Tesi etd-05182017-020944 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
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Comparison of Laparotomic Versus Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in bitches of different sizes: a study based on our experience.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Vannozzi, Iacopo
relatore Dott. Barsotti, Giovanni
controrelatore Dott.ssa Briganti, Angela
relatore Dott. Barsotti, Giovanni
controrelatore Dott.ssa Briganti, Angela
Parole chiave
- bitches
- Body condition score
- laparoscopy
- laparotomy
- ovariectomy
- size
Data inizio appello
Laparotomic ovariectomy (OVE) is a routine surgical procedure for neutering in the female dogs. Nevertheless, laparoscopic ovariectomy has already conquered the world and has become an era, even though is a younger surgical technique. The present study was conducted to evaluate the possible differences or complications in the operative time between bitches of different sizes and body condition scores (BCS). The comparison was made between laparotomy and two-hole laparoscopy in 24 bitches divided in two unequal groups (8 in laparotomy and 16 in laparoscopy).
The age, the weight, the BCS and the surgery duration were recorded in both groups. Heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure, temperature and the complications were recorded in hole intraoperative time of every surgery. All the surgeries have been performed by the same surgeon at the hospital of the Department of Clinical Veterinary Science in Pisa University. The mean operative time was found lower in laparotomy and blood pressure was in many cases higher in laparoscopy. In conclusion, laparotomy and laparoscopy seems to be equal enough, having their advantages and disadvantages like any operation. However, the choice should not be about the preferable procedure as a type, but it should be based on which is the better choice for the necessities of every female dog.
The age, the weight, the BCS and the surgery duration were recorded in both groups. Heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure, temperature and the complications were recorded in hole intraoperative time of every surgery. All the surgeries have been performed by the same surgeon at the hospital of the Department of Clinical Veterinary Science in Pisa University. The mean operative time was found lower in laparotomy and blood pressure was in many cases higher in laparoscopy. In conclusion, laparotomy and laparoscopy seems to be equal enough, having their advantages and disadvantages like any operation. However, the choice should not be about the preferable procedure as a type, but it should be based on which is the better choice for the necessities of every female dog.
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