Tesi etd-09042023-121719 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Armani, Andrea
correlatore Dott.ssa Tinacci, Lara
controrelatore Prof.ssa Pedonese, Francesca
correlatore Dott.ssa Tinacci, Lara
controrelatore Prof.ssa Pedonese, Francesca
Parole chiave
- checklist
- controlli ufficiali
- fish products
- import
- importazioni
- official controls
- prodotti della pesca
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Nell’Unione Europea la conformità di animali e merci in ingresso dai Paesi Terzi ai requisiti di sicurezza vigenti è garantita dall’attività ispettiva di uffici frontalieri attualmente definiti Posti di Controllo Frontaliero (PCF). Le attività di controllo ufficiale presso i PCF sono state recentemente aggiornate ai sensi del Reg. (UE) 2017/625 e del Dlgs 2021/24 con la ridefinizione e l’ampliamento degli ambiti del controllo e delle categorie di prodotto sotto la loro responsabilità. Al fine di assicurare la standardizzazione delle attività di controllo si rende necessaria l’implementazione di procedure differenziate che includano aspetti specifici di controllo per le singole categorie di prodotto. Il presente studio è stato quindi finalizzato alla realizzazione di una checklist operativa pilota, realizzata sulla categoria target maggiormente oggetto di importazione presso il PCF di Livorno. La categoria di prodotto target per la quale sviluppare la checklist è stata selezionata in seguito alla consultazione dei report annuali (2015 - 2021), relative alle attività di controllo, riportanti i volumi di importazione delle diverse categorie di prodotto in ingresso presso il PCF Livorno. A questa ha fatto seguito la selezione delle fonti Europee e nazionali inerenti agli aspetti generali delle attività di controllo ufficiale e delle attività di verifica specifiche richieste per la categoria individuata. L’elaborazione della checklist è stata condotta a seguito di un’analisi descrittivo-comparativa di due checklist già esistenti, redatte in conformità con la normativa in applicazione precedentemente all’entrata in vigore del Reg. (UE) 2017/625 rispettivamente dal Ministero della Salute e come documento interno dal personale in servizio presso il PCF di Livorno. La comparazione è stata effettuata per procedere alla definizione della struttura della nuova checklist, degli obiettivi dell’attività di controllo e alla selezione di giudizi di valutazione associati per la definizione della ammissibilità delle partite. La checklist è stata, infine, utilizzata in via sperimentale durante l’esecuzione di controlli ufficiali routinari da un operatore in formazione (studente) sotto la supervisione del veterinario ufficiale che ha partecipato attivamente alla sua redazione al fine di verificarne la completezza, la praticità di utilizzo e l’agevolazione delle attività di verifica. L’analisi dei volumi di importazione ha portato alla selezione della categoria prodotti ittici. Ventidue fonti normative (18 europee e 4 nazionali), inerenti ai requisiti generali e specifici applicati per l’espletazione delle attività di controllo sui prodotti ittici, sono state selezionate per l’elaborazione dei requisiti di verifica da includere nella checklist operativa. Criticità emerse a seguito dell’utilizzo della checklist in 64 attività di controllo ufficiale, in termini di completezza degli obiettivi semplicità di utilizzo e ridondanza dei requisiti, sono state risolte attraverso la modifica della checklist. Il documento definitivo si presenta come una checklist procedurale redatta sulla base del flusso operativo delle attività di controllo aggiornato ai sensi della nuova normativa vigente. costituisce un ausilio efficace per la raccolta delle evidenze durante l’effettuazione di attività di verifica sui i prodotti della pesca favorendo il veterinario nella produzione dell’esito finale. In assenza di linee guida operative europee e nazionali relative alla normativa ad oggi in applicazione, il presente studio, descrive uno schema procedurale potenzialmente standardizzabile per la redazione di checklist di controllo relative a tutte le categorie di prodotto sotto la responsabilità di controllo dei PCF.
In the European Union, the compliance of animals and goods entering from Third Countries with the established safety requirements is ensured by the control activities of border posts, currently referred to as Border Control Posts (BCPs). The official control activities at BCPs have recently been updated in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and Legislative Decree 2021/24, with the redefinition and extension of the control areas and product categories under their competence. To ensure the uniform application of control activities, it is necessary to implement differentiated procedures that include specific control aspects for individual product categories. The present study therefore aimed at the implementation of a pilot checklist, carried out on the target matrix category most frequently imported at the Livorno BCP. The checklist target matrix category was selected after consulting annual reports (2015 - 2021) on control activities, showing import volumes of different product categories entering Livorno BCP. Subsequently, European and National sources concerning the general aspects of official control activities and the specific verification activities required for the identified target matrix category were selected. The elaboration of the pilot checklist was carried out following a descriptive-comparative analysis of two pre-existing checklists, respectively drawn up by the Ministry of Health and by Livorno BCP in accordance with the regulations in force before the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
The comparison was carried out in order to define the structure of the new checklist, the objectives of the control activity and to select associated judgments to establish the eligibility of consignments. Lastly, the checklist has been utilized on an experimental basis during the routine official inspection activities by an operator in training (student) under the supervision of the official veterinary who has actively participated in its redaction with the objective of checking its validity, practicality of use and benefit while performing the inspection activities.
The analysis of import volumes led to the selection of the category of fish products. Twenty-two regulatory sources (18 European and 4 national) on general and specific requirements for the execution of control activities on fish products were selected for the elaboration of the verification requirements to be included in the operational checklist. Critical issues arising from the use of the checklist in 64 official control activities, in terms of completeness of objectives, simplicity of use and redundancy, were addressed by amendments to the checklist.
The final document is presented as a procedural checklist based on the operational flow of control activities, updated according to the new regulations applied. It constitutes an effective tool for the collection of evidence during the performance of control activities on fishery products, facilitating the veterinarian in the production of the final outcome. In the absence of European and national operational guidelines on the current legislation in force, this study describes a potentially standardized procedural scheme for the drafting of checklists relating to all product categories under the control responsibility of BCPs.
In the European Union, the compliance of animals and goods entering from Third Countries with the established safety requirements is ensured by the control activities of border posts, currently referred to as Border Control Posts (BCPs). The official control activities at BCPs have recently been updated in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and Legislative Decree 2021/24, with the redefinition and extension of the control areas and product categories under their competence. To ensure the uniform application of control activities, it is necessary to implement differentiated procedures that include specific control aspects for individual product categories. The present study therefore aimed at the implementation of a pilot checklist, carried out on the target matrix category most frequently imported at the Livorno BCP. The checklist target matrix category was selected after consulting annual reports (2015 - 2021) on control activities, showing import volumes of different product categories entering Livorno BCP. Subsequently, European and National sources concerning the general aspects of official control activities and the specific verification activities required for the identified target matrix category were selected. The elaboration of the pilot checklist was carried out following a descriptive-comparative analysis of two pre-existing checklists, respectively drawn up by the Ministry of Health and by Livorno BCP in accordance with the regulations in force before the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
The comparison was carried out in order to define the structure of the new checklist, the objectives of the control activity and to select associated judgments to establish the eligibility of consignments. Lastly, the checklist has been utilized on an experimental basis during the routine official inspection activities by an operator in training (student) under the supervision of the official veterinary who has actively participated in its redaction with the objective of checking its validity, practicality of use and benefit while performing the inspection activities.
The analysis of import volumes led to the selection of the category of fish products. Twenty-two regulatory sources (18 European and 4 national) on general and specific requirements for the execution of control activities on fish products were selected for the elaboration of the verification requirements to be included in the operational checklist. Critical issues arising from the use of the checklist in 64 official control activities, in terms of completeness of objectives, simplicity of use and redundancy, were addressed by amendments to the checklist.
The final document is presented as a procedural checklist based on the operational flow of control activities, updated according to the new regulations applied. It constitutes an effective tool for the collection of evidence during the performance of control activities on fishery products, facilitating the veterinarian in the production of the final outcome. In the absence of European and national operational guidelines on the current legislation in force, this study describes a potentially standardized procedural scheme for the drafting of checklists relating to all product categories under the control responsibility of BCPs.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |