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Tesi etd-08282018-153900

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
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Socially Responsible Investment in Cometa: an Environmental, Social, Governance analysis.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Spataro, Luca
Parole chiave
  • Complementary Pension Scheme
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • CSR
  • ESG
  • Pension Funds
  • Sostenibilità
  • SRI
  • Supplementary Pension System
  • Sustainability
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
This work focuses on Social Responsible Investment in Fondo Pensione Cometa, which is the biggest Italian complementary pension fund for workers employed in mechanic industries (steelworkers), for the ones specialised in the instalment of machineries and other affine sectors and for the ones in the gold and silver manufacturing sector.
The purpose of this work is to illustrate the result of an analysis that the Finance Office of Cometa and I carried out over a 3-month-internship to monitor the goodness of Cometa’s portfolio at 31st May 2017, just 90 days after the appointment of the new asset managers.
The analysis deals with “Sustainable Finance” and aspires to present how Environment, Society and Governance issues are embedded in the investment process run by Cometa’s asset managers.
In such a way, it is possible to comprehend how finance is going to consider these principles in a few years, according to the idea of creating a long-run value that has to be added to the mere economic and financial one.
Firstly, we will make an “Introduction on the Italian Pension System”, we will present “Cometa pension fund” (Chapter 1), and the “main features and functioning of Cometa complementary pension fund” (Chapter 2).
Secondly, we will deal with Socially Responsible Investment and we will see how this aspect enters the investment policy of Cometa, analysing the past initiatives promoted and joined in by Cometa and its Action Plan for 2018 (Chapter 3).
Chapter 4 will be the most practical one and it will involve the essentials of the Environmental-Social-Governance Analysis (ESG Analysis) and show in details the steps we took and the procedure we followed to carry out this study in Cometa.
In Chapter 5, we will get the final considerations about this work.
Finally, for a closer look at the numbers of our work, we warmly suggest the reader to inspect the Appendixes at the end of the presented work, too.