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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-09202023-131812

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Factors influencing people’s food choices: a literature review
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Trieste, Leopoldo
correlatore Prof. Bonafede, Ornella
Parole chiave
  • consumer behavior
  • decision making
  • food choice
  • food system
  • human health
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
It is imperative for us to gain a profound understanding of individual dietary preferences, as this comprehension holds the potential to revolutionize the existing food system, ensuring the enhancement of both human well-being and the sustainability of our planet. Recent years have witnessed a plethora of research endeavors that have proffered conceptual frameworks encompassing the myriad factors that shape dietary choices. This burgeoning interest underscores the growing significance of the selection of food items in contemporary discourse, as it is increasingly acknowledged as a pivotal determinant for the amelioration of our planet's ecological equilibrium and the preservation of human health.
Nonetheless, the need persists to amalgamate the findings from diverse academic disciplines into a more comprehensive and cohesive conceptual model, one that can elucidate the intricacies of dietary choices across the entire populace. The primary objectives of this comprehensive literature review are threefold: (i) to furnish an exhaustive overview of the food choice models currently extant within the realm of research, (ii) to succinctly encapsulate the multifaceted factors entwined in the decision-making process, and (iii) to present a comprehensive compendium of the existing literature on food choice models. To accomplish this, a meticulous selection process was employed, incorporating 192 peer-reviewed articles that scrutinize consumer food choices, predominantly published between 2013 and 2023.
Individual food choices wield immense significance, exerting a profound impact on both human well-being and the sustainable development of our planet. These choices are intricate, influenced by an array of determinants firmly rooted in various food-related attributes (such as taste, aroma, color, and presentation), individual variances (including psychological and neural factors), and societal elements. Furthermore, these factors intermingle, synergizing to shape the ultimate selection of food through both direct and indirect mechanisms. Hence, comprehending the multifaceted factors that steer individuals' food choices is paramount, and it is strongly recommended that a suite of potential interventions and governmental policy recommendations be employed to enhance food decision-making. This proactive approach holds the potential to effect transformative change within food systems, fostering improved health outcomes and greater sustainability.
Thus, this paper aims to (i) collect and re-categorize the food choice models used at the current level of research and (ii) develop and provide a summary of these food choice models to offer some personal opinions and suggestions which would serve for bringing attention to:
Health promotion: to identify food choices that promote health and prevent diseases, such as studying the impact of diet on conditions like obesity and its related diseases, diabetes, heart disease, and eating disorders.
Consumer preferences: to understand consumer preferences, tastes, and trends, helping businesses develop products that cater to their target markets.
Sustainability: to assess the environmental impact of food choices and find sustainable alternatives to meet the world’s growing food demands.
Cultural and social factors: to explore how cultural, social, and economic factors shape food choices and influence dietary habits.
Policy development: to inform public health policies and interventions aimed at improving dietary patterns and reducing health disparities.
Marketing and advertising: to enhance marketing strategies and food labeling to promote healthier choices.
