Tesi etd-09152021-175729 |
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Advanced Control and Optimization for Hybrid ROV/AUV Vehicles
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Prof. Pollini, Lorenzo
Parole chiave
- Control
- Fuzzy
- Guidance
- Interaction
- Optimization
- Rendezvous
- Sliding Mode
- Super Twisting
- Thrusters
- Underwater
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Questo lavoro affronta alcuni temi di diversa natura ma in egual modo rilevanti nel mondo dei veicoli sottomarini e si focalizza sullo studio di tecniche utili alla sfera dei veicoli ibridi ROV/AUV i quali uniscono le caratteristiche funzionali dei veicoli a pilotaggio remoto con la flessibilità dei veicoli subacquei autonomi. Questa tipologia di veicoli richiede un sistema di controllo ad alta precisione durante le fasi di intervento ed un elevato risparmio energetico durante le fasi di navigazione a lungo raggio. La tesi è organizzata in tre parti che separano gli argomenti in esame: "Modeling", "Position Control and Guidance" and "Towards Minimum Consumption". La prima parte descrive la modellazione matematica generale della dinamica dei veicoli subacquei e il modello matematico dei sistemi di propulsione. La seconda parte riguarda algoritmi di controllo e di guida idonei per veicoli ibridi ROV/AUV a partire dal problema del controllo di posizione e di assetto in presenza di disturbi esterni. Questo primo problema è stato affrontato considerando una variante dello Sliding Mode Control (SMC) conosciuta come Super Twisting Algorithm (STA) la quale è stata utilizzata per il posizionamento robusto del veicolo. L'approccio è stato validato in simulazione e confrontato con un classico approccio basato su controllori PID. A seguire, nella seconda parte si mostra anche come Sistemi di Guida Fuzzy (FGS) possano essere utilizzati per il rendezvous e l'inseguimento di bersagli statici, mobili ed acceleranti. Combinazioni di Sistemi Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno sono usati per definire campi vettoriali per guidare il veicolo inseguitore verso il bersaglio garantendo traiettorie morbide. La terza sezione della tesi tratta gli aspetti relativi al risparmio energetico nei veicoli ROV/AUV durante la navigazione di crociera. Viene mostrato come l'interazione tra i propulsori possa influire sull'efficienza energetica, ed è inoltre mostrato come un'ottimizzazione dell'allocazione dei propulsori possa implicare un reale risparmio energetico globale. A questo scopo è stato utilizzato un approccio di ottimizzazione in tempo reale noto come Extremum Seeking (ES) per cercare il minimo della potenza totale assorbita dal sistema di attuazione. A seguire, l'approccio basato su Extremum Seeking è stato utilizzato anche, sul modello planare di un ROV/AUV, per trovare un offset sul riferimento di assetto che garantisse il minimo consumo energetico senza alcuna conoscenza del modello idrodinamico del veicolo e degli effetti idrodinamici sui propulsori.
This work is inspired by the domain of underwater vehicles and covers various topics that are all equally important. The subjects covered include attractive topics within the emerging world of Hybrid ROV/AUV vehicles, which combine the functionality of Remotely Operated Vehicles with the flexibility of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. The Hybrid ROV/AUV vehicles require high precision control during the intervention phases and high energy saving capabilities during the long-range monitoring mission. The thesis is organized in three parts that separate the subjects under analysis: "Modeling", "Position Control and Guidance" and "Towards Minimum Consumption". The first part describes the general mathematical modeling of underwater vehicle dynamics and propulsion systems. The second part of the work deals with control and guidance algorithms suitable for Intervention ROV/AUV, starting from the vehicle's position and attitude control in the presence of external disturbances. This control problem is addressed with a variant of the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) known as Super Twisting Algorithm (STA) that is used for robust positioning of the vehicle in the presence of external disturbances; the results were compared to a classical PID technique using simulations. The second part also describes how Fuzzy Guidance Systems (FGS) can be used for rendezvous and pursuit of static and moving targets. An FGS is used to define vector fields to guide the pursuer toward the target by smooth trajectories. The third part of the thesis deals with energy-saving aspects, focusing on energy saving during the cruising mode. The thruster-thruster interaction phenomenon is first discussed, as well as how it may affect underwater vehicle energy efficiency. An Extremum Seeking (ES) real-time optimizations approach is proposed to optimize the thruster allocation process to reduce the total absorbed power without knowing the interaction model. Finally, the ES algorithm is then used to adapt the heading set-point of an underwater vehicle to reach the minimum energy consumption as a function of hydrodynamic effects.
This work is inspired by the domain of underwater vehicles and covers various topics that are all equally important. The subjects covered include attractive topics within the emerging world of Hybrid ROV/AUV vehicles, which combine the functionality of Remotely Operated Vehicles with the flexibility of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. The Hybrid ROV/AUV vehicles require high precision control during the intervention phases and high energy saving capabilities during the long-range monitoring mission. The thesis is organized in three parts that separate the subjects under analysis: "Modeling", "Position Control and Guidance" and "Towards Minimum Consumption". The first part describes the general mathematical modeling of underwater vehicle dynamics and propulsion systems. The second part of the work deals with control and guidance algorithms suitable for Intervention ROV/AUV, starting from the vehicle's position and attitude control in the presence of external disturbances. This control problem is addressed with a variant of the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) known as Super Twisting Algorithm (STA) that is used for robust positioning of the vehicle in the presence of external disturbances; the results were compared to a classical PID technique using simulations. The second part also describes how Fuzzy Guidance Systems (FGS) can be used for rendezvous and pursuit of static and moving targets. An FGS is used to define vector fields to guide the pursuer toward the target by smooth trajectories. The third part of the thesis deals with energy-saving aspects, focusing on energy saving during the cruising mode. The thruster-thruster interaction phenomenon is first discussed, as well as how it may affect underwater vehicle energy efficiency. An Extremum Seeking (ES) real-time optimizations approach is proposed to optimize the thruster allocation process to reduce the total absorbed power without knowing the interaction model. Finally, the ES algorithm is then used to adapt the heading set-point of an underwater vehicle to reach the minimum energy consumption as a function of hydrodynamic effects.
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