Tesi etd-06272023-185329 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Il leasing: trattamento contabile e iscrizione in bilancio. Confronto tra Italia e standard internazionali con focus sul nuovo IFRS 16 e le relative implicazioni finanziarie
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Allegrini, Marco
Parole chiave
- ifrs 16
- lease
- leasing
- metodo finanziario
- metodo patrimoniale
- right of use
- right of use approach
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il presente lavoro di tesi si propone di analizzare e confrontare i principi contabili italiani e internazionali relativi al trattamento contabile delle operazioni di leasing, con particolare attenzione all'IFRS 16 e alle implicazioni finanziarie che derivano dalla sua adozione. L'IFRS 16, emesso il 13 gennaio 2016 dall'International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) e in vigore a partire dal 1° gennaio 2019, ha sostituito lo IAS 17 come disciplina contabile per il leasing, per le aziende che redigono i bilanci secondo i principi contabili internazionali. Il nuovo standard, a differenza del suo predecessore, adotta un unico modello di contabilizzazione del leasing per il locatario, noto come "right of use approach". Con l'IFRS 16, la distinzione tra "leasing finanziario" e "leasing operativo" viene eliminata e si adotta una nuova definizione di "leasing": un contratto o una parte di un contratto che concede il diritto di utilizzare un bene per un periodo di tempo in cambio di un corrispettivo. Non si considerano più i rischi e i benefici relativi al bene, ma si fa riferimento al controllo dell'attività per un determinato periodo di tempo. Secondo questo nuovo approccio, il locatario deve registrare tutti i contratti di leasing con durata superiore a 12 mesi come attività nel proprio bilancio utilizzando il modello del diritto di utilizzo, a meno che il valore del leasing non sia inferiore a una soglia ritenuta significativa dal principio contabile. L'adozione dell'IFRS 16 comporta importanti implicazioni sulle misure finanziarie chiave utilizzate dagli analisti e dagli investitori per valutare la solidità finanziaria delle imprese. Ciò include un aumento del livello di indebitamento dei locatari, un deterioramento degli indici di struttura finanziaria e variazioni nella rappresentazione dei flussi finanziari. La ricerca condotta per questa tesi si è basata su una revisione approfondita della letteratura contabile, dei principali documenti normativi e delle pubblicazioni scientifiche disponibili. Gli studi presenti in letteratura hanno contribuito al dibattito sull’analisi degli effetti finanziari derivanti dalla capitalizzazione delle operazioni di leasing operativo, evidenziando un peggioramento dei livelli di indebitamento delle imprese e dei principali indicatori finanziari. Da un punto di vista pratico, attraverso lo studio di alcuni casi reali, si è evidenziato l’impatto prodotto dalla prima applicazione dell’IFRS 16 nel bilancio dei locatari, prendendo in esame le relazioni finanziarie 2019 di cinque gruppi societari quotati. L'obiettivo di questo studio è contribuire alla comprensione delle opportunità e delle sfide che le imprese devono affrontare nell'implementazione del nuovo standard contabile sul leasing.
This paper aims to analyze and compare the Italian and international accounting principles related to the accounting treatment of lease transactions, with particular emphasis on IFRS 16 and the financial implications arising from its adoption. IFRS 16, issued on January 13, 2016, by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and effective from January 1, 2019, replaced IAS 17 as the accounting standard for leases for companies preparing financial statements according to international accounting principles. Unlike its predecessor, the new standard adopts a single leasing accounting model for the lessee known as the "right of use approach." With IFRS 16, the distinction between "finance leases" and "operating leases" is eliminated, and a new definition of "lease" is introduced: a contract or part of a contract that grants the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Risks and rewards associated with the underlying asset are no longer considered; instead, control of the asset for a specified period of time is the key criterion. Under this new approach, the lessee is required to recognize all lease contracts with a duration exceeding 12 months as assets in their balance sheet, using the right-of-use model, unless the value of the lease falls below a threshold deemed significant by the accounting principle. The adoption of IFRS 16 has significant implications for key financial measures used by analysts and investors to assess the financial strength of companies. This includes an increase in lessees' level of debt, deterioration in financial structure ratios, and variations in the presentation of cash flows. The research conducted for this thesis is based on a comprehensive review of accounting literature, key regulatory documents, and available scientific publications. Existing studies in the literature have contributed to the debate on the analysis of financial effects resulting from the capitalization of operating lease transactions, highlighting a worsening of companies' debt levels and key financial indicators. From a practical perspective, through the study of real cases, the impact of the initial application of IFRS 16 on lessees' financial statements has been examined, focusing on the financial reports of five listed corporate groups for the year 2019. The objective of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the opportunities and challenges that companies face in implementing the new lease accounting standard.
This paper aims to analyze and compare the Italian and international accounting principles related to the accounting treatment of lease transactions, with particular emphasis on IFRS 16 and the financial implications arising from its adoption. IFRS 16, issued on January 13, 2016, by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and effective from January 1, 2019, replaced IAS 17 as the accounting standard for leases for companies preparing financial statements according to international accounting principles. Unlike its predecessor, the new standard adopts a single leasing accounting model for the lessee known as the "right of use approach." With IFRS 16, the distinction between "finance leases" and "operating leases" is eliminated, and a new definition of "lease" is introduced: a contract or part of a contract that grants the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Risks and rewards associated with the underlying asset are no longer considered; instead, control of the asset for a specified period of time is the key criterion. Under this new approach, the lessee is required to recognize all lease contracts with a duration exceeding 12 months as assets in their balance sheet, using the right-of-use model, unless the value of the lease falls below a threshold deemed significant by the accounting principle. The adoption of IFRS 16 has significant implications for key financial measures used by analysts and investors to assess the financial strength of companies. This includes an increase in lessees' level of debt, deterioration in financial structure ratios, and variations in the presentation of cash flows. The research conducted for this thesis is based on a comprehensive review of accounting literature, key regulatory documents, and available scientific publications. Existing studies in the literature have contributed to the debate on the analysis of financial effects resulting from the capitalization of operating lease transactions, highlighting a worsening of companies' debt levels and key financial indicators. From a practical perspective, through the study of real cases, the impact of the initial application of IFRS 16 on lessees' financial statements has been examined, focusing on the financial reports of five listed corporate groups for the year 2019. The objective of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the opportunities and challenges that companies face in implementing the new lease accounting standard.
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