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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-05192022-153420

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Implementation of a virtual interactive simulator for robotic colonoscopy.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Ciuti, Gastone
controrelatore Prof. Ferrari, Vincenzo
Parole chiave
  • Air insufflation
  • Colonoscopia robotica
  • Colonoscopy simulator
  • insufflaggio d'aria
  • Peristalsi
  • Peristalsis
  • Robotic Colonoscopy
  • Simulatore per colonoscopia
  • Simulatore virtuale
  • Virtual simulator
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
In recent years, the interest in virtual simulators of medical applications has grown because they enable (1) the testing of new biomedical devices in controlled and repeatable settings and (2) the training of clinicians to perform procedures that require dexterity and a high mental load.
The realism of these platforms is a key point for a correct translation of the results obtained in simulation to the real case scenario. To this end, an interactive virtual simulator for robotic colonoscopy, based on the SOFA (Simulation Open Framework Architecture) and Unity game engine, has been developed (as part of the Marie Curie project Atlas). This platform simulates the real mechanical properties of the intestinal tissues and the collisions between the tip of colonoscope (or the capsule) and the walls of the colon. The contribution of this thesis is the integration in the simulator described above of two important features related to the deformation of the colon, affecting the robotic colonoscopy procedure: (1) peristalsis and (2) expansion (contraction) due to air insufflation (suction). Indeed, emulating the behaviour of the colon related to peristaltic motion and air insufflation is necessary to increase the realism of the platform and helps to face the possible situations that occur during real colonoscopy procedures. In this context, the peristalsis is implemented as continuous pressure waves travelling along the whole length of the colon. Whereas, air insufflation/suction is performed by applying a surface pressure to the walls of the colon close to the tip of the colonoscope. Its magnitude can be regulated by the doctor as in the standard colonoscopy. As a final step, the platform was validated by a medical team. In particular, the degree of realism achieved by the simulator and the truthfulness of the models were assessed.