Tesi etd-06042007-122643 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Pistelli, Irene
Un modello di analisi dei rischi ai sensi del D.Lgs. 231/01 applicato a un'azienda farmaceutica
Corso di studi
Relatore Mirandola, Roberto
Relatore Dulmin, Riccardo
Relatore Dulmin, Riccardo
Parole chiave
- 231/01
- responsabilità
Data inizio appello
Data di rilascio
Il D.Lgs. n. 231 dell’8 Giugno 2001 “Disciplina della responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche, delle società e delle associazioni anche prive di personalità giuridica, a norma dell’art. 11 della legge 29 settembre 2000, n. 300” scardina l’antico dogma societas delinquere non potest per far posto ad un nuovo principio secondo cui societas delinquere et puniri potest. In sintesi, se un dipendente commette un reato tra quelli previsti, nell’ipotesi che esso sia compiuto nell’interesse o a vantaggio dell’azienda di appartenenza, questa può essere ritenuta responsabile dell’illecito e può incorrere, se viene dimostrata l’inidoneità degli strumenti di prevenzione adottati, in sanzioni così pesanti che potrebbero pregiudicarne la continuità. Questa tesi illustra il progetto di adeguamento a quanto previsto dal Decreto in un’industria farmaceutica. Il settore farmaceutico, vista la complessità e la tipologia di mercato in cui opera, richiede alle aziende un’analisi particolarmente estensiva delle proprie operazioni ai fini dell’applicazione del Decreto. In particolare viene qui affrontata la definizione del Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo, strumento da adottare per ottenere un efficace grado di prevenzione e controllo sulle attività dell’azienda, a partire dall’analisi dei rischi connessi alla commissione dei reati previsti.
Decree 231 of June 8, 2001, “Administrative liability of juridical persons, corporations, and associations, even without juridical personalities, according to Art. 11 of Law n. 300 dated September 29, 2000 [translated by author],” replaces the old societas delinquere non potest dogma with the new societas delinquere et puniri potest principle. Briefly, in the event that an employee commits a crime as established by the law in the company’s interest or advantage, the company itself can be held responsible for said crime with possible penal sanctions so heavy that could suspend its activity if it is proven that the crime prevention instruments put in place were not adequate. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the conceptual design and the implementation of the instruments foreseen in such law in a pharmaceutical company.
Given its complexity and the characteristics of its market, the pharmaceutical industry offers an excellent opportunity to observe a complete application of the tools foreseen in such law. In particular the thesis defines the Organisation, Management and Control Model, an instrument that can be implemented for an effective level of prevention and control of company activity, beginning with a risk analysis of the foreseen crimes.
Decree 231 of June 8, 2001, “Administrative liability of juridical persons, corporations, and associations, even without juridical personalities, according to Art. 11 of Law n. 300 dated September 29, 2000 [translated by author],” replaces the old societas delinquere non potest dogma with the new societas delinquere et puniri potest principle. Briefly, in the event that an employee commits a crime as established by the law in the company’s interest or advantage, the company itself can be held responsible for said crime with possible penal sanctions so heavy that could suspend its activity if it is proven that the crime prevention instruments put in place were not adequate. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the conceptual design and the implementation of the instruments foreseen in such law in a pharmaceutical company.
Given its complexity and the characteristics of its market, the pharmaceutical industry offers an excellent opportunity to observe a complete application of the tools foreseen in such law. In particular the thesis defines the Organisation, Management and Control Model, an instrument that can be implemented for an effective level of prevention and control of company activity, beginning with a risk analysis of the foreseen crimes.
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Abstract.pdf | 7.09 Kb |
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