scale [VAS] and score ≥ 5 on the CRPS Severity Score [Italian version modified by Zyluk, J Hand Surg Br 2003]). The study was conducted on two groups - parallel study arms: the study group, consisting of 12 patients, was treated by drug therapy with iv neridronate. according to the therapeutic scheme of Varenna et al. in association with an Individual Rehabilitation Project according to a specific rehabilitation program proposed by us, based both on the relevant evidence currently available in scientific literature, and on the preliminary clinical results obtained in our experience and clinical practice. The control group, on the other hand, also made up of 12 patients, was treated with the same drug therapy in the absence of rehabilitation treatment, vice versa with the only additional prescription compared to the drug therapy of functional rest of the affected limb. Based on the results of our study, we can affirm that Physical and Rehabilitation Therapy plays a pivotal role in the treatment of patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 and that the Individual Rehabilitation Project based on the Rehabilitation Program developed by us is effective and safe for these patients, becoming a component of primary importance in the therapeutic management of the person affected by the disease.
The core of this thesis concerning Rehabilitation in patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 consists of an open-label randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) conducted between September 2018 and February 2020 at the SODc Rehabilitation of the CTO of Florence. (Director Prof. Pietro Pasquetti) on 24 patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 (diagnosis by the Budapest Criteria) in the acute-subacute phase (ie within 3 months from the onset of symptoms) with severe / disabling pain symptoms ( or intensity of spontaneous pain in the affected limb ≥ 50 mm on the visual analogue scale [VAS] and score ≥ 5 on the CRPS Severity Score [Italian version modified by Zyluk, J Hand Surg Br 2003]). The study was conducted on two groups - parallel study arms: the study group, consisting of 12 patients, was treated by drug therapy with iv neridronate. according to the therapeutic scheme of Varenna et al. in association with an Individual Rehabilitation Project according to a specific rehabilitation program proposed by us, based both on the relevant evidence currently available in scientific literature, and on the preliminary clinical results obtained in our experience and clinical practice. The control group, on the other hand, also made up of 12 patients, was treated with the same drug therapy in the absence of rehabilitation treatment, vice versa with the only additional prescription compared to the drug therapy of functional rest of the affected limb. Based on the results of our study, we can affirm that Physical and Rehabilitation Therapy plays a pivotal role in the treatment of patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 and that the Individual Rehabilitation Project based on the Rehabilitation Program developed by us is effective and safe for these patients, becoming a component of primary importance in the therapeutic management of the person affected by the disease.
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