Tesi etd-09162020-110853 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Meccanismi molecolari di patogenesi di Zika virus su cellule neuroepiteliali
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Onorati, Marco
Parole chiave
- cellule staminali neuroepiteliali
- meccanismi molecolari di patogenesi
- micrencefalia
- micrencephaly
- microcefalia
- microcephaly
- molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis
- neuroepithelial stem cells
- zika virus
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il termine microcefalia definisce una condizione patologica in cui la circonferenza occipitofrontale del paziente, considerando età, sesso ed etnia, misura più di due deviazioni standard al di sotto della media. La microcefalia sottende un mancato sviluppo dell'encefalo e della corteccia cerebrale, in particolare, dovuto all'esaurimento del numero di neuroni e glia. Tra le cause ambientali più comuni si ritrovano le infezioni da parte di agenti patogeni neurotropici, come gli agenti del complesso TORCH: Toxoplasma gondii, Others (incluso Zika virus - ZIKV), Rubella virus, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus di tipo 1 e 2. I patogeni della sindrome TORCH teratogenica classica causano fino alla metà dei decessi perinatali in tutto il mondo, molte delle quali sono associate a malformazioni cerebrali, tra cui la microcefalia. Lo scopo principale di tale progetto è stato quello di investigare la micrencefalia indotta da ZIKV in cellule staminali neuroepiteliali (NES). Nello specifico, è stato indagato l'effetto dell'infezione di ZIKV su FOXG1, un importante fattore trascrizionale che durante le prime fasi dello sviluppo del telencefalo gioca un ruolo chiave nel mantenimento del corretto equilibrio tra replicazione cellulare, differenziazione e apoptosi delle cellule progenitrici neurali. I risultati ottenuti suggeriscono che l'infezione di ZIKV possa comportare una cascata di trasduzione che agisce su FOXG1, un fattore chiave per la proliferazione e la sopravvivenza dei progenitori neurali corticali.
The term microcephaly defines a pathological condition in which the occipitofrontal circumference of the patient, considering age, sex and ethnicity, measures more than two standard deviations below the average. Microcephaly subtends a lack of development of the encephalon and cerebral cortex, in particular, due to the depletion of neurons and glia. Among the most common environmental causes are infections by neurotropic pathogens, such as the agents of the TORCH complex: Toxoplasma gondii, Others (including Zika virus - ZIKV), Rubella virus, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus. TORCH syndrome causes up to half of all perinatal deaths worldwide, many of which are associated with brain malformations, including microcephaly. The main aim of this project was to model ZIKV- induced micrencephaly in human neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells. Specifically, the effect of ZIKV infection on FOXG1, an important transcription factor that plays a key role in maintaining the correct balance between cell replication, differentiation and apoptosis of neural progenitor cells during the early stages of telencephalon development, was investigated. The results obtained suggest that ZIKV may involve a transduction cascade acting on FOXG1, a key factor for the proliferation and survival of cortical neural progenitors.
The term microcephaly defines a pathological condition in which the occipitofrontal circumference of the patient, considering age, sex and ethnicity, measures more than two standard deviations below the average. Microcephaly subtends a lack of development of the encephalon and cerebral cortex, in particular, due to the depletion of neurons and glia. Among the most common environmental causes are infections by neurotropic pathogens, such as the agents of the TORCH complex: Toxoplasma gondii, Others (including Zika virus - ZIKV), Rubella virus, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus. TORCH syndrome causes up to half of all perinatal deaths worldwide, many of which are associated with brain malformations, including microcephaly. The main aim of this project was to model ZIKV- induced micrencephaly in human neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells. Specifically, the effect of ZIKV infection on FOXG1, an important transcription factor that plays a key role in maintaining the correct balance between cell replication, differentiation and apoptosis of neural progenitor cells during the early stages of telencephalon development, was investigated. The results obtained suggest that ZIKV may involve a transduction cascade acting on FOXG1, a key factor for the proliferation and survival of cortical neural progenitors.
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