Tesi etd-08192020-185453 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Determinazione delle soglie pluviometriche per l'innesco di frane superficiali con differenti metodi statistici per l'area dell'Alta Versilia (Toscana nord-occidentale)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Giannecchini, Roberto
correlatore Dott. Barsanti, Michele
correlatore Dott. Barsanti, Michele
Parole chiave
- frane superficiali
- logistic regression
- metodi statistici
- minimi quadrati
- rainfall thresholds
- regressione logistica
- regressione quantile
- shallow landislides
- soglie pluviometriche
- versilia
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L’Italia è uno dei paesi europei maggiormente interessati da fenomeni franosi, con 620.808 frane censite che interessano un’area di 23.700 〖km〗^2 (7,9% del territorio nazionale). In Toscana piogge intense e concentrate attivano frequentemente frane, spesso superficiali e rapide nell’innesco e nell’evoluzione, che possono causare vittime e danni al territorio e infrastrutture. L’area dell’Alta Versilia (Toscana nord-occidentale), oggetto di questo studio, per ubicazione e caratteristiche morfologiche è particolarmente esposta a fenomeni meteorologici di questo tipo e ai loro devastanti effetti, come dimostrato dalla nota Alluvione della Versilia del 1996. La determinazione completa della pericolosità di frana è tuttavia molto complicata a causa dell’imprevedibilità dei fenomeni meteorologici, delle scarse conoscenze dei versanti, delle loro caratteristiche geologiche, geotecniche, idrogeologiche, dei processi di infiltrazione e delle molteplici cause e differenti fattori che spesso interagiscono e che determinano l’attivazione di una frana. In questo quadro può essere utile determinare una relazione causa-effetto tra le caratteristiche degli eventi piovosi e le frane superficiali indotte. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quindi la determinazione di soglie pluviometriche per l’innesco di frane superficiali per l’Alta Versilia, che potrebbero risultare utili nei sistemi di allertamento. I criteri adottati generalmente per la determinazione delle soglie sono per lo più empirici, basati sull’analisi statistica di alcuni parametri specifici degli eventi di pioggia (principalmente intensità, durata e cumulata) che hanno innescato movimenti franosi. E’stata pertanto eseguita un’accurata analisi degli eventi di pioggia e di frana che hanno colpito la suddetta area dal 2000 al 2019, censendo in totale 226 frane. Le soglie pluviometriche sono state quindi determinate; in termini di durata ed intensità sia degli eventi che hanno attivato frane, sia di quelli che non le hanno attivate, applicando metodi statistici differenti: il metodo dei minimi quadrati (OLS), il metodo della regressione quantile (RQ), il metodo della regressione logistica (LR) e il metodo della regressione logistica ordinale (OLR). La capacità di previsione delle soglie probabilistiche determinate con questi metodi è stata valutata creando le tabelle di contingenza, calcolando gli indici caratteristici (skill scores) e analizzando le curve ROC. Questa analisi indica che la capacità di previsione dei diversi tipi di soglia determinati è accettabile, essendo l’area sotto la curva ROC sempre maggiore di 0.84. Il miglior compromesso tra il numero di corrette previsioni e il numero di previsioni scorrette è stato ottenuto per la soglia ottenuta per il 60% di probabilità di frana con il metodo LR (TLR60), che è caratterizzata anche da un basso numero di falsi allarmi (FP), pertanto può essere considerata la migliore tra quelle determinate in questo lavoro. Questa soglia è stata anche comparata con alcune soglie regionali proposte in letteratura, risultando più alta e quindi meno cautelativa. Infine, è stato valutato il possibile ruolo delle piogge antecedenti nei 3, 5, 7 e 15 giorni precedenti agli eventi di pioggia che hanno attivato frane, dapprima normalizzando la cumulata alla MAP annua della zona, anche se i risultati di quest’ultima analisi non sono ancora del tutto soddisfacenti e meritano ulteriori approfondimenti.
Italy is one of the European Countries most affected by landslides, with 620.808 landslides registered in an area of 23.700 km2 (7.9% of the national territory). In Tuscany intensive and concentrated rains frequently activate landslides. This weather phenomena are often superficial and rapid in their triggering and evolution and this can cause victims and damage to the territory and infrastructures. The subject of this study is the Alta Versilia area (situated in North-West of Tuscany). This area due to his location and morphological characteristic is particularly affected by this kind of meteorological phenomena and its devastating effects, as proved by the famous Flood happened in Versilia in 1996. The determining of the danger of a landslide is very complicated due to the unpredictability of meteorological phenomena, the lack of knowledge of the slopes, their geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological characteristics, the infiltration processes and the multiple causes and different factors that often interact and determine the activation of a landslide. In this context it may be useful to define a cause-and-effect relationship between the characteristics of rainy events and surface landslides. The purpose of this thesis was therefore to define the rainfall thresholds for the triggering of superficial landslides in Alta Versilia, which could be useful in warning systems. The criteria generally adopted for determining the thresholds are mostly empirical, based on the statistical analysis of some specific parameters of rainy events (mainly intensity, duration, and quantity) that triggered the landslide. It has been analyzed that the number of the rain and landslides events that hit the area from 2000 to 2019 is 226 landslides. It has been determined the rainfall thresholds; in terms of duration and intensity of both the events that activated landslides, and those that did not activate them, applying different statistical methods: the method of ordinary least squares (OLS), the quantile regression method (RQ), the logistic regression method (LR) and the ordinal logistic regression method (OLR). The capacity of prediction of the probabilistic thresholds determined with these methods has been estimated creating contingency tables, calculating the skill scores and analyzing the ROC curves. This analysis indicates that the forecasting capacity of the different types of threshold determined is acceptable, as the area (AUROC) below the ROC curve is always greater than 0.84. The best compromise between the number of correct and incorrect forecasts was calculated for the threshold obtained: for the 60% probability of landslide with the method LR (TLR60), which is also characterized by a low number of false alarms (FP) therefore it can be considered the best one among those determined in this work.
This threshold has also been compared with some regional thresholds proposed in other scientific researches, being higher and therefore less cautious. Finally it has been evaluated that the possible role of rainfall happened 3, 5, 7 and 15 days prior to the rain events that has triggered landslides, first normalizing the quantity of rain to the annual MAP of the area, although the results of the latter analysis are yet not entirely satisfactory and deserve further study.
Italy is one of the European Countries most affected by landslides, with 620.808 landslides registered in an area of 23.700 km2 (7.9% of the national territory). In Tuscany intensive and concentrated rains frequently activate landslides. This weather phenomena are often superficial and rapid in their triggering and evolution and this can cause victims and damage to the territory and infrastructures. The subject of this study is the Alta Versilia area (situated in North-West of Tuscany). This area due to his location and morphological characteristic is particularly affected by this kind of meteorological phenomena and its devastating effects, as proved by the famous Flood happened in Versilia in 1996. The determining of the danger of a landslide is very complicated due to the unpredictability of meteorological phenomena, the lack of knowledge of the slopes, their geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological characteristics, the infiltration processes and the multiple causes and different factors that often interact and determine the activation of a landslide. In this context it may be useful to define a cause-and-effect relationship between the characteristics of rainy events and surface landslides. The purpose of this thesis was therefore to define the rainfall thresholds for the triggering of superficial landslides in Alta Versilia, which could be useful in warning systems. The criteria generally adopted for determining the thresholds are mostly empirical, based on the statistical analysis of some specific parameters of rainy events (mainly intensity, duration, and quantity) that triggered the landslide. It has been analyzed that the number of the rain and landslides events that hit the area from 2000 to 2019 is 226 landslides. It has been determined the rainfall thresholds; in terms of duration and intensity of both the events that activated landslides, and those that did not activate them, applying different statistical methods: the method of ordinary least squares (OLS), the quantile regression method (RQ), the logistic regression method (LR) and the ordinal logistic regression method (OLR). The capacity of prediction of the probabilistic thresholds determined with these methods has been estimated creating contingency tables, calculating the skill scores and analyzing the ROC curves. This analysis indicates that the forecasting capacity of the different types of threshold determined is acceptable, as the area (AUROC) below the ROC curve is always greater than 0.84. The best compromise between the number of correct and incorrect forecasts was calculated for the threshold obtained: for the 60% probability of landslide with the method LR (TLR60), which is also characterized by a low number of false alarms (FP) therefore it can be considered the best one among those determined in this work.
This threshold has also been compared with some regional thresholds proposed in other scientific researches, being higher and therefore less cautious. Finally it has been evaluated that the possible role of rainfall happened 3, 5, 7 and 15 days prior to the rain events that has triggered landslides, first normalizing the quantity of rain to the annual MAP of the area, although the results of the latter analysis are yet not entirely satisfactory and deserve further study.
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