Tesi etd-09072016-224653 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
I materiali fittili speciali nell'edilizia termale di eta' romana.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Fabiani, Fabio
correlatore Prof.ssa Menchelli, Simonetta
correlatore Prof.ssa Menchelli, Simonetta
Parole chiave
- edilizia termale
- età romana
- materiali fittili
Data inizio appello
Questo lavoro di tesi si propone di presentare i materiali fittili speciali per impianti termali, con particolare riguardo ai sistemi di riscaldamento, e di analizzarli nel loro insieme all’interno di realtà particolarmente significative. Per perseguire tale obiettivo, l’elaborato è stato diviso in due parti: nella prima, tipologica e tassonomica, sono state analizzate le varie tecniche relative ai sistemi pavimentale, parietale e voltato, esaminando e classificando ogni componente di ciascuna di esse; nella seconda, i materiali e le tecniche vengono calati nel loro contesto di ritrovamento e viene evidenziato il rapporto che li unisce, cercando di cogliere il sistema costruttivo nel suo insieme. L’uso di tali elementi in terracotta, infatti, è spesso unito all’introduzione di sperimentazioni edilizie innovative che tuttora stupiscono per la loro singolarità. Lo scopo finale è tentare di ricostruire il filo conduttore che, partendo dai più antichi esempi archeologicamente attestati e passando dalle teorie architettoniche vitruviane, ha portato ad un tale processo di innovazione edilizia che si è dipanato nel corso dei secoli, sino ad arrivare alla tarda antichità. Inoltre, si proverà ad individuare i protagonisti di questo processo formulando poi delle ipotesi sul motivo per cui i sistemi d’avanguardia, dopo una prima verosimile ideazione nell’Italia tardo repubblicana, siano stati impiegati principalmente in zone provinciali.
This work wants to present the special fictile materials for thermal plants, with specific regard to the heating systems. Moreover, they will be analysed inside particularly meaningful realities. For this purpose, the work has been divided in two sections: in the first one (typological and taxonomical), the author analyses various techniques regarding the floor, parietal and vault systems by examining and classifying all the components of each system. In the second section, the materials and techniques are put into their own finding context and their interconnection will be examined, trying to understand the architectural system in its wholeness. The use of these terracotta elements is often connected to the introduction of innovative architectural experimentations that still surprise for their singularity. The final aim is to reconstruct the central thread that, starting from the most ancient examples archaeologically documented and going through the Vitruvian architectural theories, led to this process of architectural innovation that unraveled throughout centuries until the Late Antiquity. Moreover, the author will try to identify the protagonists of this process by forming a hypothesis about the reason why the innovative systems, after a fist conception in the Late Republican Italy, have been used mainly in the provincial areas.
This work wants to present the special fictile materials for thermal plants, with specific regard to the heating systems. Moreover, they will be analysed inside particularly meaningful realities. For this purpose, the work has been divided in two sections: in the first one (typological and taxonomical), the author analyses various techniques regarding the floor, parietal and vault systems by examining and classifying all the components of each system. In the second section, the materials and techniques are put into their own finding context and their interconnection will be examined, trying to understand the architectural system in its wholeness. The use of these terracotta elements is often connected to the introduction of innovative architectural experimentations that still surprise for their singularity. The final aim is to reconstruct the central thread that, starting from the most ancient examples archaeologically documented and going through the Vitruvian architectural theories, led to this process of architectural innovation that unraveled throughout centuries until the Late Antiquity. Moreover, the author will try to identify the protagonists of this process by forming a hypothesis about the reason why the innovative systems, after a fist conception in the Late Republican Italy, have been used mainly in the provincial areas.
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