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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-06182023-180224

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti: poteri, libertà di espressione e rapporti istituzionali durante il mandato di Donald Trump
Corso di studi
relatore Sperti, Angioletta
Parole chiave
  • check and balances
  • congresso
  • donald trump
  • freedom of speech
  • freedom of the press
  • judicial branch
  • legislative branch
  • libertà di espressione
  • presidente
  • stati uniti
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the American form of government and the evolution of the role of the President over time. Specifically, I will deal with the relationship between the President Donald Trump and the other powers of the State, as such the legislative branch represented by the Congress and the judicial branch represented by federal courts, state courts to the highest court: the Supreme court. During the presidency of Donald J. Trump, the relationship between the President of the United States and the Congress experienced significant tensions and debates. These dynamics highlighted the importance of presidential power within the context of the American political system and raised crucial questions about the separation of powers and the balance of power between the branches of government. I will examine the political structure of Congress during the Trump presidency and analyse the dynamics that characterized the relationship between the President and the legislative branch, how the President used presidential powers and how Congress reacted to his actions. In addition to this, I will examine the relationship between President Trump and the First Amendment, from the point of view of the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. During his presidency, freedom of expression became the subject of heated debate and controversy. The tumultuous political and social context fuelled a climate of tension and conflict between the White House and the media, raising important questions about safeguarding one of the fundamental pillars of American democracy: the right to free expression. Firstly, the two fundamental rights of freedom of speech and the press under the First Amendment will be analysed, delving into the policies, actions, and statements of President Trump that often-generated controversies and accusations of limiting press freedom and freedom of expression. Additionally, I will consider Trump’s First Amendment legal cases, as such Knight First Amendment Institute v. Donald J. Trump, U.S. WeChat Users Alliance v. Trump and, lastly, Cables News Network Inc. v Trump. The examination will embrace restrictions on press credentials, allegations of fake news, and the role of social media, particularly Twitter, in the dissemination of information and the confrontation between President Trump and his critics. Finally, in the concluding chapter, the examination will focus on the judiciary and the interaction between Trump and the judicial branch, considering Trump both as Chief Executive and as a subject of judicial investigations or participant in lawsuits. The findings reveal that in the latter aspect, the judiciary demonstrated a notable level of independence, although the significant number of lifetime appointments, has resulted in an extremely conservative body that will have long-lasting effects for future generations.