Tesi etd-09052022-170639 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Trasmissione del "virus HIV": profili di responsabilità penale
Corso di studi
relatore Gargani, Alberto
Parole chiave
- criminal liability
- delitto di epidemia
- epidemic crime.
- HIV virus
- homicide
- lesioni personali
- omicidio
- personal injury
- responsabilità penale
- virus HIV
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
In Italia l’84,5% delle nuove diagnosi di infezione da HIV deriva da rapporti sessuali non protetti, seguita poi da un 5,8% derivante da iniezione di sostante stupefacenti ed un restante 9,7% che configura modalità di contagio non precisate. È in riferimento a questi dati statistici che si è poi successivamente innestato il focus della tesi: analizzare la normativa vigente e di evidenziare le lacune dell’ordinamento penale e le difficoltà palesate in sede di applicazione di fattispecie di lesioni personali, omicidio ed epidemia in seguito alla trasmissione del virus HIV, sia essa derivata a seguito di rapporti sessuali non protetti ovvero mediante trasfusioni infette. Se questi reati non sembrano porre particolari problemi, lo stesso non si può dire in riferimento all’accertamento dell’elemento psicologico e del nesso causale, i quali si rivelano particolarmente problematici. Dal primo punto di vista, il problema principale è quello di verificare, in maniera certa, che il contagio sia derivato da quel rapporto sessuale (o da uno dei rapporti sessuali intrattenuti dall’imputato) ovvero da una determinata trasfusione di sangue infetto; dal secondo punto di vista, si tende a ricorrere nella maggior parte dei casi al dolo eventuale. La ricostruzione a ritroso delle condotte illecite che hanno dato luogo all’evento dannoso appare estremamente difficile: troppe le variabili e troppe le cause efficienti, affinché il binomio causa-evento possa essere accertato oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio.
In Italy 84.5% of new diagnoses of HIV infection derive from unprotected sexual intercourse, followed by 5.8% resulting from the injection of narcotic substances and the remaining 9.7% which constitute unspecified modes of infection. It is with reference to this statistical data that the focus of the thesis was subsequently grafted: to analyse the current legislation and to highlight the gaps in the criminal justice system and the difficulties encountered in the application of the offences of personal injury, homicide and epidemic as a result of the transmission of the HIV virus, whether it is derived from unprotected sexual intercourse or through infected transfusions. If these offences do not seem to pose any particular problems, the same cannot be said with regard to ascertaining the psychological element and the causal link, which are particularly problematic. From the first point of view, the main problem is to ascertain, with certainty, that the contagion stemmed from that sexual intercourse (or from one of the sexual relationships engaged in by the defendant) or from a specific transfusion of infected blood; from the second point of view, there is a tendency to resort to the possible intent in most cases. The backward reconstruction of the unlawful conduct that gave rise to the harmful event appears extremely difficult: there are too many variables and too many efficient causes for the cause-and-event binomial to be ascertained beyond reasonable doubt.
In Italy 84.5% of new diagnoses of HIV infection derive from unprotected sexual intercourse, followed by 5.8% resulting from the injection of narcotic substances and the remaining 9.7% which constitute unspecified modes of infection. It is with reference to this statistical data that the focus of the thesis was subsequently grafted: to analyse the current legislation and to highlight the gaps in the criminal justice system and the difficulties encountered in the application of the offences of personal injury, homicide and epidemic as a result of the transmission of the HIV virus, whether it is derived from unprotected sexual intercourse or through infected transfusions. If these offences do not seem to pose any particular problems, the same cannot be said with regard to ascertaining the psychological element and the causal link, which are particularly problematic. From the first point of view, the main problem is to ascertain, with certainty, that the contagion stemmed from that sexual intercourse (or from one of the sexual relationships engaged in by the defendant) or from a specific transfusion of infected blood; from the second point of view, there is a tendency to resort to the possible intent in most cases. The backward reconstruction of the unlawful conduct that gave rise to the harmful event appears extremely difficult: there are too many variables and too many efficient causes for the cause-and-event binomial to be ascertained beyond reasonable doubt.
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Tesi non consultabile. |