Tesi etd-06182019-115702 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di specializzazione (3 anni)
Cannabis in Medicina Veterinaria: basi scientifiche, possibili applicazioni, normativa e prodotti utilizzati.
Corso di studi
relatore Dott.ssa Meucci, Valentina
Parole chiave
- Canapa
- Cannabidiolo
- Cannabis
- Fitocannabinoidi
- Sistema Endocannabinoide
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L’impiego di Cannabis come analgesico in molte situazioni fisiologiche o patologiche risale a piu di 1500 anni fa. Negli ultimi anni lo studio della Cannabis e dei suoi principi attivi e e del loro possibile impiego a livello terapeutico ha sollevato sempre più interesse in campo scientifico, anche in Medicina Veterinaria. Nel presente lavoro, dopo un inquadramento dell'argomento "Cannabinoidi" (fitocannabinoidi e sistema endocannabinoide), si illustrano gli studi sperimentali su animali di laboratorio che dimostrano la presenza della macchina endocannabinoide nell'organismo animale. Fa seguito poi un'analisi della letteratura scientifica prodotta sull'argomento "Cannabis" in Medicina Veterinaria. In ultima analisi si prende in rassegna il panorama legislativo riguardante sia la Cannabis Terapeutica sia la Cannabis Light, quest'ultima non ancora ben definita. Lo scopo è di dare una linea guida al veterinario e al proprietario il quale spesso si rivolge a prodotti di libera vendita in autonomia, ignaro della natura del prodotto nel suo profilo microbatteriologico e non accompagnato da un certificato d'analisi che attesti l'assenza di contaminanti e metalli pesanti. Solo una reale padronanza dell’argomento consentirà, infatti, di effettuare scelte consapevoli a favore della salute animale.
The use of cannabis as an analgesic in many physiological or pathological situations dates back to more than 1500 years ago. In recent years the study of Cannabis and its active principles and their possible use at a therapeutic level has risen more and more increasing in the scientific world, also in Veterinary Medicine. In the present work, following a classification of the "Cannabinoids" topic (phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoid system), experimental studies on laboratory animals that show the presence of the endocannabinoid in the animal organism are illustrated. A presentation of the scientific literature produced on the subject "Cannabis" in Veterinary Medicine follows. Last, the normative scenario concerning both the Cannabis Therapeutics and the Cannabis Light, the latter not yet fully defined, is reviewed with the aim of providing a guideline to the veterinarian and the owner who often turns to free products sale in autonomy, unaware of the nature of the product in its microbacterial profile and not accompanied by a certificate of analysis attesting the absence of contaminants and heavy metals. Only an authentic mastery of the subject will allow, in fact, to make informed choices in favor of animal health.
The use of cannabis as an analgesic in many physiological or pathological situations dates back to more than 1500 years ago. In recent years the study of Cannabis and its active principles and their possible use at a therapeutic level has risen more and more increasing in the scientific world, also in Veterinary Medicine. In the present work, following a classification of the "Cannabinoids" topic (phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoid system), experimental studies on laboratory animals that show the presence of the endocannabinoid in the animal organism are illustrated. A presentation of the scientific literature produced on the subject "Cannabis" in Veterinary Medicine follows. Last, the normative scenario concerning both the Cannabis Therapeutics and the Cannabis Light, the latter not yet fully defined, is reviewed with the aim of providing a guideline to the veterinarian and the owner who often turns to free products sale in autonomy, unaware of the nature of the product in its microbacterial profile and not accompanied by a certificate of analysis attesting the absence of contaminants and heavy metals. Only an authentic mastery of the subject will allow, in fact, to make informed choices in favor of animal health.
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