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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-09062010-100315

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Network-Assisted Handover for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks using IEEE 802.21
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Lenzini, Luciano
relatore Prof. Mingozzi, Enzo
relatore Ing. Cicconetti, Claudio
Parole chiave
  • 802.21
  • handover
  • IEEE 802.21
  • Media Independent Handover
  • MIH
  • MIIS server
  • network-assisted handover
  • seamless handover
  • vertical handover
Data inizio appello
The IEEE 802.21 is a standard for enabling handover in heterogeneous wireless networks. Published in January 2009, it defines protocols and messages for mobile-to-node and node-to-node communication in a technology-neutral and flexible manner. The need arises because of the widespread diffusion of different technologies for wireless communications (e.g., WiFi, WiMAX, LTE) coexisting in the same geographical area. Even though the number of multi-radio multi-technology mobile devices is increasing significantly, there are no open solutions in the market to enable efficient inter-technology handover.
As is often the case with communication standards, the structure of the required components, the procedures, and the algorithms are left unspecified by the IEEE 802.21 standard so as to promote competion by differentiation of equipment capabilities and services. The contribution of this thesis is two-fold: i) a design and an implemenation of the Media Independent Information Service (MIIS) server; and, ii) a solution to enable network-assisted handover using the IEEE 802.21 standard, aimed at reducing the handover latency and the energy consumption of mobile devices due to scanning.
The MIIS server has been fully implemented in C++ under Linux. In order to perform testbed evaluations, all the required components have been implemented, as well, within an open source framework for IEEE 802.21 called ODTONE. Modifications to the latter have been performed for optimization and fine tuning, and for extending those functional modules needed but not fully implemented.
For a realistic evaluation, Linux-based embedded COTS devices have been used, equipped with multiple IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11g wireless network interface cards. This has required additional development for kernel/user space binding and hardware control.
Testbed results are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed solution, also proving the MIIS server scalability.