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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-06022017-180521

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Glottodidattica ludica ed insegnamento precoce delle lingue
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Coppola, Daria Carmina
Parole chiave
  • acquisizione
  • apprendimento
  • glottodidattica
  • lingue straniere
  • ludico
Data inizio appello
Learning a new language needs a considerable effort for the learner and often the process create obstacles, barriers which compromise the success: use a playful approach to complete traditional didactic activities means not only incourage a creative and spontaneous use of language, but also to promote communication in an opportune and diversified context.
The playful approach is not an exclusive characteristic of language didactics to children and teenagers, but it is proposed to different type of learners in order to motivate and support them during the process of learning another language.
1975 mark the turnpoint in linguistic education in Italy: if teaching has always been considered prevalent to learning, the “ 10 tesi sull'educazione linguistica democratica” paper published by GISCEL (GISCEL 1975) put finally on the spot learners and the learning process, recongnising importance/ need to adjust teaching to their pace and time. The paper put the accent from that day on on the contrast among traditional pedagogy, which is the cause of damage and descriminate low classes. Flexibility of new pedagogy, cornerstone indisputable of democratic linguistic education, it would not be , instead the teacher focus on ultimate function of language use: the communicative power, premise of any concrete democracy.
Just few years before 1975, in USA and Europe, an alternative teaching methodology spread, the communicative and affective approach which recongnise the complexity and difficulty of educational path of the learner in acquisitional linguistic and point out the wellness of learners.
Due to this shift of the cornerstone of didactic act of the teacher, from him/her as the source of inscrutable knowledge, to the learner known as binomial of body-mind, a new concept of language, become instrument to interact in specific linguistic-cultural contexts, following the path of the project “Lingue Moderne” of European Council and the spread of notional-functional methodology. (Diadori et alumni, 2009). Today, after fourty years, the effect recognized to inner factors such as motivation, age, cognitive styles, attitude, emotional factors, and the kind of intelligence or intelligences, (Balboni, 2015) push teachers to project new different kind of didactic activities which can satisfied linguistic-comunicative needs of learners from every kind, whom teachers operate. From this point of view, playful approach symbolizes a proper answer to the troubles of multilevel and multiethnic classes (Caon 2006); this approach, it is not only a characteristic of context of children and youngers but enrich adult and young adults teaching contexts.
The first chapter of this work examines the thoerical basis of the traditional view of the teaching foreign languages with a peculiar approach to neurolinguistics, acquisition and learning, communicative and affective approach; the methods derived from theories, some of them still used at school.
The second chapter instead, centred on teaching foreign languages with playful approach, look deeply into its structure, methodology as well as technological and virtual revolution of this century.
In the third chapter, the playful approach become concrete into a project devoloped in four classes: one part of the whole class followed traditional teaching methods, vs the other followed new method, where the approach illustrated in previous chapter came to life through traditional teaching playful activities, to new experimental method with activities on-line and social networks.
The research would like to investigate the use of new teaching methods supported by technology would be helpful to the teacher and learners, if it elevates the learning process to a new level; which one or ones of the intelligences in Garden's approach will develop thank to playful activities or not.