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Tesi etd-06302022-215527

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Beta oscillators interplay in a model of parkinsonian Basal Ganglia
Corso di studi
relatore Dott. Mazzoni, Alberto
relatore Prof. Mannella, Riccardo
tutor Dott. Vergani, Alberto Arturo
Parole chiave
  • basal ganglia
  • beta oscillations
  • computational model
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • synchronization
Data inizio appello
The work will be presented in five main Chapters: in the first one I introduce the main properties of the network of the Basal Ganglia and I present an overview of the results obtained by a collection of previous works on the role of Dopamine depletion and the onset of beta activity.
Afterwards, Chapter 2 is devoted to main concepts and tools that are employed throughout the thesis: particularly, I summarize the structure and functionalities of neuronal cells, I describe their mathematical modelization and I present the model of the network that will be used throughout the thesis. Besides that, because of their prominent role in the following part of the work, a review of the concept of synchronization and a presentation of the main tools for spectral and numerosity analysis is proposed in this section.
Following, in Chapter 3, I present the more specific methods that I purposefully designed in order to deepen the properties of the employed model. After a brief overview of the main features of the implemented code, the remaining part of the chapter is devoted to the description of the deployed methods in order to detect the main sources of beta activity and to study the properties of the system as a function of:
- the intensity of the coupling between the main detected beta oscillators;
- the introduction of additional non-beta perturbations;
- the modelization of the severity of the condition of dopamine depletion.
In Chapter 4, I report the results of the performed analysis, with a focus on the processes through which the two main oscillators in the beta-regime merge together and consequently generate a comprehensive and robust oscillator.
Finally, in the conclusive chapter of this thesis I propose possible further investigations that could follow from my work and I suggest some potential applications of the obtained results in their relation to the actual cutting edge technologies employed in the therapies of Parkinson's disease.