Thesis etd-08252021-105631 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
Safe and regular pathways for the admission of third-country nationals on the territory of the European Union: a critical analysis under human rights law and the UN Global Compacts
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof. Di Filippo, Marcello
- borders externalization
- European Union
- human rights
- migrants and refugees
- migration governance
- regular migration pathways
- UN Global Compacts
Graduation session start date
La presente tesi ha ad oggetto il tema dei canali regolari e sicuri di accesso al territorio dell’Unione Europea per migranti e richiedenti asilo. L’obiettivo è valutare se e in che misura l’Unione Europea si stia conformando ai principi di diritto internazionale dei rifugiati e dei diritti umani, e agli standard di governance delle migrazioni che si vanno affermando a livello globale, in particolare in seguito all’adozione della Dichiarazione di New York su migranti e rifugiati e dei due rispettivi Global Compact. La prima parte prende in esame la graduale affermazione di regole di condotta e obiettivi comuni di governance migratoria, derivanti dall’interazione fra strumenti giuridici e strumenti di policy, tanto a livello globale, quanto a livello regionale. La seconda parte mira a ricostruire il quadro dei canali regolari di ingresso esistenti, con l’obiettivo di valutare se l’Unione Europea sia effettivamente capace di veicolare prassi virtuose in questo settore, consentendo l'ammissione e l'integrazione sul proprio territorio di migranti e richiedenti asilo in una prospettiva di lungo periodo. In quest’ottica viene presa in considerazione anche la dimensione esterna della politica migratoria, al fine di capire se nella cooperazione con i paesi terzi di origine e transito dei flussi l’Unione e i suoi stati membri perseguano una mera esternalizzazione delle frontiere – e dunque delle responsabilità – ad ogni costo, o se, al contrario, tale politica sia accompagnata dalla volontà di incentivare l’effettiva apertura di canali regolari e sicuri di ingresso.
The present research addresses the issue of safe and regular access to the territory of the European Union, with the aim to evaluate whether and to what extent such regional organization adheres to the principles of international refugee and human rights law and to the standards on migration governance emerging at global level, in particular with the adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and of the two UN Global Compacts. The first part focuses on the gradual affirmation of common rules of conduct and goals governing migration management, as a result of the adoption and interaction of legal and policy instruments, both at regional and international level. The second part aims to reconstruct the existing framework of legal channels for the admission and stay of third-country nationals on the territory of the European Union, with the aim to evaluate whether the European Union is effectively able to foster best practices at regional level in this area, enabling the admission and integration on a long-term basis of migrants and asylum seekers. In this view it is also evaluated whether in the cooperation with third countries the EU and its Member States merely pursue the externalization of migration control and responsibilities at any cost, or whether their external policy is also aimed to incentivize the effective opening of regular migration routes.
The present research addresses the issue of safe and regular access to the territory of the European Union, with the aim to evaluate whether and to what extent such regional organization adheres to the principles of international refugee and human rights law and to the standards on migration governance emerging at global level, in particular with the adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and of the two UN Global Compacts. The first part focuses on the gradual affirmation of common rules of conduct and goals governing migration management, as a result of the adoption and interaction of legal and policy instruments, both at regional and international level. The second part aims to reconstruct the existing framework of legal channels for the admission and stay of third-country nationals on the territory of the European Union, with the aim to evaluate whether the European Union is effectively able to foster best practices at regional level in this area, enabling the admission and integration on a long-term basis of migrants and asylum seekers. In this view it is also evaluated whether in the cooperation with third countries the EU and its Member States merely pursue the externalization of migration control and responsibilities at any cost, or whether their external policy is also aimed to incentivize the effective opening of regular migration routes.
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