Tesi etd-09152022-221332 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
La digitalizzazione del commercio B2B: il caso di un gruppo cartario europeo
Corso di studi
relatore Tongiani, Maria Giovanna
Parole chiave
- B2B online customer experience
- B2B online customer support
- business-to-business
- business-to-business marketing
- business-to-business sales
- canali di vendita digitale
- chat online
- commercial relationships
- digital sales channels
- digital tools
- digital transformation
- digitalization
- digitalizzazione
- e-commerce
- esperienza online del cliente B2B
- Marketing B2B
- multichannel strategies
- organization buying process.
- processo d’acquisto B2B
- relazioni commerciali
- servizio clienti online B2B
- social media
- strategie multicanale
- strumenti digitali
- trasformazione digitale
- vendite B2B
- web
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il presente elaborato si concentra sul processo di digitalizzazione del commercio business-to-business, il quale si manifesta attraverso la diffusione e il maggiore di utilizzo canali, strumenti e media digitali, tra cui siti web, social media, piattaforme e-commerce e strumenti di supporto al cliente online. Nel suo insieme, questo fenomeno è in grado di determinare un cambiamento del processo d’acquisto delle aziende e l’articolazione delle attività di approvvigionamento e vendita attraverso molteplici canali, determinando la necessità di definire delle strategie multicanale. In tal contesto, ci si chiede come i dipartimenti marketing e vendite possano favorire un’esperienza online del cliente soddisfacente, volta a determinare, conseguentemente, dei risultati positivi sia dal lato dell’offerta che della domanda. A tal fine, si conduce innanzitutto una revisione della letteratura volta a rappresentare lo stato attuale della digitalizzazione del commercio B2B, individuando gli argomenti più salienti e discussi. Fatto questo, si verifica quanto emerso dalla revisione della letteratura attraverso una ricerca che consiste nella somministrazione di un questionario web ai clienti e ai dipendenti della divisione commerciale di un gruppo cartario europeo.
This paper is related to the digitalization of the business-to-business markets, which manifests itself through the diffusion and increased use of digital channels, tools, and media, including websites, social media, e-commerce platforms and online customer support tools. This phenomenon can determine a change in the purchasing process of companies and the articulation of procurement and sales activities through multiple channels, determining the need to define multi-channel strategies. In this context, we investigate how marketing and sales departments can foster a satisfactory online customer experience, which in turn has positive effects for both the supply and demand side. To this end, a review of the literature is first conducted to represent the current state of the digitalization of the B2B commerce, identifying the most salient and discussed topics. Once this is done, we verify what resulted from the literature review by considering a case study related to one European Group that produces tissue paper products. We ask to complete a web questionnaire to part of the customers and employees of the European Group mentioned before.
This paper is related to the digitalization of the business-to-business markets, which manifests itself through the diffusion and increased use of digital channels, tools, and media, including websites, social media, e-commerce platforms and online customer support tools. This phenomenon can determine a change in the purchasing process of companies and the articulation of procurement and sales activities through multiple channels, determining the need to define multi-channel strategies. In this context, we investigate how marketing and sales departments can foster a satisfactory online customer experience, which in turn has positive effects for both the supply and demand side. To this end, a review of the literature is first conducted to represent the current state of the digitalization of the B2B commerce, identifying the most salient and discussed topics. Once this is done, we verify what resulted from the literature review by considering a case study related to one European Group that produces tissue paper products. We ask to complete a web questionnaire to part of the customers and employees of the European Group mentioned before.
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Tesi non consultabile. |