Tesi etd-06042024-221902 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
On the Neuropsychological Correlates of the Morphosyntax/Semantics Interface: an Experimental Study on Italian Patients
Corso di studi
relatore Romagno, Domenica
correlatore Marzi, Claudia
correlatore Pirrelli, Vito
correlatore Marzi, Claudia
correlatore Pirrelli, Vito
Parole chiave
- Brain Damage
- Interface
- Morphosyntax
- Neurolinguistics
- Semantics
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
La tesi rappresenta una delle prime applicazioni cliniche della Batteria per lo studio dell’Interfaccia tra Semantica e Morfosintassi in italiano pubblicata da Romagno, Busso ed Elce nel 2020. Il primo capitolo è volto a porre le basi teoriche del lavoro, illustrando le principali tematiche scientifiche oggetto di indagine all’interno della BISMoS e chiarendo la prospettiva adottata circa l’interpretazione dei fenomeni studiati. Il secondo capitolo esamina dettagliatamente la batteria, illustrando i compiti, il loro razionale e il protocollo di somministrazione degli stimoli. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato al resoconto dell’analisi clinica condotta dalla candidata presso l’ambulatorio di neurologia cerebrovascolare dell’ospedale Santa Chiara di Pisa, che ha compreso un campione di dodici soggetti affetti da ictus ischemico risultante in lesioni nel territorio di pertinenza del primo tratto dell’arteria cerebrale media (M1). Il quarto capitolo approfondisce il caso particolarmente interessante di un paziente che ha mostrato dissociazioni sistematiche nell’elaborazione delle categorie di nome e verbo ed è stato quindi nuovamente testato su stimoli mirati elaborati dalla candidata sotto la supervisione dei prof. Romagno, Marzi e Pirrelli.
The thesis represents one of the first clinical applications of the Battery for the Study of the Interface between Semantics and Morphosyntax in Italian published by Romagno, Busso and Elce in 2020. The first chapter is aimed at laying the theoretical foundations of the work, illustrating the main scientific themes investigated within BISMoS and clarifying the perspective adopted regarding the interpretation of the studied phenomena. The second chapter examines the battery in detail, illustrating the tasks, their rationale and the stimulus administration protocol. The third chapter is dedicated to the report of the clinical analysis carried out by the candidate at the cerebrovascular neurology clinic of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa, which included a sample of twelve subjects affected by ischemic stroke resulting in lesions in the area of the first tract of the middle cerebral artery (M1). The fourth chapter delves into the particularly interesting case of a patient who showed systematic dissociations in the processing of noun and verb categories and was therefore tested again on targeted stimuli developed by the candidate under the supervision of Professors Romagno, Marzi and Pirrelli.
The thesis represents one of the first clinical applications of the Battery for the Study of the Interface between Semantics and Morphosyntax in Italian published by Romagno, Busso and Elce in 2020. The first chapter is aimed at laying the theoretical foundations of the work, illustrating the main scientific themes investigated within BISMoS and clarifying the perspective adopted regarding the interpretation of the studied phenomena. The second chapter examines the battery in detail, illustrating the tasks, their rationale and the stimulus administration protocol. The third chapter is dedicated to the report of the clinical analysis carried out by the candidate at the cerebrovascular neurology clinic of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa, which included a sample of twelve subjects affected by ischemic stroke resulting in lesions in the area of the first tract of the middle cerebral artery (M1). The fourth chapter delves into the particularly interesting case of a patient who showed systematic dissociations in the processing of noun and verb categories and was therefore tested again on targeted stimuli developed by the candidate under the supervision of Professors Romagno, Marzi and Pirrelli.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |