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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-06172007-112344

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Pieraccini, Irene
A case study from PII, GE Oil & Gas: Analysis and Solutions for Historical Data Conversion, Preservation and Retention
Corso di studi
Relatore Prof. Braglia, Marcello
Relatore Ing. Pullan, Steve
Relatore Dott. Frosolini, Marco
Parole chiave
  • Data Retention
  • Ge Oil & Gas
  • Historical Data
  • PII
Data inizio appello
PII, GE Oil & Gas, facility in the UK holds a vast amount of historic pipeline inspection data which is required each time it performs a reinspection of a client’s pipeline. This data can be requested from any of its locations around the world. The inspection data is stored on old 3480 Tape Cartridges that are physically deteriorating. Besides, only a few experienced analysts remain in the company who can perform the translation re-processing tasks. For these reasons PII deemed the development of a project necessary to stablish policies for the global retention requirements of inspection data both historic and future.
The following thesis is developed basing on the case study executed during a six-month internship at PII in Cramlington. It has an introduction to learn about the reasons of the study and then is divided in six chapters. First two chapters introduce the GE business segment of the project, locations, activities and inspections technologies. In chapter 3 pictures of an inspection are reported. In chapter 4 media, software and processes used by PII for data retention and procedures for transferring data on new tapes are described. In chapters 5 and 6 the project is introduced (team, objectives, times, resources) and studies are described in detail. Then, in chapter 7 the outcomes of enquiries and the different solutions that can be developed are axpounded.