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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-09092013-112451

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
An IP Geolocation Approach Based on Smartphones of a Mobile Crowdsourcing System
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Lenzini, Luciano
relatore Dott. Vecchio, Alessio
Parole chiave
  • Geolocalizzazione
  • Geolocation
  • Internet
  • IP
  • Topologia
  • Topology
Data inizio appello
In the recent years the attention of the scientific community has been focused on the analysis of the Internet Topology, in order to understand how the interconnections between Internet nodes works. We already know that the core of the actual Internet is a multi-tier hierarchy of IP transit providers. We also know that many reasearch project exist with the only purpose of investigating the Internet Topology. One of these project, called The Portolan Project, developed in the IT departement of the University of Pisa, is currently active and is giving a great contribution on the discovery of Internet Topology due to his bottom-up approach to the problem and the use of a mobile crowdsourcing system through Android smartphones. Another interesting field comed out in this last years is the IP Geolocation, i.e. the geographical localization of Logical IP addresses on the Internet. The motivations that focus the interest around this topic are various: the pop up of new location-aware applications like smartphones apps, web site contents and advertisement or the importance of finding the sources of malwares and viruses, or even spammers, or else academic studies on the way people use the Internet and more. There are various projects dedicated to the IP Geolocation, since it is not an easy task: there is no direct relationship between the IP address of a host and its geographic location. These projects, of academic or commercial nature, try to find a way to reach a great accuracy in the IP geolocation in order to give a full working service to the users. The contribution of this thesis is to develop an IP geolocation approach using the tools provided by the Portolan Project and the Spotter project, and to apply it in order to make the Internet Topology Analysis more complete. The experiments carried out in this thesis work will give in the future the possibility to develop a tool to geolocate IP addresses on the Internet in the Portolan Android App available to all the users.