Tesi etd-09012021-230232 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Logiche e strumenti di Healthcare Operations Management in sanità: il caso dell'Accettazione della Preospedalizzazione centralizzata AOUP
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Pagliantini, Silvia
relatore Dott.ssa Susino, Cristiana
relatore Dott.ssa Susino, Cristiana
Parole chiave
- accettazione preospedalizzazione centralizzata
- centralized pre-hospitalization pole
- healthcare operation management
- operation management
- visual management
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Con il D.Lgs 502/92, all'interno della PA sono state importate logiche e strumenti propri del settore privato. Questo processo, denominato "aziendalizzazione", ha coinvolto anche il SSN. A partire dai primi anni Duemila si è sviluppato l’Healthcare Operation Management, che consiste nell’applicazione dei concetti della gestione operativa a livello delle realtà sanitarie. Con gestione operativa si intende l’insieme delle procedure degli strumenti e dei ruoli che presidiano il funzionamento dei processi caratteristici di un’azienda attraverso un’adeguata gestione dei servizi e delle attività ausiliarie e di supporto. La Regione Toscana è sempre stata in prima linea per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo dell’ O.M. all’interno delle Aziende Sanitarie presenti sul territorio regionale. L’AOUP ha formalizzato l’utilizzo al proprio interno della gestione operativa con la D.A. 353/2019. Uno degli ultimi progetti sviluppati dall’U.O. Innovazione, sviluppo ed analisi dei processi, che ha il compito di espletare i compiti della gestione operativa all’interno dell’AOUP, riguarda la riorganizzazione del Polo Centralizzato di Preospedalizzazione: questa tesi si concentrerà sull’area di Accettazione Centralizzata. Il progetto nasce dall’esigenza espressa da parte del personale infermieristico di lavorare in modo più efficiente, in un ambiente maggiormente organizzato sotto il profilo funzionale. Inoltre, l’aumento del numero di UU.OO. afferenti al Polo di Preospedalizzazione Centralizzato (determinato da esigenze organizzative aziendali legate al fronteggiamento della pandemia da Sars-Cov 2), e del relativo numero giornaliero di pazienti da processare ha comportato un aumento della complessità nella gestione e controllo dello stato di avanzamento dei vari pazienti. Conseguentemente si sono venute a verificare sia una maggiore difficoltà riguardo lo smistamento del flusso di lavoro, sia una dilatazione del tempo di attraversamento dei pazienti lungo tutto il processo produttivo. Lo scopo del progetto in questione riguarda l’ottimizzazione degli spazie e dei Layout delle stanze, al fine di ottenere una standardizzazione dei processi operativi e produttivi. Per poter raggiungere tali obiettivi sono stati utilizzati strumenti del Visual Management, il CANDO ed il poka-yoke. Il progetto è stato sviluppato secondo le logiche e le teorie del Project Management, coprendo un arco temporale dal 17/02/2021 al 22/03/2021. Gli strumenti sopra citati hanno permesso la formulazione di diverse contromisure, le quali una volta implementate, permettono la trasformazione da current state a future state. I risultati preliminari riportano come l’applicazione delle contromisure abbia permesso una migliore gestione del paziente, che viene strutturato secondo le logiche del One Piece Flow, oltre che una comunicazione più efficace ed una maggior sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro. Al fine di monitorare nel tempo i risultati ottenuti e misurare i possibili scostamenti dai risultati attesi, sono stati definiti degli indicatori di monitoraggio che verranno costantemente monitorati ( a 3 mesi, a 6 mesi e a 1 anno).
With Legislative Decree 502/92, the logic and tools of the private sector have been imported into the PA. This process, called "corporatization", also involved the NHS. Since the early 2000s, Healthcare Operation Management has developed, which consists in the application of the concepts of operation management at the level of healthcare realities. By operation management we mean the set of procedures, tools and roles that oversee the functioning of the characteristic processes of a company through adequate management of services and auxiliary and support activities. The Tuscany Region has always been at the forefront of the development of the O.M. within the Hospital present on the regional territory. The AOUP has formalized the internal use of operational management with the corporal resolution 353/2019. One of the latest projects developed by the U.O Innovation, development and analysis of processes, which has the task of carrying out the tasks of operational management within the AOUP, concerns the reorganization of the Centralized Pre-hospitalization Center: this thesis will focus on the Centralized Acceptance area. The project stems from the need expressed by the nursing staff to work more efficiently, in a more organized environment from a functional point of view. Furthermore, the increase in the number of UU.OO. related to the Centralized Pre-hospitalization Pole (determined by corporate organizational needs linked to the management of the Sars-Cov 2 pandemic), and the relative daily number of patients to be processed has led to an increase in complexity in the management and control of the progress of the various patients . Consequently, both a greater difficulty regarding the sorting of the work flow and an expansion of the time spent crossing the patients along the entire production process have arisen. The purpose of this project concerns the optimization of the spaces and layouts of the rooms, in order to achieve a standardization of operational and production processes. In order to achieve these objectives, Visual Management tools, CANDO and poka-yoke were used. The project was developed according to the logic and theories of Project Management, covering a time span from 17/02/2021 to 22/03/2021. The tools mentioned above have allowed the formulation of various countermeasures, which once implemented, allow the transformation from current state to future state. The preliminary results show how the application of countermeasures has enabled better patient management, which is structured according to the logic of One Piece Flow, as well as more effective communication and greater safety in the workplace. In order to monitor the results obtained over time and measure possible deviations from the expected results, monitoring indicators have been defined which will be constantly monitored (at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year).
With Legislative Decree 502/92, the logic and tools of the private sector have been imported into the PA. This process, called "corporatization", also involved the NHS. Since the early 2000s, Healthcare Operation Management has developed, which consists in the application of the concepts of operation management at the level of healthcare realities. By operation management we mean the set of procedures, tools and roles that oversee the functioning of the characteristic processes of a company through adequate management of services and auxiliary and support activities. The Tuscany Region has always been at the forefront of the development of the O.M. within the Hospital present on the regional territory. The AOUP has formalized the internal use of operational management with the corporal resolution 353/2019. One of the latest projects developed by the U.O Innovation, development and analysis of processes, which has the task of carrying out the tasks of operational management within the AOUP, concerns the reorganization of the Centralized Pre-hospitalization Center: this thesis will focus on the Centralized Acceptance area. The project stems from the need expressed by the nursing staff to work more efficiently, in a more organized environment from a functional point of view. Furthermore, the increase in the number of UU.OO. related to the Centralized Pre-hospitalization Pole (determined by corporate organizational needs linked to the management of the Sars-Cov 2 pandemic), and the relative daily number of patients to be processed has led to an increase in complexity in the management and control of the progress of the various patients . Consequently, both a greater difficulty regarding the sorting of the work flow and an expansion of the time spent crossing the patients along the entire production process have arisen. The purpose of this project concerns the optimization of the spaces and layouts of the rooms, in order to achieve a standardization of operational and production processes. In order to achieve these objectives, Visual Management tools, CANDO and poka-yoke were used. The project was developed according to the logic and theories of Project Management, covering a time span from 17/02/2021 to 22/03/2021. The tools mentioned above have allowed the formulation of various countermeasures, which once implemented, allow the transformation from current state to future state. The preliminary results show how the application of countermeasures has enabled better patient management, which is structured according to the logic of One Piece Flow, as well as more effective communication and greater safety in the workplace. In order to monitor the results obtained over time and measure possible deviations from the expected results, monitoring indicators have been defined which will be constantly monitored (at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year).
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La tesi non è consultabile. |