Tesi etd-06212023-122313 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Sviluppo e Validazione di una Nuova Architettura Robotica per Microneurochirurgia di Precisione
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Ciuti, Gastone
relatore Ing. Bagheri, Matteo
correlatore Ing. Simi, Massimiliano
relatore Ing. Bagheri, Matteo
correlatore Ing. Simi, Massimiliano
Parole chiave
- chirurgia robotica
- Medical Micro Instruments
- microchirurgia
- microneurochirurgia
- microneurosurgery
- microsurgery
- neurochirurgia
- neurosurgery
- robotic assisted surgery
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
In questo lavoro di tesi, svolto presso l’azienda Medical Micro Instruments, Inc., sono stati affrontati i principali passaggi necessari alla progettazione e successiva validazione di una nuova architettura robotica per Microneurochirurgia. Identificati i requisiti utente e di sistema, viene scelta una architettura robotiche che sfrutti la tecnologia basata sul Centro Remoto di Movimento (RCM). Per la progettazione prototipale è stato impiegato un software CAD, mentre la realizzazione del prototipo è avvenuta per 3D printing con metodo FDM. È stato necessario, inoltre, redigere delle BOMs per l’acquisto di componenti da fornitori esterni. La prima versione del prototipo viene attuata manualmente, quella finale invece è attuata da un servo motore per la rotazione sul piano sagittale e da un motore Stepper sul piano orizzontale. Entrambi vengono controllati da PC tramite appositi drivers. Il processo di validazione è avvenuto in ambiente operatorio simulato con la collaborazione di due neurochirurghi, i quali hanno valutato positivamente l’architettura proposta e suggerito importanti spunti di miglioramento futuri.
In this master thesis, performed at Medical Micro Instruments, Inc., the main steps for the development and validation of a new robotic architecture for Microneurosurgery have been addressed. Once the user and system requirements have been identified, a robotic architectures based on the Remote Centre of Motion (RCM) has been chosen. A software CAD has been used to design the prototype, while its realization has been done by FDM 3D printing. Some BOMs have been drawn up to purchase materials from external providers. The first version of the prototype was moved manually, the final one has been motorized with a Servo for the rotation on the sagittal plane and a Stepper motor for the horizontal one. Both motors were piloted by PC and appropriate drivers. The validation process took place in a simulated operation room with the collaboration of two neurosurgeons, which rated positively the proposed architecture and gave important ideas for future improvement.
In this master thesis, performed at Medical Micro Instruments, Inc., the main steps for the development and validation of a new robotic architecture for Microneurosurgery have been addressed. Once the user and system requirements have been identified, a robotic architectures based on the Remote Centre of Motion (RCM) has been chosen. A software CAD has been used to design the prototype, while its realization has been done by FDM 3D printing. Some BOMs have been drawn up to purchase materials from external providers. The first version of the prototype was moved manually, the final one has been motorized with a Servo for the rotation on the sagittal plane and a Stepper motor for the horizontal one. Both motors were piloted by PC and appropriate drivers. The validation process took place in a simulated operation room with the collaboration of two neurosurgeons, which rated positively the proposed architecture and gave important ideas for future improvement.
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Tesi non consultabile. |