Tesi etd-06212020-122346 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Genesi di una facciata continua in vetro. Analisi, modellazione e valutazione strutturale di un sistema di facciata: il caso studio di un'architettura interrotta a Pisa.
Corso di studi
relatore Arch. Santi, Giovanni
correlatore Ing. Caprili, Silvia
correlatore Arch. Martino, Massimiliano
correlatore Ing. Puncello, Irene
controrelatore Arch. Bazzocchi, Frida
correlatore Ing. Caprili, Silvia
correlatore Arch. Martino, Massimiliano
correlatore Ing. Puncello, Irene
controrelatore Arch. Bazzocchi, Frida
Parole chiave
- alluminio
- bim
- curtain wall
- double skin façade
- edilizia incompiuta
- facciata a doppio involucro
- facciata ventilata
- glass
- ottimizzazione
- pannellizzazione
- sigillante strutturale
- sistemi di facciata continua
- structural sealant
- vetro
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Questo lavoro di tesi ha come oggetto l’analisi, l’ideazione e lo sviluppo di una facciata continua applicata al caso studio di un’architettura interrotta a Pisa. L’uso di tali sistemi è un tema di grande attualità oggigiorno poiché essi permettono di coniugare leggerezza, trasparenza, robustezza ed efficienza energetica. Questa tecnologia può essere inoltre utilizzata per la rifunzionalizzazione e il recupero di edifici esistenti, tema molto importante in Italia, conferendo un’estetica di forte impatto visivo. Tale ricerca ha lo scopo di essere una guida per la corretta progettazione e lo studio di involucri trasparenti. Nella prima sezione si elencano i requisiti, le diverse tipologie, con i relativi vantaggi e svantaggi, e i diversi materiali di una facciata continua. Attualmente non è presente una singola normativa che racchiuda tutti i requisiti di un involucro in metallo e vetro, viene perciò identificato un quadro di norme tecniche e prodotti standard che regolano la progettazione e la produzione di tali sistemi. Nella seconda sezione si analizza la formazione e il funzionamento di involucri trasparenti tramite lo studio di edifici realizzati. Si espone quindi la mappa processuale nell’utilizzo di facciate continue, dove si elencano le diverse figure che entrano in gioco e dove viene illustrato lo strumento BIM che permette un’interoperabilità tra i diversi soggetti, tema fondamentale vista la complessità della materia. Nella terza sezione si applicano le conoscenze acquisite precedentemente a un caso studio, sviluppando una progettazione complessa tramite un approccio interdisciplinare grazie all’utilizzo di software quali Revit. L’interoperabilità riguarda nello specifico i seguenti temi: lo studio strutturale, lo studio parametrico e lo studio architettonico e tecnico; si introducono inoltre i concetti generali riguardo uno studio energetico. Tale approccio complesso ha come finalità la modularizzazione del sistema di facciata continua sulla base di considerazioni geometriche mirate alla pannellizzazione dell’involucro, riducendo costi e ottimizzando la fabbricabilità. Vengono riportate infine conclusioni e spunti per studi futuri riguardo il tema trattato.
This thesis deals with the analysis, the ideation and the development of a curtain wall studied in relation to a piece of architecture in Pisa, the work on which was in the past interrupted. The use of these systems has been a theme of great modern importance during these years because they give lightness, transparency, strength and energetic efficiency. This technology can be adopted for the restructing and recovery of existing buildings, which is a very important question in Italy, in that it helps to add a strong visual aesthetic impact to extant structures. This research is aimed at being a guide for the proper design and the study of transparent envelopes. In the first section, the requirements, the different typologies, and their advantages and disadvantages, and the different materials of a curtain wall are listed. Currently, there is no legislation regarding the requirements of a glass and metal envelope, so technical standards and standard products have been identified here in order to regulate the design and the production of these systems. The second section analyses the formation and the functionality of transparent envelopes in connection with the study of an existing building. It elucidates, therefore, the processing map for the use of a curtain wall, where the different figures in the workflow are listed and the BIM tool is illustrated, in that this allows for an interoperability between different characters, which is, again, a very important theme in the complexity of this particular subject. In the third section, the knowledge previously acquired is applied to a case study, developing a complex design through a multidisciplinary approach using various different softwares, like, for example, Revit. The interoperability is relevant to the following themes: the structural study, the parametric study, the architectural and technical study; the general concepts about an energetic study are so introduced. This complex approach focuses on modularizing the curtain wall system on the basis of geometrical considerations aimed at the paneling of the envelope, thereby reducing costs and optimizing the fabrication. Conclusions and ideas for future studies about the theme are given at the end.
This thesis deals with the analysis, the ideation and the development of a curtain wall studied in relation to a piece of architecture in Pisa, the work on which was in the past interrupted. The use of these systems has been a theme of great modern importance during these years because they give lightness, transparency, strength and energetic efficiency. This technology can be adopted for the restructing and recovery of existing buildings, which is a very important question in Italy, in that it helps to add a strong visual aesthetic impact to extant structures. This research is aimed at being a guide for the proper design and the study of transparent envelopes. In the first section, the requirements, the different typologies, and their advantages and disadvantages, and the different materials of a curtain wall are listed. Currently, there is no legislation regarding the requirements of a glass and metal envelope, so technical standards and standard products have been identified here in order to regulate the design and the production of these systems. The second section analyses the formation and the functionality of transparent envelopes in connection with the study of an existing building. It elucidates, therefore, the processing map for the use of a curtain wall, where the different figures in the workflow are listed and the BIM tool is illustrated, in that this allows for an interoperability between different characters, which is, again, a very important theme in the complexity of this particular subject. In the third section, the knowledge previously acquired is applied to a case study, developing a complex design through a multidisciplinary approach using various different softwares, like, for example, Revit. The interoperability is relevant to the following themes: the structural study, the parametric study, the architectural and technical study; the general concepts about an energetic study are so introduced. This complex approach focuses on modularizing the curtain wall system on the basis of geometrical considerations aimed at the paneling of the envelope, thereby reducing costs and optimizing the fabrication. Conclusions and ideas for future studies about the theme are given at the end.
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