Tesi etd-05202011-125553 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Development of advanced services for a DVB-IP scenario
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Pagano, Michele
tutor Prof. Rincón Rivera, David
relatore Prof. Giordano, Stefano
tutor Prof. Rincón Rivera, David
relatore Prof. Giordano, Stefano
Parole chiave
- CoD
- RTP Retransmission
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Partendo da un’infrastruttura di rete dotata di antenne satellitari e terrestri, di due server equipaggiati con schede DVB-T e DVB-S, di una rete LAN ad alta capacità e di un client equipaggiato con sistema operativo open source (Linux Ubuntu), lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di implementare alcuni moduli di uno scenario di simulazione di una rete DVB-IP basata sullo standard ETSI. In particolare si è sviluppato un meccanismo di protezione dei flussi audio/video per servizi Live Media Broadcast (LMB) attraverso la ritrasmissione dei pacchetti persi basandosi sulle specifiche RTP Retransmission del DVB-IP, affiancando questo modulo ad un’altra tecnica di protezione del flusso già esistente nello scenario, la AL-FEC (Application Layer – Forward Error Correction) basic layer , basata sulle specifiche SMPTE. L’altro principale modulo sviluppato è stato un servizio di Content on Demand (CoD) tra server e client attraverso l’utilizzo di software open source, in particolare della piattaforma Live555 Server e delle sue librerie. In entrambi i casi, i flussi video utilizzati nello scenario e analizzati attraverso applicativi del pacchetto software Video4Linux (dvbstream), sono codificati nel formato MPEG-2 Transport Stream, così come specificato dallo standard per servizi DVB-IP.
Starting from a network infrastructure equipped with terrestrial and satellite antennas, two server equipped with DVB-T and DVB-S cards, an high-capacity LAN network and a client running Linux Ubuntu, the aim of this work has been the implementation of some pending modules of a simulation scenario of a DVB-IP-based network following the ETSI standard. Particularly, it has been decided to develop a video/audio flow protection technique for Live Media Broadcast services through the retransmission of lost packet following the DVB-IP RTP Retransmission specifics, placing it side by side to another flow protection mechanism already present in the scenario, that is the AL-FEC (Application Layer- Forward Error Correction) basic layer, based on the SMPTE specifics. The other main module developed was a Content on Demand (CoD) service among server and client through the use of the open source platform Live555 Server and its libraries. For both cases, the flows utilized in the scenario and analyzed with tools of the package Video4Linux (dvbstream), are coded with MPEG-2 Transport Stream, as specified by the standard for DVB-IP services.
Starting from a network infrastructure equipped with terrestrial and satellite antennas, two server equipped with DVB-T and DVB-S cards, an high-capacity LAN network and a client running Linux Ubuntu, the aim of this work has been the implementation of some pending modules of a simulation scenario of a DVB-IP-based network following the ETSI standard. Particularly, it has been decided to develop a video/audio flow protection technique for Live Media Broadcast services through the retransmission of lost packet following the DVB-IP RTP Retransmission specifics, placing it side by side to another flow protection mechanism already present in the scenario, that is the AL-FEC (Application Layer- Forward Error Correction) basic layer, based on the SMPTE specifics. The other main module developed was a Content on Demand (CoD) service among server and client through the use of the open source platform Live555 Server and its libraries. For both cases, the flows utilized in the scenario and analyzed with tools of the package Video4Linux (dvbstream), are coded with MPEG-2 Transport Stream, as specified by the standard for DVB-IP services.
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