Thesis etd-07132021-170026 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
Peculiarità e prospettive della grammaticografia missionaria lusofona: uno studio filologico e linguistico della Gramatica di Joseph Kariattil
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof.ssa Lupetti, Monica
- grammaticografia lusofona
- Joseph Kariattil
- Joseph Kariattil
- Linguistic Historiography
- Linguistica missionaria
- Lusophone Gramaticography
- Malayalam
- malayalam / Missionary Linguistics
- Storiografia linguistica
Graduation session start date
Release date
Il progetto ha come scopo contribuire agli studi di Storiografia linguistica, nello specifico, di Linguistica missionaria di area lusofona. Lo studio mette in luce un manoscritto del XVIII secolo, documento grammaticale di produzione missionaria da sempre rimasto al margine del dibattito disciplinare. Attraverso un’analisi filologico-linguistica del corpus e una ricostruzione biografica dell’autore, miro a contribuire alla ricerca storiografica di natura linguistica e a quella grammaticografica lusofona. L’opera, una grammatica di lingua malayalam con metalingua portoghese, dal titolo Gramatica Linguæ Malavaricæ. Samscredam, del religioso indiano Joseph Kariattil, risulta essere un testo peculiare poiché permette di interrogarsi su concetti e delimitazioni che si collocano alla base della Linguistica missionaria, apportando una prospettiva innovativa e una diversa modalità di approccio alla disciplina. Il secondo obiettivo dell'indagine è dimostrare come la lingua portoghese svolgesse un ruolo centrale nella comunicazione internazionale del XVIII secolo, ottenendo lo status di lingua franca, veicolare e di cultura, oltre a essere impiegata come metalinguaggio descrittivo per l’interpretazione delle cosiddette lingue “esotiche”, al lato del latino.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the study of Linguistic historiography, specifically, Lusophone Missionary Linguistics. The study highlights an 18th century manuscript, a grammatical document of missionary production that has always remained at the margins of disciplinary debate. Through a philological-linguistic analysis of the corpus and a biographical reconstruction of the author, I aim to contribute to historiographical research of a linguistic and Lusophone grammaticography nature. The work, a Malayalam language grammar with Portuguese metalanguage, entitled Gramatica Linguæ Malavaricæ. Samscredam, by the Indian cleric Joseph Kariattil, is a peculiar text because it allows us to question the concepts and delimitations that lie at the basis of missionary linguistics, bringing an innovative perspective and a different approach to the discipline. The second objective of the investigation is to demonstrate how the Portuguese language played a central role in the international communication of the 18th century, obtaining the status of lingua franca, vehicular and cultural, as well as being used as a descriptive metalanguage for the interpretation of the so-called "exotic" languages, alongside Latin.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the study of Linguistic historiography, specifically, Lusophone Missionary Linguistics. The study highlights an 18th century manuscript, a grammatical document of missionary production that has always remained at the margins of disciplinary debate. Through a philological-linguistic analysis of the corpus and a biographical reconstruction of the author, I aim to contribute to historiographical research of a linguistic and Lusophone grammaticography nature. The work, a Malayalam language grammar with Portuguese metalanguage, entitled Gramatica Linguæ Malavaricæ. Samscredam, by the Indian cleric Joseph Kariattil, is a peculiar text because it allows us to question the concepts and delimitations that lie at the basis of missionary linguistics, bringing an innovative perspective and a different approach to the discipline. The second objective of the investigation is to demonstrate how the Portuguese language played a central role in the international communication of the 18th century, obtaining the status of lingua franca, vehicular and cultural, as well as being used as a descriptive metalanguage for the interpretation of the so-called "exotic" languages, alongside Latin.
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