Tesi etd-06272020-103724 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Implementazione della metodologia Jidoka sulle linee #2 e #4 di assemblaggio automatico dei prodotti RDU
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Failli, Franco
tutor Ing. Panaro, Oronzo Riccardo
tutor Ing. Panaro, Oronzo Riccardo
Parole chiave
- fpy
- jidoka
- kpi
- Lean Production
- oee
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Questo elaborato di tesi è frutto di un’esperienza formativa svolta presso l’azienda Vitesco Technologies Italy srl di Fauglia (PI), azienda operante nel settore automotive a livello mondiale. L’obiettivo del mio percorso formativo è stato quello di introdurre sulle linee di assemblaggio dell’ RDU una metodologia di lavoro che rappresenta una colonna portante della Lean production: il Jidoka. Dopo un opportuno studio delle linee interessate e della declinazione del Jidoka in azienda, è stato creato un sistema di raccolta dati affidabile per poter stilare un elenco di tutte le voci di scarto e determinare tutte quelle che risultassero maggiormente impattanti in termini di perdita di efficienza della linea. Dopo un’accurata analisi di tutte le voci di scarto, opportunamente clusterizzate in famiglie omogenee, si sono definiti i processi critici sia in termini di FPY sia in ottica NCC1 e gli opportuni target. È stato necessario preparare tutta la documentazione come definito da procedura e apportare le necessarie modifiche sia sul database aziendale sia sui controlli dei moduli stessi. Attività chiave è stata quella di revisione dei piani di reazione, per i moduli selezionati, tale revisione è stata veicolata e condizionata da una forte integrazione con la TPM. Fondamentale importanza ha avuto l’attività di formazione sulla linea, che ha permesso agli operatori di prendere consapevolezza della metodologia e della centralità della loro posizione per rendere il processo stabile e sostenibile.
This thesis work is the result of a training experience carried out at the Vitesco Technologies Italy srl company in Fauglia (PI), a company operating in the automotive sector worldwide. The goal of my training was to introduce a working methodology on the RDU assembly lines that represents a pillar of Lean production: Jidoka. After an appropriate study of the lines involved and the declination of the Jidoka in the company, a reliable data collection system was created to be able to draw up a list of all the waste items and determine all those that were most impactful in terms of loss of efficiency of the line. After a careful analysis of all the waste items, suitably clustered into homogeneous families, the critical processes were defined both in terms of FPY and in the NCC1 perspective and the appropriate targets. It was necessary to prepare all the documentation as defined by the procedure and make the necessary changes both on the company database and on the controls of the modules themselves. A key activity was the revision of the reaction plans, for the selected modules, this revision was conveyed and conditioned by a strong integration with the TPM. Training on the line was fundamental in importance, which allowed operators to become aware of the methodology and centrality of their position to make the process stable and sustainable.
This thesis work is the result of a training experience carried out at the Vitesco Technologies Italy srl company in Fauglia (PI), a company operating in the automotive sector worldwide. The goal of my training was to introduce a working methodology on the RDU assembly lines that represents a pillar of Lean production: Jidoka. After an appropriate study of the lines involved and the declination of the Jidoka in the company, a reliable data collection system was created to be able to draw up a list of all the waste items and determine all those that were most impactful in terms of loss of efficiency of the line. After a careful analysis of all the waste items, suitably clustered into homogeneous families, the critical processes were defined both in terms of FPY and in the NCC1 perspective and the appropriate targets. It was necessary to prepare all the documentation as defined by the procedure and make the necessary changes both on the company database and on the controls of the modules themselves. A key activity was the revision of the reaction plans, for the selected modules, this revision was conveyed and conditioned by a strong integration with the TPM. Training on the line was fundamental in importance, which allowed operators to become aware of the methodology and centrality of their position to make the process stable and sustainable.
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Tesi non consultabile. |