Tesi etd-06152023-222955 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
La questione ebraica nelle opere pubblicistiche e letterarie di Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz tra pregiudizi e proposte di riforma
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Tomassucci, Giovanna
Parole chiave
- anti-judaism
- antigiudaismo
- chassidismo
- frankism
- frankismo
- hasidic judaism
- jewish question in Poland
- Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz
- questione ebraica in Polonia
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
La tesi intende analizzare la complessa visione dello scrittore e politico polacco Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841) sulla questione ebraica in Polonia. Riguardo a questo argomento ci si propone di partire da coordinate storiche e biografiche per indagare le ambiguità e le contraddizioni del suo pensiero, tipiche del fronte illuminista e riformatore di cui egli faceva parte. Nei saggi e nelle opere letterarie di Niemcewicz, infatti, gli ottimistici auspici di una futura integrazione ebraica nella società polacca (espressi in particolare nei romanzi La carrozza rotta [1815-1816] e Lejbe e Siora [1820] e nel saggio in forma epistolare Lettere Lituane [1812]) coesistono con il tetro presagio che una piena assimilazione degli Israeliti sia irrealizzabile e che una loro parificazione giuridica sia destinata a provocare un futuro sovvertimento demografico e politico a danno dei cristiani. Il timore di un potenziale complotto giudaico contro la Polonia trova compiuta espressione nel pamphlet satirico Anno 3333, ovvero un sogno inusitato (1817), apparso postumo nel 1858, che non a caso diverrà una delle opere di riferimento dell’antisemitismo polacco un secolo più tardi. Nell’elaborato viene inoltre fornita una traduzione integrale del racconto Anno 3333 e di alcuni brani di altre opere di Niemcewicz, finora inedite in italiano, con una disamina linguistica e stilistica del testo e delle difficoltà traduttive.
This dissertation aims to analyse the complex outlook expressed by the Polish writer and politician Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841) on the Jewish Question in Poland. Concerning this matter, the present work seeks to begin by tracing historical and biographical coordinates, in order to explore the ambiguities and contradictions of the author’s vision, which were typical of the pro-reform and enlightened camp that he was a member of. In Niemcewicz’s essays and literary works the optimistic hopes for a future integration of the Jewish minority within Polish society (described in the novels The broken carriage [1815-1816] and Lejbe and Siora [1820] as well as in the epistolary essay Lithuanian Letters [1812]) coexist with the grim omen that a total assimilation of the Jews was indeed impossible and that granting them legal equality was bound to cause a future demographic and political subversion at the expense of the Christian population. The fear of a potential Jewish conspiracy against Poland is fully expressed in the satirical story The year 3333, or a dream unheard of (1817), published posthumously in 1858, which unsurprisingly became one the reference works of Polish anti-Semitism a century later. The dissertation also features a complete translation of the short story The year 3333 and of some excerpts from other works by Niemcewicz - yet unpublished in Italy - accompanied by a linguistic and stylistic analysis of the Polish text and by reflections on the challenges encountered during the translation process.
This dissertation aims to analyse the complex outlook expressed by the Polish writer and politician Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841) on the Jewish Question in Poland. Concerning this matter, the present work seeks to begin by tracing historical and biographical coordinates, in order to explore the ambiguities and contradictions of the author’s vision, which were typical of the pro-reform and enlightened camp that he was a member of. In Niemcewicz’s essays and literary works the optimistic hopes for a future integration of the Jewish minority within Polish society (described in the novels The broken carriage [1815-1816] and Lejbe and Siora [1820] as well as in the epistolary essay Lithuanian Letters [1812]) coexist with the grim omen that a total assimilation of the Jews was indeed impossible and that granting them legal equality was bound to cause a future demographic and political subversion at the expense of the Christian population. The fear of a potential Jewish conspiracy against Poland is fully expressed in the satirical story The year 3333, or a dream unheard of (1817), published posthumously in 1858, which unsurprisingly became one the reference works of Polish anti-Semitism a century later. The dissertation also features a complete translation of the short story The year 3333 and of some excerpts from other works by Niemcewicz - yet unpublished in Italy - accompanied by a linguistic and stylistic analysis of the Polish text and by reflections on the challenges encountered during the translation process.
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