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Digital archive of theses discussed at the University of Pisa


Thesis etd-05202018-130246

Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
A Validation Procedure for a NWP-based Radar Signal Simulator
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof. Facheris, Luca
tutor Prof. Berizzi, Fabrizio
tutor Dott. Cuccoli, Fabrizio
commissario Prof. Tourneret, Jean-Yves
commissario Prof. Balleri, Alessio
commissario Prof. De Maio, Antonio
commissario Prof. Gini, Fulvio
  • Doppler Radar
  • Meteorological Radar
  • Radar Polarimetry
  • Radar signal Processing Validation
  • Simulation software
Graduation session start date
A simulator of weather radar signals can be exploited as a useful reference for many applications, such as weather forecasting and now-casting models or training for aircraft trajectory optimization to reduce flight hazard. However, before being used, it must be examined in different extreme conditions, in order to evaluate the consistency of the outputs produced. Here, a validation procedure for a Numerical Weather Prediction-based simulator is presented. The goal of this work is to provide reliable references and objective thresholds to assess the simulator tasks without using qualitative methods, usually employed for this scope. To create a multi-steps chain that could assess the capabilities of the simulator to manage each kind of possible inputs: from theoretical data to real acquisitions, the simulator behavior has been studied in different conditions. The procedure is composed of four different approaches, providing each time a connection between meteorological inputs and the simulated radar observables.

The techniques proposed can be theoretically applied to any kind of NWP-based simulator but in this context have been modeled on POWERS architecture. POWERS is a Polarimetric Weather Radar Simulator developed by Lischi et al. into the framework of the Cleansky EU program (KLEAN and X-Wald projects) to point out the remarkable benefits that polarimetry could bring to the new generation of avionic weather radar systems with important impact on flight safety and sustainability.