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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-06292016-223607

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Studies of the impact of field uncertainties on physics parameters of the Mu2e experiment
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Bellettini, Giorgio
relatore Dott. Vellidis, Costas
Parole chiave
  • beam electrons
  • beta source
  • Mu2e
  • solenoid magnets
  • stopping rates
Data inizio appello
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for a signature of charged lepton flavor violation, an effect prohibitively small to detect in any process within the Standard Model of particle physics. Therefore, its observation is a signal of new physics. The signature that Mu2e will search for is the ratio of the rate of neutrinoless coherent conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus,
relative to the muon capture rate by the nucleus. The conversion process is an example of charged lepton flavor violation. This experiment aims at a sensitivity of four orders of magnitude higher than previous related experiments. The desired sensitivity implies highly demanding requirements of accuracy in the design and conduct of the experiment. It is therefore important to investigate the tolerance of the experiment to instrumental uncertainties and provide specifications that the design and construction must meet.

The design of the experiment is based on three superconducting solenoid magnets. The most important uncertainties in the magnetic field of the solenoids can arise from misalignments of the Transport Solenoid, which transfers the beam from the muon production area to the detector area and eliminates beam-originating backgrounds. In this study, the field uncertainties induced by possible misalignments and their impact on the physics parameters of the experiment are examined.
The physics parameters include the muon and pion stopping rates and the scattering of beam electrons off the capture target, which determine the signal, intrinsic background and late-arriving background yields, respectively. Additionally, a possible test of the Transport Solenoid alignment with low momentum electrons is examined, as an alternative to measure its field with conventional probes, which is technically difficult due to mechanical interference.

Misalignments of the Transport Solenoid were simulated using standard magnetic field calculation tools. Particle transport was simulated using the Mu2e Offline software, which includes realistic models of particle interactions with materials in the full Mu2e geometry. The physics parameters were found tolerant within the precision requirements of the experiment for rigid-body type of misalignments, which are the most dangerous, up to a maximum coil displacement of nearly 10 mm. With the appropriate choice of low momentum electron detector, the proposed Transport Solenoid test is found sensitive to such misalignments with a high statistical significance.