Tesi etd-08312023-120733 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Ricerca di microplastiche in telline (Donax trunculus) raccolte lungo il litorale toscano nel contesto delle attività di monitoraggio ufficiale.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Armani, Andrea
Parole chiave
- Bivalve mollusks
- Consumer safety
- Donax trunculus
- Donax trunculus
- Microplastiche
- Microplastics
- Molluschi Bivalvi
- Sicurezza del consumatore
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
lo scopo del presente lavoro di tesi, frutto della collaborazione tra il FishLab del Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell’Università di Pisa e l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale (IZS) del Lazio e della Toscana, è stato quello di rilevare la presenza di microplastiche (MP) in telline, appartenenti alla specie Donax Trunculus, raccolte lungo la costa toscana nel contesto di attività di monitoraggio ufficiali. Successivamente le MP sono state caratterizzate quantitativamente e qualitativamente per valutare il potenziale rischio da parte del consumatore. Tutti i campioni analizzati, raccolti nel 2021, provenivano da siti di campionamento per il monitoraggio dei banchi naturali classificati come zone di tipo A (Reg. (CE) 853/04). Per l'estrazione delle MP, il protocollo di Ben Haddad et al. (2022) è stato adattato attraverso prove di digestione e filtraggio. Bianchi procedurali, filtri bianchi e controlli positivi sono stati eseguiti al fine di valutare le contaminazioni ambientali e la riproducibilità dell’analisi. Successivamente le particelle sono state classificate morfologicamente (GESAMP (2019)) e misurate attraverso il software ImageJ. Inoltre, è stata calcolata l’abbondanza delle particelle per ogni campione e la media dell’abbondanza delle particelle (media ± deviazione standard). È stata anche calcolata la quantità di particelle a cui sono esposti i consumatori. Alcune particelle sono state inviate al Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell’Università di Messina per l’identificazione dei polimeri. Dei 39 campioni analizzati, 35 (89.7%) sono risultati positivi per un totale di 85 particelle: 45 (52.9%) classificate come fibre (MP-li) e 40 (47.1%) come frammenti (MP-fr). I colori più rappresentati delle particelle erano il nero (29%) e il blu (28%). La media delle densità di particelle per campione era pari a 2.18 ± 1.79 particelle/campione, mentre quella per grammo era pari a 0.22±0.18 (particelle/g*ww). In accordo con quest’ultima, il consumo di una porzione di 100 g, comporterebbe l’ingestione di una media di 22 particelle (4 - 40), inferiore rispetto a quella riportata in letteratura per altre specie di MB. Inoltre, la quantità di particelle a cui potrebbero essere esposti i consumatori sarebbe di 70.4 MPs/capita/anno (range 12.5- 127), considerando un consumo pro/capire di 0.32 Kg. Questo studio rappresenta l’unico che ha analizzato campioni raccolti da siti di campionamento definiti dall’AC. La bassa abbondanza di MP ritrovata fa ipotizzare un ridotto livello di contaminazione da inquinamento plastico in quest’area. Tuttavia, trattandosi di telline provenienti da aree di classe A, il consumatore è esposto a tutte le particelle presenti. Infine, una valutazione degli effettivi rischi per la salute umana associati al consumo di MB non è ancora possibile, poiché la mancanza di metodi affidabili e validati non permette di generare dati scientifici necessari. Ulteriori studi che valutino la presenza di MP in telline presenti nel Mar Mediterraneo sono quindi auspicabili.
The aim of this work, the result of a collaboration between the FishLab of the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa and the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute (IZS) of Lazio and Tuscany,was to detect the presence of microplastic s (MPs) in Donax trunculus ’s specimens collected along the Tuscan coast in the context of official monitoring activities. Subsequently, the MPs were characterized quantitatively and qualitatively to assess the potential risk from the consumer. All analyzed samples, collected in 2021, were from sampling sites for monitoring natural shoals classified as Type A areas (Reg. (EC) 853/04). For MP extraction, the protocol of Ben Haddad et al. (2022) was adapted through digestion and filtering tests. Procedural bla nks, filter blanks, and positive controls were performed in order to assess environmental contamination and reproducibility of the analysis. Then the particles were classified morphologically (GESAMP (2019)) and measured through ImageJ software. In additio n, the particle abundance for each sample and the mean of the particle abundance (mean ± standard deviation) were calculated. The amount of particles to which consumers are exposed was also calculated. Some particles were sent to the Department of Veterina ry Science, University of Messina for polymer identification. Of the 39 samples analyzed, 35 (89.7%) tested positive for a total of 85 particles: 45 (52.9%) classified as fibers (MP li) and 40 (47.1%) as fragments (MP fr). The most represented colors of pa rticles were black (29%) and blue (28%). The average particle abundance per sample were 2.18±1.79 particles/sample, while that per gram was 0.22±0.18 (particles/g*ww). In agreement with the latter, consumption of a 100 g portion would result in the ingesti on of an average of 22 particles (4 to 40), which is lower than that reported in the literature for other MB species. Furthermore, the amount of particles to which consumers could be exposed would be 70.4 MPs/capita/year (range 12.5 127), considering a pe r capita consumption of 0.32 kg. This study represents the only one that analyzed samples collected from sampling sites defined by the CA. The low abundance of MP found suggests a low level of plastic pollution contamination in this area. However, since th ese are specimens from Class A areas, the consumer is exposed to all the particles present. Finally, an assessment of the actual human health risks associated with MB consumption is not yet possible, as the lack of reliable and validated methods does not a llow the generation of the necessary scientific data. Further studies evaluating the presence of MP in D. trunculus in the Mediterranean Sea are therefore desirable.
The aim of this work, the result of a collaboration between the FishLab of the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa and the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute (IZS) of Lazio and Tuscany,was to detect the presence of microplastic s (MPs) in Donax trunculus ’s specimens collected along the Tuscan coast in the context of official monitoring activities. Subsequently, the MPs were characterized quantitatively and qualitatively to assess the potential risk from the consumer. All analyzed samples, collected in 2021, were from sampling sites for monitoring natural shoals classified as Type A areas (Reg. (EC) 853/04). For MP extraction, the protocol of Ben Haddad et al. (2022) was adapted through digestion and filtering tests. Procedural bla nks, filter blanks, and positive controls were performed in order to assess environmental contamination and reproducibility of the analysis. Then the particles were classified morphologically (GESAMP (2019)) and measured through ImageJ software. In additio n, the particle abundance for each sample and the mean of the particle abundance (mean ± standard deviation) were calculated. The amount of particles to which consumers are exposed was also calculated. Some particles were sent to the Department of Veterina ry Science, University of Messina for polymer identification. Of the 39 samples analyzed, 35 (89.7%) tested positive for a total of 85 particles: 45 (52.9%) classified as fibers (MP li) and 40 (47.1%) as fragments (MP fr). The most represented colors of pa rticles were black (29%) and blue (28%). The average particle abundance per sample were 2.18±1.79 particles/sample, while that per gram was 0.22±0.18 (particles/g*ww). In agreement with the latter, consumption of a 100 g portion would result in the ingesti on of an average of 22 particles (4 to 40), which is lower than that reported in the literature for other MB species. Furthermore, the amount of particles to which consumers could be exposed would be 70.4 MPs/capita/year (range 12.5 127), considering a pe r capita consumption of 0.32 kg. This study represents the only one that analyzed samples collected from sampling sites defined by the CA. The low abundance of MP found suggests a low level of plastic pollution contamination in this area. However, since th ese are specimens from Class A areas, the consumer is exposed to all the particles present. Finally, an assessment of the actual human health risks associated with MB consumption is not yet possible, as the lack of reliable and validated methods does not a llow the generation of the necessary scientific data. Further studies evaluating the presence of MP in D. trunculus in the Mediterranean Sea are therefore desirable.
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