Tesi etd-08312020-093002 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Qualita di Vita e aspetti comportamentali nel cane con enteropatia cronica
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Marchetti, Veronica
correlatore Dott.ssa Mariti, Chiara
controrelatore Prof. Gazzano, Angelo
correlatore Dott.ssa Mariti, Chiara
controrelatore Prof. Gazzano, Angelo
Parole chiave
- aspetti comportamentali
- cane
- diarrea
- enteropatia cronica
- legame proprietario-cane
- QoL
- qualità di vita
- vomito
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L’enteropatia cronica è una patologia gastroenterica con una sintomatologia che persiste da almeno tre settimane; i sintomi principali includono vomito, diarrea, borborigmi e flatulenze, dolore addominale e perdita di peso. In medicina umana, l’IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) ha spesso un impatto negativo nella vita dei pazienti e per questo la valutazione della Qualità di Vita (QoL) è considerato un buon indicatore della progressione della patologia, che spesso può essere un fattore predisponente per lo sviluppo di disordini psichiatrici e comportamentali come ansia e depressione. Anche in medicina veterinaria, la QoL è considerata un indice per valutare la risposta alla terapia e l’eventuale scelta di sottoporre l’animale ad eutanasia nel caso in cui la sua QoL sia scarsa. Gli obbiettivi del nostro studio sono stati quelli di valutare la qualità di vita e gli aspetti comportamentali del cane enteropatico cronico e di valutare in questi pazienti la relazione cane-proprietario e le possibili modifiche in funzione dell’andamento della patologia. Nello studio sono stati inclusi 44 soggetti con enteropatia cronica primaria di cui è stata valutata la gravità tramite lo score clinico CECCAI (Canine Chronic Enteropathy Clinical Activity Index). È emersa una correlazione negativa fra QoL e gravità della patologia e, valutando il controllo, un miglioramento della QoL con il miglioramento della stessa (p<0,001). Confrontando la QoL dei soggetti enteropatici cronici e la QoL dei gruppi di controllo, formati da 50 cani con patologie oncologiche e 49 soggetti sani, è emerso che la QoL degli enteropatici è minore rispetto agli oncologici (QoL generale p=0,01) e rispetto ai sani in tutte le domande sulla QoL. La valutazione del legame tra proprietario e il proprio cane, attraverso il questionario LAPS, ha rilevato un maggior attaccamento nei confronti dei cani enteropatici rispetto ai soggetti sani (p=0,034) e, tra i soggetti enteropatici, al follow up è stato riscontrato un maggior attaccamento versoi soggetti dove l’enteropatia non si è risolta in modo completo (p=0,013). Dalla valutazione degli aspetti comportamentali attraverso il questionario C-BARQ è emersa una differenza significativa tra la prima visita e il controllo degli enteropatici negli aspetti relativi ai problemi alla separazione (p=0,024) e nella ricerca di contatto/attenzione (p=0,002). L’enteropatia cronica ha quindi un impatto notevole sulla QoL dei soggetti e in seguito al miglioramento dello stato di salute dell’animale anche la QoL aumenta rispettivamente; inoltre, possiamo dire che gli aspetti comportamentali e il legame che si sviluppa tra il proprietario e il cane sono anch’essi influenzati dalla patologia.
Chronic enteropathy is a gastrointestinal disease with a symptomatology which persists for at least three weeks; the main symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, borborygmus and flatulence, abdominal pain and weight loss. In human medicine, the IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) often presents a negative impact on the patients’ life, and therefore the evaluation of the Quality of Life (QoL) is considered a good indicator for the outcome of the pathology, which can often be a predisposing factor for the development of psychiatric and behavioural disorders such as anxiety and depression. Also in veterinary medicine the QoL is considered an indication to assess the response to treatment and, in the case of a low QoL, the eventual choice of euthanizing the animal. The aims of our study wanted to evaluate the quality of life and the behavioural aspects of the chronic enteropathic dog, and to assess the relationship between the dog and his owner with the possible modifications related to the progress of the pathology. In the study were included 44 subjects with primary chronic enteropathy of which it has been valuated the severity through the clinical score CCECAI (Canine Chronic Enteropathy Clinical Activity Index); the results revealed a negative correlation between QoL and the severity of the pathology and, evaluating the follow up, an improvement of QoL with the improve the pathology itself (p<0,001). By comparing the QoL of the chronic enteropathic subjects and the QoL of the control groups, which included 50 dogs with oncological diseases and 49 healthy subjects, it has emerged that the QoL of the enteropathic dogs is lower compared to the oncological (general QoL p=0,01) and the healthy subjects in all the questions about the QoL. The evaluation of the bond between the owner and his dog occurred throughout the LAPS questionnaire, and revealed a greater attachment towards the enteropathic subjects compared to the healthy ones (p=0,034) and, among the enteropathic subjects, at the follow up the major attachment was found towards patients in which the enteropathy disease is not resolved completely (p=0,013). From the assessment of the behavioural aspects through the C-BARQ questionnaire a significant difference has emerged in the enteropathic dogs between the first examination and the follow up, concerning the separation-related-problems (p=0,024) and the contact/attention seeking (p=0.002). Therefore the chronic enteropathy has a considerable impact on the subjects’ QoL and, as a consequence of the improvement of the animal’s health status, also the QoL increases respectively; in addition we can say that the behavioural aspects and the bond which is developed between the owner and his dog are also affected by the pathology.
Chronic enteropathy is a gastrointestinal disease with a symptomatology which persists for at least three weeks; the main symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, borborygmus and flatulence, abdominal pain and weight loss. In human medicine, the IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) often presents a negative impact on the patients’ life, and therefore the evaluation of the Quality of Life (QoL) is considered a good indicator for the outcome of the pathology, which can often be a predisposing factor for the development of psychiatric and behavioural disorders such as anxiety and depression. Also in veterinary medicine the QoL is considered an indication to assess the response to treatment and, in the case of a low QoL, the eventual choice of euthanizing the animal. The aims of our study wanted to evaluate the quality of life and the behavioural aspects of the chronic enteropathic dog, and to assess the relationship between the dog and his owner with the possible modifications related to the progress of the pathology. In the study were included 44 subjects with primary chronic enteropathy of which it has been valuated the severity through the clinical score CCECAI (Canine Chronic Enteropathy Clinical Activity Index); the results revealed a negative correlation between QoL and the severity of the pathology and, evaluating the follow up, an improvement of QoL with the improve the pathology itself (p<0,001). By comparing the QoL of the chronic enteropathic subjects and the QoL of the control groups, which included 50 dogs with oncological diseases and 49 healthy subjects, it has emerged that the QoL of the enteropathic dogs is lower compared to the oncological (general QoL p=0,01) and the healthy subjects in all the questions about the QoL. The evaluation of the bond between the owner and his dog occurred throughout the LAPS questionnaire, and revealed a greater attachment towards the enteropathic subjects compared to the healthy ones (p=0,034) and, among the enteropathic subjects, at the follow up the major attachment was found towards patients in which the enteropathy disease is not resolved completely (p=0,013). From the assessment of the behavioural aspects through the C-BARQ questionnaire a significant difference has emerged in the enteropathic dogs between the first examination and the follow up, concerning the separation-related-problems (p=0,024) and the contact/attention seeking (p=0.002). Therefore the chronic enteropathy has a considerable impact on the subjects’ QoL and, as a consequence of the improvement of the animal’s health status, also the QoL increases respectively; in addition we can say that the behavioural aspects and the bond which is developed between the owner and his dog are also affected by the pathology.
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