Tesi etd-06132017-103951 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Tecniche di risoluzione alla luce della nuova normativa europea.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Cecchella, Claudio
Parole chiave
- bad bank
- bail in
- bail-in
- banca
- banca Etruria
- banca Marche
- banca ponte
- banche
- bank
- banking crisis
- banking union
- bridge bank
- cassa risparmio Chieti
- cassa risparmio Ferrara
- crediti deteriorati
- crisi
- crisi bancarie
- Direttiva 2014/59
- Meccanismo di Risoluzione Unico
- nel
- non performing loans
- quattro banche
- resolution
- Risoluzione
- sell of assets
- unione bancaria
Data inizio appello
Il presente lavoro, dopo aver ripercorso la nozione, le cause, le forme di manifestazione e le peculiarità, in termini di conseguenze ed effetti, delle crisi bancarie - che spingono da sempre i legislatori nazionali ad introdurre discipline speciali per far fronte alle crisi di questa particolare tipologia d’impresa - , si sofferma sulla dura lezione impartita dalla grande crisi del 2007, che non ha solo travolto alcune tra le principali banche a livello globale ma anche messo in luce alcuni profili problematici della disciplina fino ad allora in vigore. A seguire affronta i mutamenti della disciplina del settore introdotti soprattutto a livello europeo con la concretizzazione del progetto dell’Unione Bancaria e dei suoi tre pilastri: Meccanismo unico di vigilanza, Sistema di garanzia dei depositi europeo e Maccanismo unico di risoluzione; quest’ultimo pilastro è stato edificato su due importantissimi atti normativi europei: la Direttiva 2014/59 UE - comunemente nota come BRRD e che radicalmente modificato l’approccio alla crisi bancaria mediante l’introduzione di un procedimento suddiviso in tre fasi (pianificazione, intervento precoce e risoluzione) e la previsione di un istituto, il bail-in, nuovo e molto contestato - ed il Regolamento n. 806/2014, che ha creato una regia unica nella risoluzione delle crisi a livello di eurozona mediante l’istituzione del Single Resolution Mechanism. L’ultima parte dell’elaborato si concentra sul recepimento della BRRD nel nostro ordinamento ad opera dei D.Lgs. n. 180 e 181 del 2015 e sugli ultimi sviluppi delle problematiche che affiggono oggi il nostro sistema bancario, con grande attenzione sui NPLs.
The current thesis first of all speaks about the notion, the causes, the way it appears and the peculiars aspects, related to consequenses and effects, of the banking crisis –that is the reason why lawmakers all over the world have to enact special rugulations in order to overcome crisis of this particular kind of firm -, morover this paper deals with what we have learned by the great economical crisis of 2007, that crushed in to the most important banks and showed a lot of problems in the rules in effect at the time, and the radical changes in the european-banking-law-system by the project of European Banking Union; the structure of Banking Union is composed by three pillars: Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Europea Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) and Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), the last one is based on two main European Union Law: the Directive 2014/59 EU, well-known as BRRD (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive), that has changed the approach to banking crisis by the spawn of procedure split in three phases (planification, early intervention and resolution) and the estabilishment of a new and controversial institution - the bail-in -, and the Regulation n.806/2014 that has created the Single Resolution Mechanism able to manage in centralized way banking crisis. At the end, this essay is focused on the way the italian government and parliament had recognised the BRRD with D.Lgs. nn. 180 e 181 of 2015, and it’s about the last proposal and idea on the problems related to our banking system, especially non-performing-loans.
The current thesis first of all speaks about the notion, the causes, the way it appears and the peculiars aspects, related to consequenses and effects, of the banking crisis –that is the reason why lawmakers all over the world have to enact special rugulations in order to overcome crisis of this particular kind of firm -, morover this paper deals with what we have learned by the great economical crisis of 2007, that crushed in to the most important banks and showed a lot of problems in the rules in effect at the time, and the radical changes in the european-banking-law-system by the project of European Banking Union; the structure of Banking Union is composed by three pillars: Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Europea Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) and Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), the last one is based on two main European Union Law: the Directive 2014/59 EU, well-known as BRRD (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive), that has changed the approach to banking crisis by the spawn of procedure split in three phases (planification, early intervention and resolution) and the estabilishment of a new and controversial institution - the bail-in -, and the Regulation n.806/2014 that has created the Single Resolution Mechanism able to manage in centralized way banking crisis. At the end, this essay is focused on the way the italian government and parliament had recognised the BRRD with D.Lgs. nn. 180 e 181 of 2015, and it’s about the last proposal and idea on the problems related to our banking system, especially non-performing-loans.
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