Tesi etd-09042023-143318 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Indagine delle funzioni cognitive di base nei pazienti in attesa di trapianto di fegato: uno studio esplorativo
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Orrù, Graziella
Parole chiave
- cognitive assessment
- fegato
- liver
- transplantation
- trapianto
- valutazione cognitiva
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il trapianto di fegato, descritto per la prima volta da Welch nel 1955, è un intervento salvavita, rivolto a pazienti con diverse patologie epatiche terminali. Per ogni paziente viene valutata l’idoneità al trapianto attraverso specifici esami con l’obiettivo di realizzare una presa in carico globale dell’individuo. Molti centri che si occupano di trapianto sia a livello internazionale che nazionale, si occupano di condurre anche una valutazione psicologica dei pazienti in lista d’attesa di trapianto. Inoltre, considerato che i pazienti con malattia epatica presentano maggiori rischi rispetto alla popolazione generale di presentare deficit cognitivi e che essi devono seguire un iter molto complesso post-trapianto, è auspicabile anche un’indagine delle funzioni cognitive, che tuttavia in Italia risulta ancora scarsamente praticata. Infatti, l’assenza di una corretta aderenza alla terapia immunosoppressiva comporta l’aumento di infezioni, di rigetto dell’organo e della mortalità. Nel presente studio sono state valutate le funzioni cognitive nei pazienti in lista d’attesa di trapianto di fegato. I punteggi alle misure psicometriche somministrate sono risultati positivamente correlati con il livello di istruzione dei pazienti. È stato osservato infatti che la scolarità presenta una correlazione forte con i punteggi ottenuti al Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (rs=0.431, p<0.001) e con le Matrici di Raven (PM47); moderata con la Memoria Immediata (MI) misurata con il Test delle 15 parole di Rey (rs=0.389, p<0.001); debole con la Memoria Differita (MD) misurata con il Test delle 15 parole di Rey (rs=0.268, p<0.001), con il Test di Corsi (rs=0.225, p <0.001), con il test di Memoria incidentale semantica (rs=0.243 p <0.001) e con le Matrici attentive (rs=0.290, p <0.001). Sono state osservate delle correlazioni negative fra i punteggi ai test e l’età dei pazienti: trascurabile con PM47 (rs= -0.165, p <0.001); moderata con MI (rs= -0.306, p<0.001) e MD (rs= -0.305, p <0.001); debole con Memoria Incidentale Semantica (rs=-0.232, p <0.001) e con Matrici Attentive (rs=-0.211, p<0.001). Sono state, inoltre, riscontrate correlazioni positive fra i punteggi ai diversi test, il MMSE correla infatti con: PM47 (rs= 0.493, p <0.001) (correlazione forte); MI (rs= 0.327, p<0,01) (correlazione moderata) e MD (rs= 0.244, p<0,05) (correlazione debole); con il Test di Corsi (rs= 0.333, p <0.01) (correlazione moderata); con il test di Memoria Incidentale Semantica (rs=0.207, p<0,05) (correlazione debole) e con le Matrici Attentive (rs=0.500, p<0,001) (correlazione forte). Il punteggio delle PM47 correla anche con: MI (rs=0.403, p <0.001) (correlazione forte); MD (rs= 0.280, p <0.001) (correlazione debole); Test di Corsi (rs= 0.424, p <0.001) (correlazione forte); Memoria Incidentale Semantica (rs= 0.309, p <0.001) (correlazione moderata) e con le Matrici Attentive (rs=0.403, p<0.001) (correlazione forte). I punteggi della MI sono correlati anche con: MD (rs= 0.779, p <0.001) e Memoria Incidentale Semantica (rs= 0.525, p <0.001) (correlazione forte); Test di Corsi (rs= 0.234, p <0.001) (correlazione debole) e con le Matrici Attentive (rs= 0.398, p <0.001) (correlazione moderata). I punteggi della MD con il Test di Corsi (rs= 0.179, p <0.001) (correlazione trascurabile); con il test di Memoria Incidentale Semantica (rs= 0.472, p <0.001) (correlazione forte) e con le Matrici Attentive (rs= 0.284, p <0.001) (correlazione debole). Il Test di Corsi ha mostrato delle correlazioni con il test di Memoria Incidentale Semantica (rs= 0.176, p <0.001) (correlazione trascurabile); con le Matrici Attentive (rs= 0.261, p <0.001) (correlazione debole). Infine, il test di Memoria Incidentale Semantica presenta anche una debole correlazione con le Matrici Attentive (rs= 0.259, p <0.001). I punteggi medi di ogni test sono risultati nella norma, tuttavia, per ogni test ci sono stati alcuni pazienti che hanno ottenuto dei punteggi patologici.
In conclusione, il presente studio evidenzia l'importanza della valutazione delle funzioni cognitive nei pazienti in lista d'attesa per il trapianto di fegato. Una valutazione cognitiva e psicologica integrata all'iter di valutazione medica consentirebbe di ottenere una presa in carico globale dei pazienti, considerando non solo gli aspetti fisici ma anche quelli psicologici e cognitivi. Infatti, una valutazione anche di base delle abilità cognitive di questa popolazione clinica potrebbe contribuire ad una gestione ottimale della terapia immunosoppressiva post-trapianto, riducendo il rischio di complicanze e migliorando l'outcome complessivo dei pazienti. Pertanto, è necessario investire maggiori risorse per garantire a questi pazienti un programma di riabilitazione delle funzioni cognitive.
Liver transplantation, first described by Welch in 1955, is a life-saving intervention, for patients with various terminal liver diseases. For each patient, suitability for transplantation is assessed through medical examinations; with the aim of achieving comprehensive care, many transplant centers both internationally and nationally also conduct a psychological evaluation of patients on the waiting list. Moreover, considering that patients with liver disease have a higher risk than the general population of presenting cognitive deficits and that they must follow a complex pharmacological post-transplant procedure, the assessment of cognitive function is also necessary, which, however, is still poorly practiced in Italy. As a matter of fact, the absence of proper adherence to immunosuppressive therapy leads to increased infections, organ rejection, and mortality. In the current study, cognitive function was assessed in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Test scores were positively correlated with patients' level of education and negatively correlated with patients' age. Positive correlations were also observed between scores on different tests. Schooling was observed to have a strong positive correlation with scores obtained on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (rs=0.431, p<0.001) and Raven's Matrices (PM47); a moderate one with Immediate Memory (IM) measured by means of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) (rs=0.389, p<0.001); a weak one with Deferred Memory (DM) according to the RAVLT (rs=0.268, p<0.001), Corsi Test (rs=0.225, p<0.001), Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.243 p<0.001) and Attentional Matrices (rs=0.290, p<0.001). Negative correlations were found out between test scores and patients' age: negligible with PM47 (rs=-0.165, p<0.001); moderate with IM (rs=-0.306, p<0.001) and DM (rs=-0.305, p<0.001); weak with Semantic Incidental Memory (rs=-0.232, p<0.001) and Attentional Matrices (rs=-0.211, p<0.001). Positive correlations were, in addition, discovered between scores of the different tests: the MMSE is positively correlated with PM47 (rs=0.493, p<0.001) (strong correlation); IM (rs=0.327, p<0.01) (moderate correlation) and DM (rs=0.244, p<0.05) (weak correlation); with the Corsi Test (rs=0.333, p<0.01) (moderate correlation); Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.207, p<0.05) (weak correlation); and with Attentional Matrices (rs=0.500, p<0.001) (strong correlation). PM47 score also exhibited a correlation with MI (rs=0.403, p<0.001) (strong correlation), DM (rs=0.280, p<0.001) (weak correlation), Corsi test (rs=0.424, p<0. 001) (strong correlation); Semantic Incidental Memory test (rs=0.309, p <0.001) (moderate correlation); and with Attentional Matrices (rs=0.403, p<0.001) (strong correlation). IM scores are also correlated with those on the DM (rs=0.779, p <0.001) and the Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.525, p<0.001) (strong correlation); with the Corsi Test (rs=0.234, p<0.001) (weak correlation) and the Attentional Matrices (rs=0.398, p <0.001) (moderate correlation), while the DM scores with the Corsi Test (rs=0.179, p<0.001) (negligible correlation); the Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.472, p <0.001) (strong correlation) and the Attentional Matrices (rs=0.284, p<0.001) (weak correlation). The Corsi Test showed correlations with the Semantic Incidental Memory test (rs=0.176, p < 0.001) (negligible correlation) and the Attentional Matrices (rs=0.261, p<0.001) (weak correlation). Finally, the Semantic Incidental Memory test exhibited a weak correlation with Attentional Matrices (rs=0.259, p<0.001). The mean scores of each test were found to be in the normal range, however, for each test there were some patients with pathological scores. In conclusion, the present study highlights the importance of cognitive function assessment in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation. A cognitive and psychological assessment integrated with the medical evaluation process would allow for comprehensive patient care, considering not only the physical but also the psychological and cognitive aspects. Indeed, an assessment of even basic cognitive abilities of this clinical population could contribute to optimal management of post-transplant immunosuppressive therapy, reducing the risk of complications and improving the overall outcome of patients. Therefore, there is a need for the investment of more resources to ensure, for these patients, a cognitive function rehabilitation program.
In conclusione, il presente studio evidenzia l'importanza della valutazione delle funzioni cognitive nei pazienti in lista d'attesa per il trapianto di fegato. Una valutazione cognitiva e psicologica integrata all'iter di valutazione medica consentirebbe di ottenere una presa in carico globale dei pazienti, considerando non solo gli aspetti fisici ma anche quelli psicologici e cognitivi. Infatti, una valutazione anche di base delle abilità cognitive di questa popolazione clinica potrebbe contribuire ad una gestione ottimale della terapia immunosoppressiva post-trapianto, riducendo il rischio di complicanze e migliorando l'outcome complessivo dei pazienti. Pertanto, è necessario investire maggiori risorse per garantire a questi pazienti un programma di riabilitazione delle funzioni cognitive.
Liver transplantation, first described by Welch in 1955, is a life-saving intervention, for patients with various terminal liver diseases. For each patient, suitability for transplantation is assessed through medical examinations; with the aim of achieving comprehensive care, many transplant centers both internationally and nationally also conduct a psychological evaluation of patients on the waiting list. Moreover, considering that patients with liver disease have a higher risk than the general population of presenting cognitive deficits and that they must follow a complex pharmacological post-transplant procedure, the assessment of cognitive function is also necessary, which, however, is still poorly practiced in Italy. As a matter of fact, the absence of proper adherence to immunosuppressive therapy leads to increased infections, organ rejection, and mortality. In the current study, cognitive function was assessed in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Test scores were positively correlated with patients' level of education and negatively correlated with patients' age. Positive correlations were also observed between scores on different tests. Schooling was observed to have a strong positive correlation with scores obtained on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (rs=0.431, p<0.001) and Raven's Matrices (PM47); a moderate one with Immediate Memory (IM) measured by means of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) (rs=0.389, p<0.001); a weak one with Deferred Memory (DM) according to the RAVLT (rs=0.268, p<0.001), Corsi Test (rs=0.225, p<0.001), Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.243 p<0.001) and Attentional Matrices (rs=0.290, p<0.001). Negative correlations were found out between test scores and patients' age: negligible with PM47 (rs=-0.165, p<0.001); moderate with IM (rs=-0.306, p<0.001) and DM (rs=-0.305, p<0.001); weak with Semantic Incidental Memory (rs=-0.232, p<0.001) and Attentional Matrices (rs=-0.211, p<0.001). Positive correlations were, in addition, discovered between scores of the different tests: the MMSE is positively correlated with PM47 (rs=0.493, p<0.001) (strong correlation); IM (rs=0.327, p<0.01) (moderate correlation) and DM (rs=0.244, p<0.05) (weak correlation); with the Corsi Test (rs=0.333, p<0.01) (moderate correlation); Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.207, p<0.05) (weak correlation); and with Attentional Matrices (rs=0.500, p<0.001) (strong correlation). PM47 score also exhibited a correlation with MI (rs=0.403, p<0.001) (strong correlation), DM (rs=0.280, p<0.001) (weak correlation), Corsi test (rs=0.424, p<0. 001) (strong correlation); Semantic Incidental Memory test (rs=0.309, p <0.001) (moderate correlation); and with Attentional Matrices (rs=0.403, p<0.001) (strong correlation). IM scores are also correlated with those on the DM (rs=0.779, p <0.001) and the Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.525, p<0.001) (strong correlation); with the Corsi Test (rs=0.234, p<0.001) (weak correlation) and the Attentional Matrices (rs=0.398, p <0.001) (moderate correlation), while the DM scores with the Corsi Test (rs=0.179, p<0.001) (negligible correlation); the Semantic Incidental Memory Test (rs=0.472, p <0.001) (strong correlation) and the Attentional Matrices (rs=0.284, p<0.001) (weak correlation). The Corsi Test showed correlations with the Semantic Incidental Memory test (rs=0.176, p < 0.001) (negligible correlation) and the Attentional Matrices (rs=0.261, p<0.001) (weak correlation). Finally, the Semantic Incidental Memory test exhibited a weak correlation with Attentional Matrices (rs=0.259, p<0.001). The mean scores of each test were found to be in the normal range, however, for each test there were some patients with pathological scores. In conclusion, the present study highlights the importance of cognitive function assessment in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation. A cognitive and psychological assessment integrated with the medical evaluation process would allow for comprehensive patient care, considering not only the physical but also the psychological and cognitive aspects. Indeed, an assessment of even basic cognitive abilities of this clinical population could contribute to optimal management of post-transplant immunosuppressive therapy, reducing the risk of complications and improving the overall outcome of patients. Therefore, there is a need for the investment of more resources to ensure, for these patients, a cognitive function rehabilitation program.
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