Tesi etd-09012022-213419 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Proposta di riqualificazione dei Giardini Rapp a Bressanone (BZ)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Vernieri, Paolo
correlatore Prof. Remorini, Damiano
correlatore Arch. Peluso, Stefano
correlatore Prof. Remorini, Damiano
correlatore Arch. Peluso, Stefano
Parole chiave
- Bressanone
- Cameraria
- rain garden
- requalification
- riqualificazione
- urban green spaces
- verde urbano
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L’elaborato rappresenta una proposta di riqualificazione dei Giardini Rapp, un parco pubblico che si trova nel centro storico di Bressanone (BZ), da realizzarsi nell'ambito dei previsti lavori di messa in sicurezza idraulica del tratto di fiume che attraversa il centro storico della città. Dopo aver inquadrato la nascita del parco pubblico nel XIX° secolo, in seguito alle opere di ingegneria idraulica decise dopo l’alluvione del 1882 ed aver descritto brevemente la sua funzione come “Kurgarden” nei primi anni del XX° secolo, si descrive l’attuale situazione della componente vegetale arborea, arbustiva ed erbacea del parco, mettendo in evidenza la monotonia del parco e la grave situazione di sofferenza arrecata dal lepidottero minatore fogliare Cameraria ohridella ai vetusti esemplari di Ippocastano comune (Aesculus hippocastanum). La riqualificazione prende spunto dal progetto architettonico correlato alle sistemazioni idrauliche, che verrà prevedibilmente concretizzato nei prossimi anni. Essa prevede innanzitutto la progressiva sostituzione degli esemplari arborei senescenti o in precarie condizioni fitosanitarie con esemplari in grado di offrire maggiore resistenza ai parassiti e più adatti ad affrontare il cambiamento climatico in corso. La proposta di riqualificazione contempla anche un incremento della componente arbustiva e floreale del parco, con lo scopo di incrementare la variabilità floristica e creare nuovi punti di attrazione per i numerosi frequentatori del parco pubblico. Si pone infine particolare attenzione alla gestione sostenibile della acque meteoriche, proponendo la realizzazione di alcuni rain garden, strutture di bioretenzione poco profonde che presentano una depressione al centro e che hanno la funzione di intercettare, trattenere e rilasciare lentamente nel terreno o nella rete fognaria le acque meteoriche derivanti dalle superfici impermeabilizzate circostanti.
The paper represents a proposal for the redevelopment of the Rapp Gardens, a public park located in the historic center of Bressanone/Brixen (BZ), to be carried out as part of the planned hydraulic safety works of the stretch of river that runs through the city's historic center. After framing the birth of the public park in the 19th century as a result of the hydraulic engineering works decided upon following the flood of 1882 and briefly describing its function as a "Kurgarden" in the early 20th century, the current situation of the park's tree, shrub and herbaceous plant component is described, highlighting the monotony of the park and the severe distress caused by the leaf-mining lepidopteran Cameraria ohridella to the ancient specimens of Common Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). The redevelopment takes its cue from the architectural design related to the hydraulic systems, which is expected to be materialized in the coming years. It envisages first of all the gradual replacement of tree specimens that are senescent or in a precarious phytosanitary condition with specimens that offer greater resistance to pests and are better suited to cope with the current climate change. The redevelopment proposal also contemplates an increase in the shrub and floral component of the park, with the aim of increasing floristic variability and creating new points of attraction for the many frequenters of the public park. Finally, special attention is paid to the sustainable management of stormwater by proposing the construction of several rain gardens, shallow bioretention structures that have a depression in the center and whose function is to intercept, retain and slowly release into the ground or sewer system stormwater from surrounding impervious surfaces.
The paper represents a proposal for the redevelopment of the Rapp Gardens, a public park located in the historic center of Bressanone/Brixen (BZ), to be carried out as part of the planned hydraulic safety works of the stretch of river that runs through the city's historic center. After framing the birth of the public park in the 19th century as a result of the hydraulic engineering works decided upon following the flood of 1882 and briefly describing its function as a "Kurgarden" in the early 20th century, the current situation of the park's tree, shrub and herbaceous plant component is described, highlighting the monotony of the park and the severe distress caused by the leaf-mining lepidopteran Cameraria ohridella to the ancient specimens of Common Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). The redevelopment takes its cue from the architectural design related to the hydraulic systems, which is expected to be materialized in the coming years. It envisages first of all the gradual replacement of tree specimens that are senescent or in a precarious phytosanitary condition with specimens that offer greater resistance to pests and are better suited to cope with the current climate change. The redevelopment proposal also contemplates an increase in the shrub and floral component of the park, with the aim of increasing floristic variability and creating new points of attraction for the many frequenters of the public park. Finally, special attention is paid to the sustainable management of stormwater by proposing the construction of several rain gardens, shallow bioretention structures that have a depression in the center and whose function is to intercept, retain and slowly release into the ground or sewer system stormwater from surrounding impervious surfaces.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |