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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-06042020-104545

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Equivariant intersection theory and algebraic tori
Corso di studi
relatore Vistoli, Angelo
Parole chiave
  • algebraic tori
  • characteristic classes
  • equivariant Chow rings
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
The aim of my thesis is to give an introduction to equivariant intersection theory, as developed by Burt Totaro, Dan Edidin and William Graham. I will give the basic theoretical notions, expose some known example and finally try to do some calculation for non-split tori, which do not seem to have been treated in the literature.
If G is an algebraic group over a field k, denote by A(G) the equivariant Chow ring of G acting on Spec(k); this is what Totaro calls the Chow ring of the classifying space of G.
I have studied the basis of intersection theory in W. Fulton's book; then I have read some of the foundational papers in equivariant intersection theory, such as The Chow ring of a classifying space, by B. Totaro, Equivariant intersection theory, by D. Edidin and W. Graham, and On the Chow ring of classifying spaces for classical groups. Thus I have learned many standard technique for computing
Chow rings of classifying spaces. The first few chapters of my thesis will consist of an exposition of this theory, and then of a review of the calculation of A(G) in some known case, such as that of GLn;On.
Then I will try to compute A(T) for some simple algebraic tori T over k. The case in which T is totally split is well understood; I have been looking at permutation tori, i.e., tori that come by Weil restriction from a finite separable field extension k'/k. In this case the Chow ring A^*_T is equal to the subring of invariants of the character ring X(T) by the action of the Galois group Gal(k'/k).