Thesis etd-07072020-125853 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
Gli studia Homerica di Zoilo di Anfipoli tra critica letteraria e retorica
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof. Tulli, Mauro
- Ancient Literary Criticism
- Critica letteraria antica
- Critica zetematica
- Esegesi omerica
- Homeric exegesis
- Zetemata type-studies
- Zoilo di Anfipoli
- Zoilus of Amphipolis
Graduation session start date
Obiettivo della tesi è uno studio complessivo sulla figura dell’esegeta omerico e retore di IV secolo a.C. Zoilo di Anfipoli. Il lavoro include un capitolo introduttivo sugli studia Homerica pre-alessandrini e sul metodo esegetico per zetemata e lyseis (questioni e soluzioni) praticato dall’autore, seguito dalla raccolta delle testimonianze su Zoilo (16) e dall’edizione critica commentata dei frammenti della sua produzione (19), in massima parte derivati dal Κατὰ τῆς Ὁμήρου ποιήσεως (“Contro la poesia di Omero”), opera in cui l’autore muoveva critiche alla poesia omerica, evidenziandone incongruenze, contraddizioni ed errori e che gli guadagnò il soprannome di Homeromastix (“la frusta di Omero”). A un capitolo dedicato all’analisi del metodo esegetico, della trasmissione dell’esegesi di Zoilo e della sua fortuna, segue una breve storia dell’Homeromastigia a partire dal IV secolo a.C. fino alla prima età imperiale.
The aim of this work is an overall study of Zoilus of Amphipolis, Homeric exegete and rhetorician of the 4th century BC. The dissertation includes an opening chapter about the pre-Alexandrian studia Homerica and the exegetical method based on zetemata and lyseis (problems and solutions) practiced by the author. This chapter is followed by a collection of Zoilus’ testimonies (16) and a commentated critical edition of his fragments (19), mostly derived by his Κατὰ τῆς Ὁμήρου ποιήσεως (“Against Homer’s Poetry”). In this work he raised criticisms against the text of the Homeric poems, pointing out inconsistencies, contradictions and errors, from which he earned the nickname Homeromastix (“The Scourge of Homer”). After a chapter about the analysis of Zoilus’ exegetical method, his transmission and his Nachleben follows a short report of the Homeromastigia from the 4th century BC to the first imperial age.
The aim of this work is an overall study of Zoilus of Amphipolis, Homeric exegete and rhetorician of the 4th century BC. The dissertation includes an opening chapter about the pre-Alexandrian studia Homerica and the exegetical method based on zetemata and lyseis (problems and solutions) practiced by the author. This chapter is followed by a collection of Zoilus’ testimonies (16) and a commentated critical edition of his fragments (19), mostly derived by his Κατὰ τῆς Ὁμήρου ποιήσεως (“Against Homer’s Poetry”). In this work he raised criticisms against the text of the Homeric poems, pointing out inconsistencies, contradictions and errors, from which he earned the nickname Homeromastix (“The Scourge of Homer”). After a chapter about the analysis of Zoilus’ exegetical method, his transmission and his Nachleben follows a short report of the Homeromastigia from the 4th century BC to the first imperial age.
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