Tesi etd-09202017-175922 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Valutazione igienica di carne fresca e preparazioni di carne "Halal" commercializzate in Toscana.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Nuvoloni, Roberta
relatore Dott. Bertelloni, Fabrizio
correlatore Prof. Cerri, Domenico
relatore Dott. Bertelloni, Fabrizio
correlatore Prof. Cerri, Domenico
Parole chiave
- carne fresca
- Halal
- valutazione igienica
Data inizio appello
La religione islamica richiede ai suoi aderenti l'osservanza di prescrizioni alimentari contenute nel Corano, che indicano quali alimenti sono halal (permessi) e quali haram (vietati). Alcune specie animali, come ad esempio il suino, sono ritenute per se stesse impure. La carne degli animali leciti (bovini, ovini, caprini, conigli, pollame) è invece commestibile solo a condizione che essi siano stati macellati secondo rito religioso e cioè senza previo stordimento. In Italia, come in altri Paesi europei, la macellazione rituale è consentita e deve essere eseguita in strutture autorizzate. Dal punto di vista della qualità, i dati presenti in letteratura sono discordanti: per alcuni Autori la macellazione rituale influenzerebbe in modo negativo le carni, per altri invece la carne da macellazione rituale sarebbe migliore dal punto di vista igienico. Negli ultimi anni la carne halal è divenuta un importante mercato, in crescita anche in Italia, a causa dell’aumento del numero di immigrati di fede islamica. Tale mercato è stato accompagnato dalla comparsa, nelle nostre città, di un particolare tipo di esercizi commerciali, le macellerie islamiche, gestite dagli stessi immigrati. L’indagine condotta con questo lavoro di tesi mira alla valutazione igienica di carni fresche e preparazioni di carne di origine bovina, provenienti da animali macellati secondo rituale islamico e commercializzate presso macellerie halal presenti sul territorio toscano. Sono stati inclusi nello studio 22 esercizi commerciali, di cui 8 a Firenze, 4 a Prato, 3 a Livorno, 6 a Pisa (3 nella città di Pisa e 3 in provincia di Pisa, di cui 2 a Pontedera e 1 a Montopoli Val D’Arno) e 1 a Pistoia. Complessivamente, sono stati acquistati e analizzati 96 campioni di carne bovina rappresentati da: filetto, spezzatino, carne macinata e salsiccia. Su ciascun campione è stata effettuata la ricerca dei principali microrganismi patogeni (Salmonella spp, Yersinia enterocolitica e Listeria monocytogenes) ed è stato valutato il grado di contaminazione da parte di germi indicatori di igiene (Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp, stafilococchi coagulasi positivi). Salmonella spp è risultata assente in tutti i campioni, mentre 10 campioni sono risultati positivi per Listeria monocytogenes e 7 per Yersinia enterocolitica. Sono state evidenziate cariche elevate (>105 UFC/g) di Enterobacteriaceae nel 40,63% dei campioni, di stafilococchi coagulasi positivi nel 23,96%, di enterococchi nel 3,13% e di E. coli nell’1,04%. Nella maggior parte delle macellerie prese in esame, la carne macinata è risultata la più contaminata. In conclusione, pur tenendo conto che si tratta di alimenti che devono essere consumati previa cottura, la presenza di patogeni e, in alcuni casi, di cariche batteriche elevate relative ai contaminanti e, in particolare, agli stafilococchi coagulasi positivi, potenziali produttori di enterotossine termoresistenti, suggeriscono la necessità di un monitoraggio costante e accurato in queste realtà commerciali, rivolto non solo ai prodotti, ma anche al punto vendita, al personale e alle pratiche adottate.
Islamic religion asks its adherents to observe the food prescriptions contained in the Corano, which indicate which foods are halal (permissible) and what haram (forbidden). Some animal species, such as pigs, are considered to be impure. The meat of permissed animals (cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, poultry), on the other hand, can only be eaten on condition that they have been slaughtered according to religious ritual, that is, without stunning. In Italy, like in other European countries, ritual slaughter is permitted and must be carried out in authorized facilities. From the point of view of quality, the data in the literature are discordant: for some Authors the ritual slaughter would negatively affect the meat, for others instead, the ritual slaughter meat would be better from a hygienic point of view. In recent years halal meat has become an important market, growing in Italy as well, due to the rise in the number of immigrants of Islamic faith. This market was accompanied by the appearance in our cities of a particular type of business, the Islamic butchers, managed by immigrants themselves. The survey conducted with this thesis offers the hygienic assessment of fresh meat and preparations of bovine meat from animals slaughtered according to Islamic ritual and marketed in halal butchers in the tuscan territory. A total of 22 business units were included, of which 8 in Florence, 4 in Prato, 3 in Livorno, 6 in Pisa (3 in the city of Pisa and 3 in the province of Pisa, 2 in Pontedera and 1 in Montopoli Val D 'Arno) and 1 in Pistoia. Overall, 96 samples of beef have been purchased and analyzed by: fillet, stew, minced meat and sausage. For each sample the main pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella spp, Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes) have been investigated and the degree of contamination by germ of hygiene indicators (Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp, positive coagulase staphylococci). Salmonella spp was absent in all specimens, while 10 samples were positive for Listeria monocytogenes and 7 for Yersinia enterocolitica. High Enterobacteriaceae loads (> 105 UFC / g) were detected in 40.63% of specimens, positive coagulase staphylococci in 23.96%, enterococci in 3.13% and E. coli in 1.04%. In most butcheries examined, minced meat was the most contaminated. In conclusion, while taking into account that these foods are to be consumed after cooking, the presence of pathogens and, in some cases, high bacterial charges for contaminants and, in particular, positive coagulase staphylococci, potent producers of heat-resistant enterotoxins, suggest the need for constant and accurate monitoring in these commercial realities, addressed not only to the products, but also to the point of sale, personnel and practices adopted.
Islamic religion asks its adherents to observe the food prescriptions contained in the Corano, which indicate which foods are halal (permissible) and what haram (forbidden). Some animal species, such as pigs, are considered to be impure. The meat of permissed animals (cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, poultry), on the other hand, can only be eaten on condition that they have been slaughtered according to religious ritual, that is, without stunning. In Italy, like in other European countries, ritual slaughter is permitted and must be carried out in authorized facilities. From the point of view of quality, the data in the literature are discordant: for some Authors the ritual slaughter would negatively affect the meat, for others instead, the ritual slaughter meat would be better from a hygienic point of view. In recent years halal meat has become an important market, growing in Italy as well, due to the rise in the number of immigrants of Islamic faith. This market was accompanied by the appearance in our cities of a particular type of business, the Islamic butchers, managed by immigrants themselves. The survey conducted with this thesis offers the hygienic assessment of fresh meat and preparations of bovine meat from animals slaughtered according to Islamic ritual and marketed in halal butchers in the tuscan territory. A total of 22 business units were included, of which 8 in Florence, 4 in Prato, 3 in Livorno, 6 in Pisa (3 in the city of Pisa and 3 in the province of Pisa, 2 in Pontedera and 1 in Montopoli Val D 'Arno) and 1 in Pistoia. Overall, 96 samples of beef have been purchased and analyzed by: fillet, stew, minced meat and sausage. For each sample the main pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella spp, Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes) have been investigated and the degree of contamination by germ of hygiene indicators (Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp, positive coagulase staphylococci). Salmonella spp was absent in all specimens, while 10 samples were positive for Listeria monocytogenes and 7 for Yersinia enterocolitica. High Enterobacteriaceae loads (> 105 UFC / g) were detected in 40.63% of specimens, positive coagulase staphylococci in 23.96%, enterococci in 3.13% and E. coli in 1.04%. In most butcheries examined, minced meat was the most contaminated. In conclusion, while taking into account that these foods are to be consumed after cooking, the presence of pathogens and, in some cases, high bacterial charges for contaminants and, in particular, positive coagulase staphylococci, potent producers of heat-resistant enterotoxins, suggest the need for constant and accurate monitoring in these commercial realities, addressed not only to the products, but also to the point of sale, personnel and practices adopted.
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